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 Nov 2016 Henri Words
You played your cards and played them Right,
You should be proud, you won the Fight

You bit the bullet, just like superman Would
SO Funny Lots of folks never thought you Could

They placed your name in print, trying to throw you Down
When all was said and done, They were looking like a Clown

Now for the main attraction, Let's cut the Cake,
SO you can show the world you  have what it Takes
 Nov 2016 Henri Words
 Nov 2016 Henri Words
A word of ancient making
but in resurrecting now
bursts in meaning..
Wyrd iterates to Weird
a uniqueness in extreme..
Not a fixed uniqueness
but one which is happening..
A momentary identity
living within and
made of Freedom..
Wyrd.. my friends
is who I am
a name which colors
for just now
my Freedom
infinite and luminous...
The words have stopped,
The music aint flowing,
There's been the death of a lady's man,
The death of one Leonard Cohen.
Leonard died today. He was such an inspiration to me. Saw him in concert severals times, the last, two years ago. He was a novelist, literary critic, academic, poet, lyracist, songwriter, and so much more. We've lost one of the greatest voices of our contemporary world.
Death of a Lady's Man is the title track of one of his LPs.
He walked the streets a begger
they buried him like a king
he played a six string guitar
he wore no golden ring

She had the voice of angels
survived a valley called death
then fearing no evil
she passed every test

They wrote the songs with sunsets
they walked the line together
they stood in a ring of fire
in love they burned forever
Tribute to Johnny Cash and June Carter
 Sep 2016 Henri Words
JK Cabresos
Imaginary friend,
indefinite existence of events,
hoping to be reversible.
 Sep 2016 Henri Words
JK Cabresos
Alone in the room,
my hands are stained
with poetry.
 Sep 2016 Henri Words
Ma Cherie
Speaking of broken hearts
and mended fenced in mem'ries  
I am painting skies
of tangerine, saffron
& an illuminated lilac hue
against the starkly contrasted crisp cornflower blue, stretching canvas that is
along with all the
other blindingly beautiful colors of a twilight sky

And those dripping cotton candy stratospheric clouds
Ice crystals freezing into supercooled
water droplets
Streaking the sky in cirrus whispers
..I hear them whisper, "hello"...

Blinding beauty
through unadulterated sunlight
I am fleeced like a lamb
watching in awe, wonder
then stomping sounds
of coming thunder,

Finding depth and height
out  in the stratosphere
Blinded by the
After Light
or afterglow
affected by the amount of haze
I'm in a daze I am reaching

High above the fading light
of a brilliant early fall sunset
I take a big breath
of that sumptuous air
and twirl my skirted legs
my painted toes
where I know
I am back
to solid ground

Appreciating the last time
I say sleep well
to you  my dear
summertimes sweet mem'ries
and the fun we had this year.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
Wow....idk. Felt inspired.
i am a mere word of this page
and you are the phrases i admire most that i can't have.
at least give me a proof of sentence,
that i am still part of your paragraph.
i've never thought that this boundless sea of whiteness
can be so lonesome.
the large gap between us and other words,
feels like the vastness of the ocean,
drowning me in and out of the pages.*

the untold story of the lonely word
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