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 Sep 2019 eccedentesiast
Lips that have never been kissed
Hair that's never been brushed back
Cheeks that have never been caressed
Hands that have never been held

Yes, I know I dont need a boy
But it gets kind of lonely
These days I spend my time in wistful dreams
 Sep 2019 eccedentesiast
this is the end
the beginning
and ending
bring out the aliens
it's pure humor
we hide behind it

this is the end
the fire is burning
life is dying
it's a forest
pure oxygen
why are we quiet

the beginning
to our end
we stay silent
post a tweet about it
broke and depressed
we hide behind a mask
send funny pictures
let's laugh and cry at the same time

it's terrifying
the old made a mess
the young must fix it

sixteen year old activist
millennials don't trust the government
mother nature is more than disappointed
hope everything is okay
let's stay in bed until the world ends

7 billion people
I'll see you all at earth's funeral
"U are so beautiful,
but I do not care
because it's hard to be sa­ved
by a prince who's not there."
When I slam,
I am more human
Than humanity before me.

When I slam,
I am the queen
Bathed in poet glory.

When I slam,
I am mine alone.
No other beings touch me.

When I slam,
I am a warrior.
Syllables learn to fear me.
Performing slam poetry, is when I feel most confident. It makes it all worth it.
I cried into the darkness,
Tears dripping on notebook paper,
My reasoning scribbled between calculus,
Roommate snoozing as the clock blinked 1:00.
I pulled myself wearily into bed,
Empty Gatorade and pill bottles littered the floor.
I had not realized
Until after I swallowed
I didn't want to die
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