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It seems like no one is out there,
It seems like no one will care,
It seems like no one loves me,
It seems like I agree.
Your enthusiasm
Your smile
The way you light up the room
When you giggle.

No, it could not have been anyone.
Its you. You make me write.
You over flow me with poetry.
You're my library.

Everything i said is true.
You are my muse.
I refuse to forget you.
I can't get you off my mind.
Love passion want desire girl
 Nov 2019 eccedentesiast
I'm a victim of words
I'm a victim of hate
all theses lairs speak the same
telling me they love me
saying they'll stay
saying they'll never go away

I'm a victim of words
I'm a victim of hate
all theses lairs speak the same
telling me their love is different
telling me their love ain't the same
then playing me like a game
their words be playing with my mind
telling me all the time
one minute you love me the next you change
telling me you hate me
saying you don't want me

why don't you still want me
 Nov 2019 eccedentesiast
I didn't mean to fall in love
Especially with you
Not like this
I can't have you
You'll never be mine
It was too good to be true
You were everything I wanted
You could've been what I needed
I wanted you with me
I wanted you forever
But it could never be
So instead we circle around
Landing blows
Our hearts aching
My world crashing down around me
And all I wanted...
I just wanted to be with you
But it can't be
So I cry and I scream
Writhing in the agony
Of falling in love
With the man
That I can't have
I'm on my own.....
That’s all they want,
But it’s for a good reason.

They ask for blood,
So they can save others,
I’ve let them draw mine 12 times,
They said I saved lives.
They said never lie,
But they do,

They said don’t cry,
But they do,

They said don’t ask why,
But they do,

They said don't yell,
But they do,

They said don't use profanity,
But they do.
Guess Who
Never before have I felt so weak,
You make me fall to my knees,
Could this be a disease?
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