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I don't wear makeup.
I don't want to.
I don't want a pretty face,
Smiling and nodding,
Lulling you into a false sense of security.

Children are being ****** out by their own parents!
People are being murdered by the officials meant to protect them!
There are people so scared of their emotions they would rather die than confront them!

And you're ****** because I don't meet the beauty standards you adopted from our society?

Everyone is being forced to say sorry
And smile
And giggle
To make themselves and others believe that the superficial problems they face are dire
And that when they solve that they've accomplished something
And that everyone is just swell.

Not me.

I'm more blessed than I'll ever know
More fortunate than I'll ever appreciate and I'll do my best to save everyone,
To fix what is wrong.

So if I become over zealous
And ***** up my face
And disturb you
And force you to reconstruct your worldview
I'm not apologizing

And if you hope to take solace on beauty afterwards
To seek comfort on the familiar
My face still won't be made up
Constructive criticism appreciated
I want you to help me
I want you to care
I want you to show me you are really there

I'm screaming out for you
I thought I was different
But you ignore me too

We are so similar
we could be friends
but you ignore me, is this how it ends.

I want to turn back time
to a time when you cared
I want you to know me
I want you to care
I want you to show me you are really there

I'm talking to you
show me you are there
When you are sick
Stuck on bed rest
That blue is what keeps you alive
That liquid blue
The blue that eases all the pain
The blue that goes down so soothingly
Liquid blue
Blue like the ocean you'll never swim in
Blue like the sky you'll never touch
Blue like the tears that roll
If you don't have it
Hush now, the calm breeze whispered,
And ripples twirled on the stagnant sea.
The surviving boat stands in the mist.
So does a traveler on it.
Almost a shadow,
A mere existence of wanderlust,
There is only one God,
He repeats under his breath,
Like a mantra,
As it slowly polishes his rusted heart.

The sun lost its horizon
And dives in the heart of-
A lover.
Leaving darkness with hope.

The traveler knows,
His soul was made for prayer.
That the eternal bliss waits
With light and freedom.

O’ beloved, you are not just a dust in this universe.
For we all may be made out of soil,
The lord still takes you as his friend.

Death-is an inevitable sweet escape.
That was told.
An open secret,
Known to all
Yet, he is alone.
Rest has ran away from their graves,
Even if the sky formed celestial waves,
They won’t be saved.

My signs lie in your silence,
When you utter a word.
I flow like the stream,
Of your solid dreams.
Know me, my lover,
For I am near.
Nearer than your jugular veins
If only you felt me.

All the fallen stars in this ocean
Now knows what is within him.
The boat that keeps him afloat
Understands its companion
Lives with insanity
For no one talks in his sleep
So passionately.

Everything is alive,
Living and breathing
With your heartbeat
A constant hint-
Trying to capture your senses,
For your love is its only desire.
A walk back home,
Mother, older in number,
but perfection and love retained.
Father, his usual stringent posture
arched to form a hug.
Sister, her voice resounding happiness,
Translating into dancing, singing, yelling.
Me? Teary eyed. Tears of happiness.

A walk back alone,
Into my cerulean room,
The azure curtains still hang,
Wrinkled from THE night’s frustration.
On the cobalt coverlet still lay,
Tear stains which narrate me a forgotten story.
Hidden inside my teal cupboard,
I find lost love’s fake promises.
Me? Teary eyed. Tears of blues.

A walk in dreams,
At crossroads, I meet an angel.
He asks me to make a wish.
I ask for his heart, in exchange for mine,
He grants my wish with powers divine.
He falls, I catch but the world’s serpentine.
Yet he loves and like a star I shine,
Me? Teary eyed, Tears of rejoice.
I'm a man who has a lot on his mind
Trying to live simply
Love does not allow such a thing
****** by mans needs to attain, achieve, and assimilate. Love provides the highest goal. A roller coaster of magnificent proportions. A soaring 90 degree drop that shoves g forces into a person. Just as elusive as gravity's hold and an astronauts fire to break free of it to fully explore the universes mysteries. I never swore myself to an easy life. I want a full elaborate being interlaced with another soul. I want to just to set the table with all that composes me and have it laughed upon just to see a smile, a crinkle in soft complexion; a curving imperfection with the oscillations that could reverberate above a symphony because you'd be seated next to me and I would take your hand and feel the basic life giving energy that keeps us alive and I would know we exist for each other and that after the orchestra has struck it's last chord we would leave together for another night and I could listen for another day's sigh of happy existence.
As fallen leaves crackle and crunch in the gentle autumn breeze, they are unafraid to whisper their darkest secrets to the world... Do they get a response? Of course not, for people are as self-involved as they always have been.

Will anyone rise to rescue us from our own selfish minds? I think not. It takes more than just one person to stand up to the world.

If I stood, would you stand with me? Would you stay by my side in sickness and in health? A promise is all I need to rise above all else.

If you were to commit to me, autumn's whispers would be revealed as the definite loudest... If you were to commit to me, whispers would turn to voices and voices would turn to shouts... otherwise known as our opinions.

We would be free to speak our minds without fear of any judgement at hand... We would be free to say or do anything we pleased. Say the word and I'm free... Free to be yours. Free to enjoy the autumn,
and the rest of my life,
**with you.
you try to fit in
but then people tell you to stand out.

what are you supposed to do with that?
because when you do stand out,
people criticize you and tell you to fit in.

society is not okay with you.
but as long as you are okay with you,
everything will be alright.

i promise.
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