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Mar 2015 · 404
Forever Ago
Haley Mar 2015
I don't know why I thought
We would pick up
Right where we left off
Forever ago
Mar 2015 · 925
Not Over You
Haley Mar 2015
When we were inches away
And my heart was beating out my chest
I realized that being over you
And knowing that you're over me
Are two entirely different things
Jan 2015 · 880
Haley Jan 2015
I notice so many problems with myself
And I wonder how anyone
Could look past all of them
And love me regardless

Why would anyone choose
To love me
And not only accept these flaws
But welcome all of them into their heart

Because I see all of them
And wish I could get rid of them
Because they weigh me down
And I'm worried nobody will love me

Nobody has seen these flaws
And decided they outweigh the good
Is there not enough good in me?
What if I'm unlovable?

Is there even someone out there
Who could find it in himself
To love me with my uncountable flaws
Because I can't find it within me

So many people have tossed me aside
Why would anyone want to pick me up
And decide to love all of me
When I can't even love myself
Jan 2015 · 355
Haley Jan 2015
You are a majestic flower
But I am a beautiful ****
Not many can see the real difference
But it's obvious to me

Tall rose, you, masked by your stunning looks
Deceiver of the perceptive wise
You're the epitome of elegance
But it is you who shrivels up and dies

Now to the dandelion, horrid as can be
I sneak in on tiptoe feet, knowing I don't belong
Yet I persistently burrow my roots in your rich soil
And I struggle as I grow to be strong

But the children run in the garden now
And you are soon passed by
As I am used to make a wish come true
And the children can see past your lies
Jan 2015 · 354
Haley Jan 2015
Wake up to darkness
Wake up to light
What's the real difference
Besides one's filled with fright?

What lurks in the shadows
Nobody knows
Does it bite or claw?
Am I one of it's foes?

Do the monsters leave
When the lights come on?
Do they stay in the corners?
Are they ever really gone?

Are they even real
Or just in our dreams
As we thrash and kick
Are they why we scream?

Is our greatest fear
Our own minds
Where we're powerless and weak
And cannot hide

Where the monsters can get us
Without being caught
Because they're not the culprit
It's all in our thoughts
Dec 2014 · 1.0k
Haley Dec 2014
If I could
I would just sit here
Until my life withered away
Like a hyacinth during a drought
And be content
With submitting to nonexistence
But I mustn't
For I have far too much to do
Nov 2014 · 851
Never Again
Haley Nov 2014
Never again
Will I let someone in
Because now you're gone
And I'm broken
Nov 2014 · 15.7k
Haley Nov 2014
I build a wall of insecurities
That may never be crossed
Because if the wall is weakened
My feelings get tumbled and tossed

I never mean to put up guard
But I can’t help it sometimes
I’m afraid of getting hurt
When people start crossing lines

I never wanted to come off mean
I just put up my wall
I only end up hating myself
I never wanted to hurt you at all

I refuse to let anyone close
I’ll only push you away
If I ever seem bitter to you
It’s only because I’m afraid

My insecurities protect me
Or so it may seem to be
Because when my wall comes crumbling down
Nobodies hurt but me

— The End —