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Sometimes my mind is a broken record
My thoughts stuck on repeat
I've been trying to fix it
unstick it
bring it back
to playing music
glorious symphonies
but usually it just takes time
and in that wait
I must listen
to the pain
of my yesterdays
over and over
screaming for help
and I know that that pain is over
but it is the only thing I can hear
it becomes so real
  Oct 2017 An artist in making
Star BG
All pain makes you stronger. It is a matter of how you look at it.
Let your experiences support your growth and they will perpetuate you into no suffering just gratitude just love of life.
Inspired by Artist in The Making -- Thanks
I am only beginning to imagine
our futures separate
that our paths won't cross again
Not in the way they did
realizing that we shall never be
was quite a task
for someone who not so long ago
didn't think our path would ever diverge
Lately the only thing I'm interested in is putting myself down
telling myself that I am NOT good enough
treating myself with less respect than I would ever treat anyone else
I don't even give myself the time of day
Just drowning out my thoughts
because they arent worth listening to

No matter what decision I make
I come around to say
It was probably the wrong one
There are many girls out there
with unloving fathers
I am not special in that regard
The difference is
I was always told that he did love me
And maybe in some way he did
But he was never able to show it

...if he really did

So I grew up believing
that the apathetic man
who rarely took interest in me
or the things I cared about
and constantly tore me down
with every mistake I made
was the epidemy of love

I learned to trust words over actions
somewhere deep down
I always knew his actions didn't line up
but you can do anything to convince yourself of love
I am beginning to learn what love is
But am broken down
By finding first what love isn't
I have been telling myself for a while
That I never loved him and I never will

But if I don't love him
Then why do I have to bite my tongue
to keep those words from crawling out my lips
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