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Trust is a golden key to one’s heart
It is so strong yet easily shattered,
It is so pure yet easily blemished,
It is as strong as the howling of the wind,
It is truly, the craving that everyone seeks.
Eyes of a mother crying to her youth
Son lain on forest pile neck dressed with sharks tooth
The sea waits his lifeless body
Gone far
too soon

Woman a homemaker
Family to take her care
Dressed in seventies fashion
Long blonde wavy flowing hair
Busy in her duties
Maternal love was her worldly share

The boy the son
The woman the wife
The eyewitness the observer
The same
Another life
i don’t like to dream
because when i do
i dream of you
and you being in my dreams
will cause my head
to be full of you
and when you are in my head
i can fall asleep at night
probably thinking of you
so when your memories
flatter my conscience
my conscience
will choose you
to dream of tonight
and that maybe
in a perfect world
you dream of me too
 Jul 2018 Geetha Jayakumar
It was that night,
I felt something bad.
Hardly can't speak.
Something beyond me.

It was dark and empty,
With a lighted torch I came in.
There's something beneath this darkness.
It's howling and very disturbing.

So I asked myself, out of curiosity.
This emptiness, was it me?
In this darkness, is it me?
Glad I found what I seek.

It was sadness. My old self.
In this emptiness filled with loneliness.
Darkness that I kept inside of me.
And it's crying, hoping help will come.
We all have something inside of us we want to escape to. Bad experiences, dark past. But ignoring it  and putting it aside doesn't help us at all. We need to overcome it, face it, fight your way out and you'll find peace
Music sleeps.....
In my un strummed chords
I wait for the touch of skillful hands
To turn it into flowing melody
A lotus dreaming to see the sun!

How long can I remain silent?
Oh touch me, shake me
Wake me from my slumber
Make me into a throbbing rhapsody

Set free this prisoner
To birth soothing chimes
Note after note in tiny wavelets
Let my vibrations carve circles
Growing bigger and bigger
Oh, give me the timbre and tone
Let me sing once more!

Let the music drizzle down
In healing murmurs
Lifting troubled spirits into calm repose
Leading them to a quiet fold
Free of all fever and fret
Let my soft rhymes
Fill the empty cisterns of the night,
Wooing the hearts
Weaving mystical spells

Let it rise and sink
And finally fade into a soft breath
A hushed whisper
A faint vibration
Over a gliding stream!
The stars try to shine
Down through indifferent clouds.
Her tears mix with rain
and water her path
defining the moments
Of forever.
Love is the fiercest part
of her being.
Though she struggles to
find it’s authenticity
Hiding her codes
behind barbwire and thorns.
Her hands are bloodstained
in the hours of time.
She is mysterious
With many latitudes
Calling from a different
Kind of universe.
Yet she walks that path of stones
Believing she is a different
Person than the one she leaves
on the trail .

Walking away from that
Hushed comfort of
understated majesty.
Hearing music amid
The squalor of verse
With strangers who love
among the poetic’s
of language.

I grow tired of the
Deep waters
I’m learning to navigate
the shallows
Where purring oratory
Captures me and leaves
Me spellbound beyond
All measures and time .
The poet lives two lives.
One on the outside,
And one in their mind.

When you look in their eyes
You could see an abyss.

If you looked long enough
You could sink into it.

But most people don’t see it.

Take the time to read the words, though,
And you would know for sure.

The poet lives in two different worlds.
A little escape from the madness.
Or maybe, into.
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