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Feb 2017 · 596
haruka Feb 2017
i'll take a look-see
yeah a look-see
just a look-see
ya see?

a quay by the sea
is what i see
a ****** marquis
gone to sight-see
magnificent silk trees

if we ship him to hawaii
he'll give us the master key
then we'll cut of head before his dying plea--

to take off his goatee,
at least to a tolerable degree,
which one might say will still be ******
Sep 2015 · 541
rolling starride
haruka Sep 2015
to cry in a ditch and forget about everything
the linear ride does not stop, it goes faster
and at the breaking point speed,
everything shatters into a thousand, million pieces.

this is the heart at its very epicenter,
like fire to a liquid, set aflame, the water is boiling.
to a cooling point, we shudder in the breathtaking speed
everything eases into a quiet, easy stop.

but the ride hasn't ended, nothing is over
everything repeats and you are more tired than before,
your memory is foggy and the present is intimidating
more intimidating than the past or the future
because what happens now decides everything

the present becomes everything.
it becomes your future, and in this way
it becomes your past.
the present is everything,
and the intimidating rises in the hot, fiery pit of your gut.

there are no more warm, fuzzy feelings,
or easy-to-see felons,
or people lying down at your feet.

there is just what is, and nothing changes that.
perhaps the ease of the ***** has changed you, though.
perhaps you have become harder on the outside,
but your inside will remain the same.
you become an egg, with its brittle shell,
sitting in a carton of others like you,
waiting to be broken and eaten.

to be devoured like the food you are,
to be devoured by a ferocious demon,
a demon inside of you? outside of you?
can you not tell, anymore?
has everything gone awry,
your plans not made go into chaos.

islands in your mind feed on the deep blue oceans,
the very liquid of your subconscious drips
into crisp, white, snow.
powdery and fickle, never staying-ever changing.
it is the solid, the liquid, and the air.
it surrounds you, this breath of another.
you are the mirror, of another.

was there ever an original to start with?
your star changed and danced so many times
with benign signals who have fled into nonexistence,
their own private solitude a solace as well as a jail.

corporate magic flees the scene of a death,
doing its best to not make sense in the face
of the almighty master of miracle dropping.
yet nothing can overcome this Master,
it is the Truth itself, which can not be tricked.

everything dissolves and once again you are alone,
perhaps in a ditch. cold and hopeless,
and without memories of what just took place.
there is nothing left for you,
so you apathetically walk back home.
my masterpiece-like poem.
Sep 2015 · 464
haruka Sep 2015
Cage was opened. Door was lifted. Legs burst into powerful strides.
Sound was nothing. Vision was nothing.
The feeling was freedom.
He ran down the empty road in a city already evacuated.
He came to the edge, a cliff overlooking an ocean.
Planes came toward the shore. Cage stared up at them, the feeling of freedom fleeing.
But with the life left inside of him, he did not shake. He did not fear.
Cage accepted death.
For he was brought up to die.
haruka Sep 2015
sitting on a star so far away
looking back at where I came from
rolling on land and on the waves crash
they make love and blood boils

love overflows into a white mist
chills the soul and blurs the eyes
stumbling down the hallway
into a ditch where you curl up and cry
until another comes and picks you up
carries you to the car and off you go
back into space, hurtling toward multitudes of stars

a stellar space ride going on and on
faithfully cheering you up again
the bright lights twinkle and dazzle

through the dark blue gaze
there is a warmth that knows you
it seeks you out and takes you by the hand
guides you back home and kisses you
there is no better place to be than in the back seat
being taken to a place you know too well
tumblrbot asked me a question.
Sep 2015 · 435
haruka Sep 2015
is it time time time
to shine in the confines
of this tricky hive.
to dance
in this detestable lake

a hive of rocks and people
unequal to the challenges ahead
Sep 2015 · 618
haruka Sep 2015
now quarter the man I was yesterday
however should I follow?
this path before me bears no light
the earth under me hears no name
Quiet calls me to its feet
I lay down before its bones
Ice runs circles around me
it dances and beckons me to join
but Quiet is stepping on my head
I cannot get up
I am gone
Sep 2015 · 467
haruka Sep 2015
and the wine was good
fear was afraid
death was dead
life ran away
the moon and sun and stars
all shined their blessing
upon the dome
and this is how we
t h r i v e
Sep 2015 · 2.4k
blossoms at school
haruka Sep 2015
Pink blossoms
drooping downwards
like gowns at a grand ball.

Dew clinging to their petals
and hanging like gems,
glimmering in the morning light.
an: on another note, the blueberry-lemon scones at starbucks aren't as great as I thought they'd be.
Sep 2015 · 544
haruka Sep 2015
have no love for characters
that don't yet exist

stains clamour over tea cup lip
bubbles cling to the walls,
produced from sitting overnight
i left tea out overnight.

— The End —