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1.2k · Mar 2017
Mystery of mysteries
GuessWho Mar 2017
What can be called a perfect mystery?
Could it be a piece of untold history?
Nothing on this earth could ever be worth it;
Whether it is the death of a prince or a spooky bit!
Can there be a mystery other than the space,
It keeps digging human brain with pace!
No human can ever predict what is out there,
It gives super-intelligent ideas human brains can't bear!
We'd never know whether there are alien mates,
Or world-like fights and quarrels between the states?
What kind of mystery could this be?
Towards it, it keeps attracting me!
Space is certainly the mystery of mysteries,
It has addresses we'd never find in all directories!
Each time I see the star-filled night sky,
It invites me to come over and fly!
It's a mysterious place haunted with alien ghosts,
I wish I was a guest to these ghost-hosts!
This vast sky peppered with stars
Is the finest gown of the word ‘mystery' it garbs! !

By: Guess Who
477 · Aug 2016
Time's Judgement
GuessWho Aug 2016
Time once called from behind
Alas, You forgot your mind
Now you're finally my prey
Today you'll finally pay
Today you've no weapon
Today's a day for a lesson
Dear enemy friend of mine
Since when have you become divine ?
Since when are you so wise ?
Do you even think you can read eyes ?
Can't you see you're living in lies ?
Open your eyes get back your mind
Spread love and be kind
Open your arms to those in need
You're not a tree, you're merely a seed
Open your mind, exceed your vision
Take your time, it's your decision
You were always a slave of mine
No human has ever come close to my shrine
Yes you might be special
But you will never be crucial
I live a life no one has ever tried
I am humbly human's only guide
You might be one big mystery
But you're not worth a story
You're not worth being written through history
You're not even a person to talk about
You'd better get a new start
First tip... Clean your heart
You live hatred but not love
You're not the moon soaring high above
You're a human being like all other
I am time unique and special forever
Never ever try to stand on my side
You might be in front of me now
But I'm the fastest god has ever created
Never ever underestimate haze
I am not real, I am just a meaning
I don't live but i rule all being
Poor GuessWho lost in time
I warned you not to risk the crime
Live alone now writing your ridiculous rhyme

By: GuessWho......
GuessWho Aug 2016
Try to cope when there's no hope
Learn to strife for a better life
Learn to love the one high above
Be a human and create union
Be a creature and understand nature
Live in ease and spread peace
It's never too late when you're taken by hate
Don't be negative the world's all positive
Just try it was never hard to fly
Just fight then you'll realize your real right
Never trust feelings of lust
Search the path away of your wrath
Never try to glide because of one's pride
Fight the greed when you feel in need
Give me an oath you'd **** your sloth
Be friendly and forget about envy
Create your destiny away of gluttony
Far away in the middle of chastity
Live a life devoted for charity
Never forget to wield patience
Never forget to act with kindness
In life work with diligence
Live with ultimate temperance
You can provide your existence
It's all up to you to chose your destiny
Live with pride or live with humility
Never ever forget about everyone special
Their existence to you is very crucial
They are the ones to help you through
They're the only things in life to be true
It's not up to me to decide your fate
Make the decision before it's late
Fate was never a choice you make
But choice is fate you choose to take
I am here to teach you freedom
I am here to spread my wisdom
I am here to show you the wrong
I am here writing my song
I am here because of you
I am here listen to me
Keep away of the deadly sins listed above
Ever suffered one? Believe in love
The remedy is listed through the lines
Maybe tomorrow your heart shines
Maybe you'll understand life better than me
Maybe you're the Chosen Son Of Destiny
Read carefully my word
And fly today you're a free bird
A bird gliding to spread peace
A bird gliding for us to live in ease.....

by Guess Who
359 · Mar 2017
Me & My Beloved Bird
GuessWho Mar 2017
The bird was there, standing alone
Singing a song, closer to a moan
I knew something was wrong
It was obvious, I know that song
It was the song of death
The melody of the last breath
I wanted to do something
I wanted a change of situation
I didn't know what to do
No idea for a solution
I just sat there silently watching
Watching a fallen bird, burn down to ash
It hurt, I felt the pain, the heart crash
Why is reality so evil ? Why am i so ?
Can't I feel empathy ? nothing to do ?
I put a step forward then a second
Step after another arrived in a second
Released my emotions in a word of truth
Gave it all out, my fountain of youth
I expressed hope, expressed love
Expressed everything blindly, in despair
I wanted the bird to live, express it's flair
I wrapped my hands around, it felt it's warmth
walked all the alley back and forth
Lost my rhythm felt the bird was lost
Slowed my pace, couldn't look at my hands
I no longer felt the pulse, shiver down my spine
I closed my eyes, tried to believe that all was fine
But nothing was right, i had commited the crime
It was all over, there was no more time
I called out to the sky, wished i be heard
I called, was a desperate try to bring back the bird
I sat waiting for the reply
It came moments later, i heard a cry
It came, this is the call from the sky
It felt blurry at the beggining couldn;t understand
But the truth was awful i was alone in a barren land
I heard my echo, thought it was hope
It was the voice of despair
Death ? no way to repair
it said it clear: Leave the bird alone
You have no power to change the past
You are weak, you will someday last
The bird is gone now, live with that fact
Try not to forget, for memories are your identity
Sit, Watch, listen and learn: build your personnality
The bird is a mere experience between a thousand
Life is still full of surprises you will have to withstand
Life is gift, you either accept or deny
Life is the bird, with whom you refused to fly

By: GuessWho....... 24/02/2017
Bird Love Moon Fly Freedom Cage Weak Gift Life GuessWho time experience breath death change winds sing

— The End —