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Now between writings I create a space
so could read in ease and not in stress
to fill me with things I had less
not let my mind be drowned by pace.

Now between writings I create a space
it lessens the hurry kills the stress
helps to see ways find new address
discover light in untrod recess.

Now between writings I create a space
it shows me the order clears the mess
I think now more write down less
my soul is happy to be out of the race.

Now between writings I create a space
it reinvents ways kills the stress
lets me to places I didn't access
of unseen tears unread happiness.
 Feb 2016 Eriko
 Feb 2016 Eriko
with this pen in
my hand
and your warm fingers
filling the
spaces between mine,
I swear
upon the stars
that we
will never die.
 Feb 2016 Eriko
 Feb 2016 Eriko
There are few things I've realized after we talked.

You're intelligent, and most people don't see that.
They can't understand that there's more to your pretty face.
Your well-thought words utter what actions can't.
You always tell me that I'm the poet between the two of us
But you,
You draw bright cities and beautiful night skies
With hushed voices, and quiet whispers.

You're sensitive, and you take every harsh word to heart.
You always say you don't,
And cover the hurt with weak smiles
That don't reach your eyes.
But I know you better, and I know you deeply.
You're too kind, too pure to be treated like that.

You're patient.
You know that perfect things,
No matter how small they are
Or grand they may be,
Will arrive in the right time.
We, of all people, know this.
You're the most special gift
I didn't know I was yearning for.
My sweet, sweet serendipity.

You will never be convinced that cats are better than dogs.
I agree.

You're kind to others, but never to yourself.
You love so unconditionally
That all that's left to you
Are tired eyes and weathered bones.

You are trapped within walls of expectations.
Your bright, burning soul slowly faded
With years worth of sadness.
It took a while before you found yourself.
And when you did,
You were unsure if you liked what you've seen.

Though our hearts are weary,
And our bodies restless,
Know that I will only want you.
Know that I will always need you.
You see through me,
Beyond the superficial,
You saw the deepest, darkest crevices of my soul.
You make me feel things I have never felt before.

There are few things I've realized after we talked.
I love you,
And I will never, ever let you go.
Seven months. 02/16/16.
Here's to forever.
 Feb 2016 Eriko
Robert Frost
I left you in the morning,
And in the morning glow,
You walked a way beside me
To make me sad to go.
Do you know me in the gloaming,
Gaunt and dusty gray with roaming?
Are you dumb because you know me not,
Or dumb because you know?

All for me?  And not a question
For the faded flowers gay
That could take me from beside you
For the ages of a day?
They are yours, and be the measure
Of their worth for you to treasure,
The measure of the little while
That I’ve been long away.
 Feb 2016 Eriko
Ash Rose
 Feb 2016 Eriko
Ash Rose
The taste of your lips,
and the light of your smile.
The ring of your laugh,
and the fire of your touch.
All working together as one
to make me fall deeper.
Speeding up my inevitable landing,
and in your arms, you catch me.
My life finally adding up,
all the moments and tears and wonders.
It all comes together as one,
finally making sense to my finite mind.
You will find me between the earth and sky
For the earth is my mother
A fertile lover
A girl with the deepest brown eyes
The sky is my father
A long lost brother
With a set of bright blue eyes
I will kiss the earth lay with her each night
But it is the sky who holds my heart
I love the earth, with all of my might
But the sky won't tear me apart
 Feb 2016 Eriko
Livi M Pearson
Words we kept forbidden
Adventure back into my heart
Words I've longed to hear from you

I love you
Those dying words
I cannot live to hear it once

Am I speaking softly
Greetings from different worlds
Hola or bonjour
Will you recognize my tries

I'm tired of screaming
Inside this open mind
Why don't you pick up so I can listen
Just one more time

Maybe start over
Laugh again
Hoping, wishing this time
My heart won't flip and spin

I will remember
Tears that fell with the rain
The silence that made me insane

So I'll plead
For an answer
Not a voicemail

I memerized every word
Every pitch
Saying "I can't come to the phone"
That can't always turns to I won't

I'm left stranded
Excluded for your welcoming arms
Never to hear hello
Until I'm gone
Down inside this grave

Maybe then...

I'll hear...

I love you
Dawn came as exultant release called out to me,
unleashing their alluring notes from the endless chiming of hearts
like evangelical sermons directed to impure minds
constantly begging for me, like divine wind, to throw myself at your celestial body

Morning lingered when warmth embraced my hands,
setting its golden gaze on my earthly tones
like wings pristine with incensed hints on its tips
shedding light on my soul, overshadowed by a monolith of self-hatred

High noon was evident when you spoke of desire
of how you fell from admiring me from above
as the dark winds from wings aflame trailed us
as you told me of ardor, with the light silhouetting your design, with your mask before mine

The doting sun, oh so true does set to rest,
unmasked by the evils that plagued my caged cardinal
as you craved for seven heavens to soar
as you flew away from me, further each try, further away with every leap from ground to sky

Evening came without stars or moon to haunt,
when you grew weathered by winds too strong
when you decided Nirvana was no longer I
as you undid heartstrings, with feathered blades that came from your frustrated inabilities

Midnight grips at my chest but you are not within my reach,
candle light can no longer chisel your androgyny
nor courteous words be answered when I pray
but one thing true fell from a single star, that shed its light, from hope of your return–

Just do so when your appetite roars to love me again
I still love him but he no longer does. I think.
 Feb 2016 Eriko
Star Gazer
I was made different,
Same brain, same race,
But I was different.
Same smile, same face,
But something was different.
I could never speak in sibilance,
Stuttering stressed sounds and somehow,
Learning to live with who I am now.

My parents told me to value honour and integrity,
But come eighteen years of age, they came begging me,
To fall on my knees and kiss the *** of my overlords,
Between finding me and growing up, I lost my vocal chords,
Never able to project my thoughts,
Because I was to afraid of projecting a rejected side of society,
I wasn't really being me.

I was like a car losing its tyres almost edging its rims,
I had all control over my working limbs,
But I never had a control of my voice and it seems,
That somehow as I grew up I started to fit into seams,
Never the thread to stick out from the patterns,
Always be the one to stand back and watch the shattered,
Picking up the pieces of their lives scattered.

I watched people fall like flies and flies fall like pollen,
And from all of it, the message that I have always gotten,
'Humans will never be perfect',
But it doesn't matter, perfection is mere mortals exaggeration,
Of what it really means to be you.
We live under the same sky, same blue,
So being perfect, simply means being you,
Able to voice your words and keep true,
That the message you're upholding is alive, because of you.
**You are you,
And you are perfect.
[No one can surpass being you,
For being you is something,
only you can do,
Thats why you are perfect]
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