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Dawn breaks like an egg on the highway,
Light spilling through the trees to rest on the blue
bruised half-moons beneath her eyes. She keeps
her foot against the pedal, one hand in the fold
of her jacket pocket. Her cell phone buzzes, her gut
twists, and his voice echoes: “a house, a yard, maybe a dog”

The phone cracks against the side door, falling by dog-
-eared roadmaps. Drowning the call with the roar of the highway,
she wants for inner concrete: decisively gutting
the crust of the earth in a permanent band. But as the sky swallows more blue,
sun exposes the worry-soaked fold
lines where her fingers met her knuckles, empty of the ring he kept

hidden for three months in a bran cereal box. He knew she kept
to a breakfast of day-old Chinese food instead, doggedly
digging in matte white boxes. His laughter lines peeked over the centerfold
of the Sunday newspaper, as she surfaced from digital superhighways
with the next crossword line: scrawled in bleeding ink by her blue
tinged fingers. She supposed that morning he finally found the guts.

His words fell smooth, easy on the first swallow but her gut
anguished at their weight, her insides better kept
to the easy promises, the favor-making, secret-keeping, dog-
walking kind she could shrug to. The something old, new, borrowed, blue
demanded will, boxed and taped and wrapped in the folds
of white tissue paper. She hit the highway

6 hours ago, the ring in her jacket pocket, jumping with NY State Highway
55 as it bent toward a familiar exit. Memories: her mother gutting
duck with chicken bone scissors. The clean press of folded
bed linens, aired out in the oak-thick yards of Poughkeep-
-sie. Her car idled outside the colonial, the shutters still blue.
A black lab lay sleeping on the steps: “a house, a yard, maybe a dog”

Her phone shuddered on the floor and the dog
barked. She set her bald tires rolling again to the highway,
her thoughts still of the egg-yolk kitchen against her father’s dirt-caked boots, his blue
collar sensibilities, and the contented swell of his gut.
He was of similar flex and shrug as she, but never went a day without keeping
a family photo tucked into his front pocket fold.

Her folded fingers unfurled in her own pocket, slow, like growing Kentucky bluegrass.
Playing with the ring, she felt in her gut a warm peace—a house, a yard, a dog—
She worked the band round the knuckle-crease as tires spun, down the highway and out Poughkeepsie.
 Oct 2015 E Townsend
Hannah Beth
I thought I knew what missing someone was
an ache
in the deepest pit of your stomach
that hits you like a truck - trucks hit you all at once
I was mistaken.

I thought I knew what missing someone was
And so
I sat listening to these songs and
That jumper I picked out today - it didn't fit perfect but it
brought me comfort.

I thought I knew what missing someone was
It's crept
All up and upon me so slowly, so
stealthy and disguised, our everyday things - they each piled inside of me
one by one.

I thought I knew what missing someone was
And until
I met you, it wasn't all bad
But I am wrapped in us - our clothes. our pictures and songs.
I miss you.

I miss you
I see now
That before you
I'd never missed
any one person
Not a little -
Not a once -
Not an ever -
Not at all.

I can only hope you don't miss me
Because the thought of you feeling this
Is so much worse
Than to not be thought of at all
I'm happy in this new place but sometimes I remember certain people and everything goes a little grey
 Oct 2015 E Townsend
I never thought it could come back
The sadness and emptiness it grabbing me with their claws
Tearing up my soul
I gave you all I had
You told me once I'm at the edge you'll be gone
But now you've won
I was cheated on by you
You're the reason I'm dying slowly and losing everyone I had by my side
I'm now dead and I'll never forgive you
Your coming back and I can't stop you
You are so much more than a pair of green eyes.
Your heart is golden but sometimes your thoughts dull its shine.
It might take some rain and maybe even a thunderstorm, but I promise you,
It will be worth far more than the pain
to see you
see for the first time.
And you are nearing that day.
One day you will fix more than just people's teeth.
 Oct 2015 E Townsend
The things we do for love
Are upsettingly similar to
The ones we do out of hate.
 Oct 2015 E Townsend
Mark Lecuona
It was another hot day
Like always
I was walking slow and thinking about the night
Then some words appeared in my mind
And I knew it would be all right

It was another beautiful girl
Like always
I was staring at her and thinking about the night
Then her naked body flew into my mind
And I knew it would be all right

It was another setting sun
Like always
I was sadly silent and thinking about the night
Then its darkness cooled my mind
And I knew it would be all right

It was another long day
Like always
I was tired and thinking about the night
Then my fatigue disappeared into my mind
And I knew it would be all right

It was another long conversation
Like always
I was relating and thinking about the night
Then nothing was left in my mind
And I knew it would be all right

I was made for the night
I solve its mysteries
I keep its secrets
From the coming light

It's hot... like always
She's beautiful... like always
It's gone... like always
It's over.... like always
I'm done... like always
It's alright... like always
 Oct 2015 E Townsend
Fish The Pig
I play it over in my head
Afraid to forget a second of it
Every word
Every laugh
Every view
The way you touched me
The way you reassured me
The way your honest eyes demanded truth
How you turned me
Molded me
Hands on my face
Down my chest
Squeezing my hourglass
And commanding my hips back and forth
I’ll keep my eyes closed
Hearing your voice on repeat
Listening to this song again
in bed
clinging to every second
you made me feel alive
“you can’t deny there’s chemistry”
When you have nothing to write about,
But you want to write anyway,
Guess you can even write about having nothing to write about,
Like I'm doing right now.
So ideas creep in when you begin to write something even when you had nothing in mind,
Be patient with your head,its not a machine,
Its not always that ideas have to be well lined up,
Let the mind wander sometimes,
Its good.its alright
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