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  Dec 2020 katalin
simple getaways like minecraft and drawing
now keep me up; late nights and yawning

i used to never stay up this late
but now it's all i do
it's these simple things
that keep me thinking of you

i miss you a lot
i would hate to admit
but what do you gain from
carrying out this gambit?

it's a dice roll on my feelings
it's a gamble on yours;
all of these emotions
that i try to ignore
@ me lowkey writing a sonnet
  Dec 2020 katalin
Every time I cared for you, you seemed to die a little inside
Is this true that you hate me so much to abandon your life
  Dec 2020 katalin
He awakened my eyes to an unrivalled love,
Insomnia grips me,
I stare at him,
Intoxicated by his very being.
In that moment,
I never thought I'd ever have to watch him,
  Nov 2020 katalin
Sarah Flynn
it is gray outside
of my window,

and it is also
gray in this room.

but outside,
the gray is obvious.

the clouds are
blocking out the sun.

and inside,
the gray is irrelevant
because you shine
so bright that

I am only ever
looking at you.

the world outside
fades away in here.

it is beautiful and
sunny and vibrant.

here, the stress of
the world outside
can't touch me.

I see no sadness
or pain or fear.

I only see you.
I only ever see you.
Scattering sweet fragrance throughout soft air
Perfection at heaven’s finest
Remembrance paints one soul a flare
Calmly soothing
My unrest

Despite all the changes time has made
Sweet fragrance sings to me
In all my dreams a pleasing promenade
Evokes a kiss of
Fragrant potpourri

A medley dances within my senses fine
Of sweet nights with you
Scattering fragrance throughout my mind
Painting my soul

This sweet fragrance has no beginning
Each kiss begins endlessly
Dances within my senses softly awakening
This fire inside
So heavenly
Copyright *Neva Flores @2010
katalin Sep 2020
we keep getting overwhelmed
we keep falling down
we keep making mistakes

yet we got through
the hardest times
with our knees bruised
and our vision blurred

but still

we made it
looking back, staying alive was the best decision i could've possibly make at that time.
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