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588 · Jan 2018
doesn't take much
austin Jan 2018
it doesn't take much
to be a true friend

it doesn't take years
to do something right

it doesn't take much strength
to reach out and help

it does take a real villian
to hurt those who care

it takes vile crudeness
to make one feel dead

or long to be
be real
582 · Jan 2018
next time
austin Jan 2018
next time, back up instead of shove
you never know how close someone might be
to the edge of their personal cliffs
405 · Jan 2018
austin Jan 2018
i am speechless

i am speechless at the thought of you
your care
               your words
                                 your smile
                                                         your potential.
bridges have fallen
                            crashed down
a home ransacked
                                          put in ruins

my heart melted from blind love


your heart remained privately unyielding
                         toxically and stealthily.

i am speechless
saying less is sometimes smart
373 · Jan 2018
your ♥ is a garden
austin Jan 2018
roses are red
violets are blue
glad my fate doesn't belong to you
marigolds are orange
daffodils are yellow
if you truly knew me you wouldn't be so mellow
daylilies are green
my rose has crumbled black
i hope you find the genuine love you lack
be careful what gets into your garden. protect it and plant the right plants
202 · Jan 2018
the world
austin Jan 2018
You see you, you see a girl
I see you, I see the world

I see the world so deep in your glacé brown eyes
I see a world so bright like luminous fireflies

I hear your laughter echoing in the night
I feel your soft hands hold on to mine tight

The way that your voice makes me smile inside
Could send me to heaven and be unsatisfied

Long after the sun sets you’re still in my mind
Hopefully tomorrow you’re this easy to find

Because before the sun sets we must say goodbye
And dream of the next time that we’ll be side by side

©Austin Hoopes
school creative writing contest winning piece
194 · Jan 2018
austin Jan 2018
it ebbs, it flows
it can be invisible, intangible.
yet it can be the most powerful
and saving grace

— The End —