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  Apr 2021 Donna
Sarita Aditya Verma

The sky looks great
When the sun is up
And the clouds are late
Spilling bright threads
Doing crochet patterns along the vast blue
Slowly, curling back into a ball of white
Swathing the sun
In rose gold silks
  Apr 2021 Donna
Sarita Aditya Verma
We all have our beliefs
And we follow them
Wherever they take us
Sometimes they bring us luck
Sometimes we are stuck
By the same
Unable to move beyond
The mistakes
Unable to acknowledge
They bring us whatever we believe in
The beliefs
Allow us to live through
The mistakes
The luck
The success
All the experiences
And soon
We learn to live
Life is a stepping stone
  Apr 2021 Donna
Sarita Aditya Verma
The leaves grew wings
And flew off the branches
Some along with the twigs
The breeze was gentle
And the leaves knew they could fly

  Mar 2021 Donna
vienna bombardieri

We are like the four seasons of the earth, spring, summer ,fall and winter
First we are born like newborn babes springing into life by push of womb
then we are pulsing like heartbeats in a world that surrounds our battle cry  
Slowly we become summer letting our branches stretch strong and solid,
we still have spring in our step but we now got fires of July in our blood ;
Then falls arrives and places burnished reds and golds in our aging coat,
flecks of wisdom in our eyes and laughter lines around our aging mouth ;
Winter arrives and kisses us with her frozen dollops of snowflakes, it is
then that we first realize that our limbs are not as subtle as they used to be.
We are like the four seasons and for a good reason
one minute we are a lighthouse , a beacon
and the next we are like clothing, out of season
Time is everything and nothing in this journey of self discovery
we need to keep pace with ourselves and change accordingly
If we are to reach a ripe age of reason, then we must learn to love
each and every season of our life.
Do I Hear Amen to that ?
  Mar 2021 Donna
Ignatius Hosiana
A fallen leaf in autumn
a golden tulip in spring...
  Mar 2021 Donna
Mrs Timetable
To see hundreds of years
Uprooted and thrown
To the ground
A wicked wind
So violent
It took out the young
Newly rooted
The ancient
The massive
Weak from drought
Majestic and still
Laying on their sides
Looking imposing
Root history exposed
For all to see
For me
An honor
To witness
Laying there
Respecting more now
Than when you were born
You did make a name
Appreciating now
You weren't only a tree
96 MPH winds took out an incredible amount of trees this past week. I've never looked at these trees like I did this week.  Not to mention the power of the wind.  Massive trees uprooted and knocked down. It was death. And it was heartbreaking.
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