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  Sep 2020 Vic
It grows like a garden
Lodged within your throat
Vines and roots pouring out
Blooming with such elegant notes
Flowers amitting a sweetness
So tasteless to the tongue
As the choking feeling erupts
To those failing words does it clung
Staring into the starlight
Eyes swelling red
As the tears water the garden
Of which words are dyed red
Vibrant colours of many
As the bees come to pollen
Poison is the beautiful
As the blooming flowers that have fallen
As the vines wrap your throat
And the sickening sweetness **** you slow
The words stuck within your throat
Are yet to be known.

Like a poisonous flower garden
Blooming so beautiful
Ah, What a sight.
Those words keep getting caught within your throat
Killing you slowly
Vic Apr 2020
I'm still alive after 401 days. didn't think i would make it past 10. this started as a fun thing. it's become a coping mechanism. a reason to live, a way to function. it wasn't the support that i did or didn't get. it was me. i think this is the first time i actually wanted something, and finished it, even though i didn't have the energy. because i wanted to, unconciously. it just hit me. i'm glad i'm here for some reason. i have an emotional connection with these notes. they've been here the roughest year of my life. without knowing. so this time, no thanks to other people, but to me. i'm here, i did it. i'm proud of myself. i can't say that with certainty yet, but i just hope i can, a bit more, every day. soon.
A poem every day

ra(n)ts. excuse my grammar i'm lazy and tired
Vic Apr 2020
i'm    f l o a t i n g
in the     s k y
but i'm still drowning
in the    w a t e r   beneath me
A poem every day

not sure what this is supposed to mean
Vic Apr 2020
Everytime I walk this road
I become more aware
Of how you're not there
To walk it with me
A poem every day

catching up. not on my feelings tho. i just wanna go out with a cute girl ******. covid 19 is ****-******* me ngl
Vic Apr 2020
i love you.
a lot.
and i miss you.
i hope one day the world will let us be together in peace.
i want to be with you.
in times of chaos, and times of calm.
i want to be with you.
stuck in madness.
but if we together are the madness, i don't want it.
i wanna be with you,
but i wanna be okay with you.
i love you.
and i miss you.
a lot.
A poem every day
Vic Apr 2020
they say writing helps you cope and forget.
this is my 600th poem on here,
but i still remember every single one.
A poem every day
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