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I no longer believe that,
"Your first impression is your best impression".
They are almost fake and sometimes nervous.
Love is a spring day.

In a parking lot, two plastic bags danced
in the spring breeze elegantly circled each other
came near almost, touched but danced away
only to dance close again and shyly kissed
A paper napkin with smeared lipstick
wanted to join in, but the dancers only had
eyes for one another.
shamed the napkin, took refuge under a car  
that drove off, no place to hide.
It danced alone in slow motion; eyes closed
as it was dreaming, the lipstick smiled.
A gust of wind blew the napkin to the sky
away from the parking lot, to a secret place
only exploited paper napkins know of.
Writing has not come easy to me lately,
Maybe it’s because I’m older now and the routines of life has gotten me in a constant looping state of mind,
Maybe it’s because I no longer feel comfortable talking about my troubles,
I’ve become more reserved,
More cautious,
Afraid of being too transparent
And having my heart broken
If only we could be lifted
a chance to love
I threw mine away
in the cold shadowy day.

I would of gave you grace
bled my out stretched arms
given up all my magic charms
for one night with you
I am a poet I feel things deeply

And yet I can’t imagine a world where we are together
your eyes of soft radiance glowing
all seeing all knowing
your smile lights my dreams
candle lit scenes
and forever I hear your voice
entangled in my head like my dreams.
Jesus came to save me.
Jesus came to save me from myself.

Jesus came and heal me(when I was sick)
Jesus came to love me(When I had no one else_)
to stay tucked up and warm in bed
to dream on and wonder
where I am being led
or to rise up into another day,

I'll throw the dice,
ugh a three, a two,
don't like those
I'll throw the dice twice,

I need a double six
threw a double one,
where the hell are my socks
wonder where they've gone?

Sleep is just a washing machine
it turns your world around
and rinses you clean,

I am awake
had my coffee
rolled a smoke
spoke to my Lady
She said,
not likely,
still only Monday
and I'm moving along.
Like wind that buffets lofty trees
And breaks what’s loose and dry
The trials that bring us to our knees
Will cleanse us by and by

And like the winter snows that fall
To grant the earth a rest
The colder times that come for all
Will help renew our best

Like dusky eve and dawn so bright
Give cycles to our sphere
So let your dark give way to light
Let hope oppose your fear

Let rhythms flow and guide your way
In yielding - you will find
Both strength and joy in every day
Both wealth and peace of mind
This is Prosperity Poem 132 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
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This poem is about following the natural rhythms and cycles of life, and thus allowing more flow into each day.

Our planet has cycles of dark and light, and seasons that come and go.  We can learn from these patterns.
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