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 Aug 2015 harlee kae
i remember when the people i know
became the people i knew. it started in high school,
kids i’d grown up with dropping off the face of the planet before anything could hold them here; like they were hoping to die
early enough that we could all pretend they’d never been here at all.
we all wanted to erase ourselves. sometimes
i get jealous of the people who succeeded.
 Aug 2015 harlee kae
Megan Grace
rocket ships and
blooming flowers,
i feel as though i've
gargled with shampoo
but in a good way where
i'm fizzing from the



all the way


and through my nose. i
have been finding myself
in the cracked porcelain of
my shower, in his
             ­                             lines,
in my mother's

smile             smile

for me please. didn't
i used to love to be here
for a lens why would
i have ever hated my
own mouth?
there is so much
b e a u t y
in these curves and
cr ev ic es.
i am so proud to be
the owner of these


and of these


thank god i am back thank
god i am back
july was so good to me.
 Jul 2015 harlee kae
12:26am and the lights are off and I can't escape this. I can't run away from my thoughts any longer. They know my pace. This burning desire I feel is eating at my flesh and decaying my heart and I can't get you off my mind. There is no longer an us. Maybe her words are softer and her eyes are brighter. Maybe you see her mind and fall in love everytime you undress a part of her universe. I lost track of time searching for your stars knowing that when I got close enough they would burn a hole in my heart.

 Jun 2015 harlee kae
raine cooper
i held a bird in my hands
his wings were broken
he begged me to fix him
i tried, oh how i tried,
but all he really wanted
was the strength to fly away
 Jun 2015 harlee kae
Megan Grace
 Jun 2015 harlee kae
Megan Grace
i had hoped that by this time i
would not be scared of you or
the way cups look nestled in
your hands or the rumbling
down deep when you flash
me that grin, but i feel like i
am sinking
      stuck to someone else's
fingertips, even after all this
time. i thought that i would
be able to give you more but
there is nothing left in me for
anyone else. i have scraped
down to raw tissue and tendons,
and i'm sure that if you opened
me up you would see the scratch
marks from where i have been
trying to find even flakes to
give to you. i'm so sorry that by
the time you came along all the
parts of me worth having were
 Jun 2015 harlee kae
Megan Grace
fifty-two sundays later and i
do not consider myself to be
someone who is healing but
someone who is recovered. it
still stings at the very bottom
of my lungs sometimes but i
no longer hate the areas of
my skin that you've touched.
i do not feel the fire of your
promises in my arms and i
can just barely recall your
laugh. did you ever think i
could have made it this far?
Goodbye, Ryan.
 Jun 2015 harlee kae
4:27 am
 Jun 2015 harlee kae
There was a woman; with a heart as big as the world. And she wished for love, oh, how she needed love. She wished for poems, and music, and art. For nature, and stargazing, and wilderness. For long nights and even longer drives. She wished for a wanderer like herself. Someone who understands. But most of all - someone who loves her the same way she loves him.

Then, there was a man. A man who put his life on hold, to wait for her. A man who straightforwardly told her that she is the thought that gets him through each day. But they were different. Polar opposites. He knew of her wishes and desires and of the things that made her heartstrings flutter; but he didn't understand them. Because he didn't feel them too. And he was sweet, and warm, and safe, and comfortable, and he tried so hard. She adored him - just not in the way he wanted her to.

And then, there was another man. This man was not like the previous man. No, this man made every broken bone inside her body come alive again. This man had an inexplicable thirst for life and everything it had to offer and he cherished every moment of it. He lived in a way that he never feared death. This man made her see colors and showed her the world she used to know in a different light. He held her hand in a matter that no man ever could and no man ever will again. He opened her eyes and brought her back to life. He made her believe again. And the way he said he loves her brought her to tears each time because, for the first time, there were no lies behind those words.

But she knew. Deep down in the pit of her stomach, she knew from the start. If she were ever to leave him, the colors would fade, her hands would grow cold and she would forget what laughter tasted like. And him? He would be fine. He had a thirst for life, not for her. He would move on, possibly without looking back. And that was the problem. Because he was the voice inside her mind, and she was just a thought that crossed his from time to time. And he understood her, by god, he knew her right down to her core, better than anyone else ever has. But he didn't need her in the way she needed him.

Now any logical person would come to the same conclusion: it's always better to be with the man who loves you more than life itself; than with the man who could easily go on as if you had never been a part of his life to begin with.

*But love doesn't run on logic, does it?
Well this was long. I apologize to anyone who decided to read through the entire thing but this was something that needed to be said.
 Jun 2015 harlee kae
with every breath i took
my lungs filled with you;
and for every second that
your heart was closed to me
I taught myself how to breathe
I lost all self respect waiting for you to come around
but I don't write about you anymore.
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