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 Jul 2015 elixir
Et cetera
In the sky of my mind
Echoed the winds of longing
I silenced the noise
And listened to sweet nostalgia
Nostalgia's song tasted like
Honey, tartar and rose petals
Smoke rose from each petal
Forming clouds in the sky of my mind
The winds of longing blew harsh
Each petrous note of nostalgia piercing the clouds
And hence came the downpour
Of suns that set too soon
And suns that never rose
Of moons that never were full
And stars with frozen winks
Of galaxies with uncharted maps
And of rainbows with colours gone rogue
But when all was done, and the downpour abated
The barren ground sparkled
With the suns and moons and stars
And galaxies and rainbows
Which once saddened the sky
And now adorned the ground
The winds settled to a merry tune of serenity
And the sky of my mind smiled at the beauty below.
 Jul 2015 elixir
Daddy, tell me why you smoke.
Do you like your future served in black?
Dead lungs and your body in a sack?
Your family crying and me in the back?

Daddy, tell me why you smoke.
Why are you letting toxic flow through your veins?
Do you like to grow old and be in pain?
You know you're walking down the devil's lane.

Daddy, tell me why you smoke.
I'm your little girl, do you even care?
Your poisonous smoke is all over the air.
Don't give me more burden than I can bear.

Daddy, tell me why you smoke.
Don't you know, don't you see what you're doing?
The time we're supposed to have is only fading.
Do you think a bright future isn't worth pursuing?

Daddy, tell me why you smoke.
Why are you killing yourself and dragging me along?
They say you're addicted, please prove them wrong.
I know you can do it, I know you are strong.

Daddy, tell me why you smoke?
I wish for one thing, and one thing only.
Tell me you'll quit and erase my worry.
And promise me forever I won't lose my daddy.
they dress up the dead.

he doesn't move from his place of peace
savors the incense's aromatic bliss
adorned with flowers robed in white
ready to take off for the final flight.

the mourners breathe in whispers low
head bowed down cheeks wet in flow
muffled sobs seek shoulder's rest
bid adieu pray soul be blessed.

*this morn i found one chick dead cold
born too in a cage a few days old
the lone mourner of a severed bond
i picked it up and threw to the pond!
 Jul 2015 elixir

the river is wide, child
the river runs deep
don't you fret, no
don't you weep

the river is wide, child
the river is wide
but your promise 's
on the other side


don't be afraid
the current 's slow
and you can meander
with the flow

take your time
there is no rush
hear the water
hear the hush

~ chorus ~

see the world, child
from your boat
watch the others
as they float

see the redness
of the waves
dip your hand
the water saves

~ chorus ~

smell the richness
in your craft
be it a yacht
or be it a raft

the water is sweet, yes
the water is free
it stretches far
as you can see


the river is wide, child
the river runs deep
pray the Lord
your soul to keep

the river is wide, child
the river is wide
but everyone goes
to the other side

(C) 7/13/2015
spiritual lullaby

dedicated to Pradip

raising wall
closing door
earth won't keep us
longer more

sun will burn
out one day
turn ashes' urn
our earthly way

but much before
what could happen
we burn her more
than earth can gain

drip by drip
we bleed her dry
go on trip
for a home in sky

if pause to think
how come this need
we're on brink
for endless greed

distrust and fight
waning smiles
can things be bright
out billion miles?
The universe shifted,
barely anyone heeded
    reality's harsh course,
  'til the earth purged
every plastic contradiction
   bent upon shores' conflicts,
a tsunami of relevant citations
    and replenishing proportions
  clashed upon discordance of
    newly christened blood horizons
 Jul 2015 elixir
gone past
 Jul 2015 elixir
I have been thinking too much about money
closing myself off, in the process.
Insidious this wandering in no mans land
before you know it, ten years have gone past.
Never having enough green, falling into greed
its no wonder I am so miserable a wretch
when thinking too much about myself
and not noticing the plight of my brother.
When God gets jealous,

Yes He gets jealous,
Not of your good things,
But of the things that distract you from His presence,

When God gets jealous
He takes away that which you put first before Him,
He gets you to know that only He should come first,

When God gets jealous,
He let's you know why what you're putting above Him is useless,
He takes it away,
So you can realise that its only in Him that you can find total goodness,peace and security..
your behavior is ******, she writes to him,
you're a boar, without a cure,

my good ant Anna often asks me,
how the hail i except you,

she says you belong to that banned of men
that effect a woman's life badly

she also suspects you of elicit affairs
goes on to ad you are to me not fare
and we too don't make a good pare

its about time we go our own weigh
since we don't feet each other at all.

i'm sorry though
i had to pain you this heartful later

but bitter swoon than letter.

p.s. thank god i mate the man who scares and laughs me more than you.
 Jul 2015 elixir
Anto MacRuairidh
feel free to tell me
how much you love me
- she said to me
as she travelled on her way

I sat in Ireland
She drove in the States
I rested upon her dashboard
in a pixellated mess
my words spoken by a robot

and 'Siri' was heard to say
You're the leaves on my tree
- the stars in my skies
You're the rivers to my seas
(without you what am I?)

You're my reason for breathing
~ The glint in my eyes ~
You're the spice in this stew
You're the only one of you
I'm so lucky to have met
~ beautiful you

... I love you

(even Siri sighed, I think)
Siri is the female voice of an iPhone and she can read text messages to leave your hands free.
Distance love is so very hard.
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