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  May 2020 Ikimi Festus
I wanted to give you my everything but I realized that I don't owe you that
I think that if you really loved me you'd be happy with me giving you nothing
Nothing tangible

But even so, I'd give you my heart if I could
I'd literally rip it out with my bare hands and give it to you
but my hands wouldn't work without my heart and I know you wouldn't take it on your own

I'd give you the sun, take it out of the sky and put a big ribbon on it
if it's absence wouldn't leave the world and everyone in it cold and lifeless
And maybe even then I still would

I'd give you the very breath out of my lungs as long as you used it to sigh

You told me you loved it when I sighed
I sighed when you told me you loved me
I guess this is a sort of paradox

I think the whole love thing is a sort of paradox
The only way out I know is out of your front door
because you pushed me towards it so many times

But I got lost in your lips
when I was trying to tell you everything
until I realized that I don't owe you that
  May 2020 Ikimi Festus
Javier Garza
A walking paradox
That is who I am
With a fiery passion that blazes within me
That shines through the darkness
A fire that burns me inside

But alas, that fire meets it's counterpart
The cold, dark ice that freezes from inside my soul
The icy storm that roars in my eyes
So cold and dead
This ice freezes my blood

My life is but a paradox
With two at war
The flaming passion that drives me forward
And the cold ice that freezes me in the past

When passion and hate clash within a soul
What is to be expected?
A burning inferno of passion?
That sets the world ablaze
Or a cold storm that wrecks havoc and chaos?
That freezes all in its path?

My life is but a paradox
I try to move forward
But I'm too lost in the past to make any progress

As fire and ice clash,
These cold eyes see all
This burning heart feels all
Which is stronger?
The burning will to live?
Or the cold, analytical desire for destruction?
This is my living Paradox
  May 2020 Ikimi Festus
Valentine Mbagu
When the struggles and grudges of life weakens me down to my bones and marrows,
And l have none to strengthen me;
The grace of praise l embrace will quicken and be my strength.
When the devil fires an arrow of sorrow towards me,
ln order to narrow my passion for the vision of my mission in life;
The grace of praise l embrace will be my shield.

When the challenges and pains of life groomed in fears,
Strains my heart to rain down tears;
And l have none to comfort me;
The grace of praise l embrace will be my comfort.
When life seems so tough and my challenges becomes too hot to bear,
And l have none to bear my burdens with me;
The grace of praise l embrace will be my refuge.

When my enemies channels their weapons of destruction and distraction towards me,
ln order for me to leave my dreams, visions and life ambitions unpushed,
The grace of praise l embrace will shield me and inspire me never to retire until l am discovered.

When l am frustrated, distressed and stressed in the battles of life,
And l have none to console or encourage me to move ahead;
The grace of praise l embrace will be my fortress and my solace.
When my feet becomes feeble in the faculty of life,
And l have none to uphold me to be strong;
The grace of praise l embrace will be my strength and shelter.

When temptation, trials and tribulation engulfs me like a mother hen engulfs her chicks,
And l have none to unveil me;
The grace of praise l embrace will unveil me and announce me to my world.
When l am battered, shattered and scattered in the battles of life,
And l have none to come to my rescue;
The grace of praise l embrace will gather me up and put me together.

When l kneel before the creator and maker of heaven and earth in prayer,
And l know not how to present my matters before him;
The grace of praise l embrace will speak on my behalf.
When l am knocked down on my feet by the struggles and battles of this life,
And l have none to raise me up;
The grace of praise l embrace will raise me up.
  May 2020 Ikimi Festus
In my prayers, to the Lord I speak.
I ask him to forgive me, every night of the week.
My loved ones are happy, cause I am free.
Thank you Lord, I finally see.

In my prayers to the Lord I ask.
Care for my family, while I tend to my task.
Help me to understand, teach me the way.
Thank you Lord, I'm reborn today.

In my prayers, I rejoice in your name.
You are the bright light, the burning flame.
I've stayed so silent, behind these hidden eyes.
Thank you Lord, for hearing my cries.

In my prayers, It is you I praise.
You are my salvation, for the rest of my days.
You died for me, you died for him.
Thank you Lord, Dying for all the sin.

In my prayers, I beg of you.
Bless my family, in all they do.
I think that is all, I have to say.
Thank you Lord, In your name I pray.

  May 2020 Ikimi Festus
Mayuri Kende
Sometimes I pray with all my soul,
To the God I believe in,
Knowing that those prayers are futile,
But my heart is a vagabond who gives its whole,
For those prayers which make me feel they might come true, for a while.
I wish for it, I pray for it,
Even when I know I won’t get it.
Yet my heart gets hauled towards only those wishes,
Which I know are futile,
The prayers which make me feel they might come true, for a while.
So I permit my heart to employ these prayers,
And talk to the God I believe in.
I let Him only listen and let my heart free,
Knowing that its a prisoner who can never be set free.
When I say these prayers,
There is a ease of pain, sense of relief.
Knowing these feelings will leave,
My adamant heart still prays which is futile,
The prayers which make me feel they might come true, for a while.
At times I sense that I am addicted to these prayers,
These futile prayers coax me towards them,
Make my heart a wayfarer who prays,
Only the prayers which make me feel they might come true, for a while.
to those unanswered wishes, the ones which we know can never be answered...yet we pray....
  May 2020 Ikimi Festus
Kathryn Heim
Prayers for our spirits
prayers for our souls
speak volumes about
the faith that we chose.

Prayers for the living
prayers for the dead
exist and breathe
in the words being said.

Prayers of thanksgiving
prayers of praise
enrich our lives
through God's
sacred ways.

Prayers of penance
prayers of remorse
give God a chance
to alter our course.

Prayers for no reason
prayers any time
are hard to say
and harder to find.
  May 2020 Ikimi Festus
Happiness begins with blessings from heavens above,
Happiness begins with all that I prayed for,
Happiness begins with what every man dreams of,
My true happiness only begins with your love...

Happiness begins with sacrificing my whole life,
Happiness begins with bidding loneliness goodbye;
Happiness begins with crying all my tears away,
My true happiness only begins with you everyday...

It's no question true happiness may not sound real,
Something very hard to wait for and keep still,
But you are the one who gave me something to feel,
True happiness began with you as the Lord revealed.

Happiness begins with declaring your arms my home,
Happiness begins with no need in being all alone,
Happiness begins with companion who believes in us,
My true happiness only begins with earning your trust...

It's no question true happiness may not sound real,
Something very hard to wait for and keep still,
But you are the one who gave me something to feel,
True happiness began with you as the Lord revealed.

Happiness begins with a virtuous woman with grace,
Happiness begins with putting a smile your pretty face,
Happiness begins with finally finding soulmate like you,
My true happiness only begins with saying I do...

Happiness begins saying I do...

Mmm, baby, yes, I do...
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