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359 · Mar 2018
To The Girls Who Let Him Go
Feep Mar 2018
Thank you..
Thank you so much for walking out of his life or letting him walk out of yours.
Thank you for the opportunity to love him.
To do things with him that makes him smile. (Because god.. if you seen his smile you'd melt)
Thank you for hurting him,  because he learned how valuable and special our relationship is.
I will do all the things you failed to do for him,
I'll be there for him.
I'll prioritize him.
I will not make him feel as if hes just an option
I will give him the time and affect he desires (even when he doesn't ask).
I will love him. I will love him so carefully and so hard.
I want take what he has to offer for granted.
Ill do everything in my power to keep him by my side.
I will support his dreams, ill motivate him to chase them
I'll be his partner.
I'll be the woman you couldn't.
but what i wont do is make the same mistakes you did.
I will not ever let him go.
this is for the girls who fail to cherish what they had when they had it.
289 · Oct 2017
A child without parents.
Feep Oct 2017
I wish I could say I didn't have parents honestly.
it would be a lot easier to say that then to face the facts they didn't want me..
what human doesn't want their child..?
did I cry to much?
was an infant wrapped in pink not cute??
I was adopted
I wanted to be loved.
I turned to *** and drugs
I am scared..
sleep is my choice of drug.
sleep lets me die for a minute and not feel anything.
yes, I know sleep isn't a drug but that's what I'm addicted to.
work , sleep, school, sleep,
**** I forgot to eat..
oops another day gone ..
sadly I'm still here..
285 · Jan 2018
Feep Jan 2018
Him: "do you know what love is?"
Her: "i would like to think i know."
Him: "enlighten me
no let me enlighten you."
Her: "I'm Listening."

Him: "Love isn't marriage. it isn't for *** or money, etc. When you love someone, your loving everything that surrounds the person and what is inside the person. their very essence is gut dropping. their presence is like an anchor  that drops deep but hold you down. it gives someone the kind of strength that explainable. the urge and will to fight for love is insane. you're not just fighting for you anymore after you truly love someone."
reading this only one name came to mind.
223 · Apr 2018
The way you look at me
Feep Apr 2018
I'm scared you'll see what I see and hate me just as much as I do..
I'm scared you see my past in my eyes and not want a future
the way you look at me, I think you see all my broken pieces and not want to fix me..
then sometimes
you look at me and I melt because the way you look at me I feel safe. You look at me in the most sincere way
even though I hate how I am, I've found someone who loves me.
218 · Feb 2018
“I love you”
Feep Feb 2018
He doesn’t say I love you , with the words “ I love you” but the way he says it means way more then anything else.
He kisses your forehead and calls you annoying. He holds you even when your body temperature is burning. He simply doesn’t say I love you the way normal people do, he says it by fixing you breakfast & coffee for  when you wake up.
He says I love you by holding your hand in public and laughing at your corny jokes. He asks if your hungry even though he already knows you are. He supports your dreams and goals. There are a million ways he says I love you, but my favorite is the when I can look at him and the way he looks back at me tells me he loves me.
216 · Oct 2018
Once upon a time
Feep Oct 2018
once there was me and you
then it was me and him and you were my bestfriend
next comes me hurt, you comfort and you with her.
after years its me and you, no one else but no relationship
then me
you with her, you married her, you start a family with her
me and sadness
because love stories dont exist, or if they do not to me.
bout a boy who i loved and lost because i didnt realize what i had
212 · Feb 2018
Feep Feb 2018
“I don’t know if he’s the one,” she said,
“I’m not sure if we’re going to be together forever. All I know is when I’m with him, forever doesn’t seem like a bad idea.
168 · Jan 26
days of the week
Feep Jan 26
It’s another day.
Yet is it?
Tuesday is the day we met
Tuesday is the day I seen my whole world change
Tuesday is the day I felt complete

Friday is the day you called me cute and laughed at a lame joke i made
Friday is the day you noticed my hair light brown  
Friday is the day your hand brushed against mine and chills ran down my body.

Sunday is the day I run errands
Sunday is the day I felt excited to see you Monday
Sunday is when my world crashed when I seen you with her

Monday is just a day, like any other day
Monday is the day I miss Tuesday, wishing it was part of Friday
Monday is the day I wipe tears because its a reminder of Sunday,

All the days of the week yet Friday lingers in my mind as if Sunday never existed.
136 · Feb 10
coffee w me
Feep Feb 10
i sat down with my younger self for coffee.
she was dropped off, i drove myself.
she ordered a frappe, she was wearing a cat shirt with leggings
i ordered a a latte , hoodie and leggings.
not much changed
she shared how she re-met our dad, and how she was excited for the relationship. i held her hands and told her to cherish while she could.
she asked me if we got out of the relationship. i showed her our wedding band and pictures of kids and husband.
she told me she was proud of me. i hugged her hard.

i hope to continue to make her proud 🫰
85 · Feb 28
Feep Feb 28
I sat across from a lady today.
She looked tired—
not sleepy tired, but tired.
Tired of life,
tired of chasing a drug
that just ends up ******* you over in the end.
Tired of the chase,
waking up every morning
just to figure out how to get the next fix.

She smiled and laughed,
but you could hear the pain when she talked.
*****, drugged, sold her body—
all the things she endured
just because she needed a fix.

Today, she said she wanted out of the lifestyle.
She talked about her previous clean time.
She wants inpatient,
but everyone is telling her it’s a waste.
My heart hurts
because I fear she may believe them.

I reminded her she was beautiful,
that she still had so much life left to live.

She sat quietly,
counting change out of her purse.
When asked what she needed,
she shrugged and said,
“I need my next fix.”
if you find yourself addicted to a drugs. get help.

— The End —