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 May 2016 Dylan Halvorsen
Peculiar longing
my heart slowly falling
and I found myself wishing
it was me you were kissing.

Quietly seeing
as you went on being
just a young actor doing
what they all found amusing.

She was a'twirling
around you were circling
and your steps were a'matching
as you dove in for the catching.

Your eyes bright were glowing
and I kind of felt like going
because it wasn't from my pleasing
that you were so alive with feeling,
so full-on grinning
and so happy to be living.

But I decided on staying
since I'd already done the paying
and I proceeded with watching
as you looked so swashing
your beautiful smile a'flashing
and you so handsomely dashing.

But happy am I for there remaining
for what I saw was really just feigning
so now after all this over-analyzing
this mess I've created that's got me madly fantasizing
I do know the girl who gets your soul a'singing
the one for whom you'd truly do anything  
I do know the place where your heart is sleeping,
because it's right here with me, the dearest gift in my keeping.
This is very unusual for me. I've never written anything like it before.
Angry knots in the joints of my hands
My fists clenching and unclenching
I am not comfortable in this skin
Everything is so loud, so harsh to me,
The creak of the table, the chewing of gum
The tap tap tap of drumming fingers
I can feel lightning in my veins
Crackling and snapping, it is violent
I want to block everything out
I want it to blur at the edges of myself
And disappear somewhere quiet
Somewhere my skin isn't a cage
And my mind isn't an enemy
I need the lull of the sea on a hot day
And the embrace of the waves
As I sink.
في فراشة بيضاء بتجي كل يوم على شباكي بتفرش جوانحها و بتنطرني انطق اسمه
بتنطرني على وهلة لتحمل اسمه عن شفافي بجوانحها الهزيلة
و جوانحها بتثقل و بتروح لعند الشمس و بتحرق اسمه لتقدر ترجع على ملجأها
و ثاني يوم بترجع ع شباكي مفكرة إنو شي نهار اسمه رح يصير خفّ الريشة و رح تقدر تاخدو معها و ما بقى ترجع لعندي

There's a white butterfly that comes every day at my window, unfolds her wings and waits for me to say his name
It waits for me impatiently to grab his name off my lips on her little wings
And her wings grow heavy thus she goes to the sun and burns his name for her to be able to fly back home
And the next day she comes back at my window, thinking that one day, his name will be light enough for her to be able to carry it on her wings and never have to come back to me

لين اا -
- LynnAA
In every “Poetry Place”
There is a Copycat Corner.
We know it’s a disgrace
So here’s another “Warner”.

Why they do it I’ll never know,
Those Copier and Pasters.
Their words they seem to glow,
But they’re a bunch of Wasters.

Taking all that praise,
For stuff they haven’t written,
It seems to be a craze,
And many do get bitten.

Just Google their “fine words” or use those plagiarism sites,
And you will find the original poems
Bedecked with copyrights.

I’m sure this place just isn’t free
Of people like this,
Just look and see!!!

The Admins must get their fingers out,
And give these villainous rogues a massive clout.
Me, I will show all due diligence,
But my job here,
Is to show My brilliance.
(NOT someone else’s!).

Paul Butters
Our hands rise
and the street leaps.
Our eyes lower,
the heavens collapse.

From our unspoken pain,
a tulip tree grows
mysteriously behind us.

From our cherished wishes,
a star rises
just beyond our reach.

Do you hear the bullets
whizzing around our heads
guarding our kisses?

The sweetness
of your glance
never ends.

No birds fly south
from your eyes;
no avalanches slide
from your *******.

In the paradise
of your sight
the sun never sets.

These are your lips
I return to your neck.

Your blood
burns in my heart.

Everything remains.
Everyone seems to be sad
Everyone seems to be so melancholic
Everyones reality seems to be so, obscure
Everyone seems to be hurt
Everyone seems to be heart broken
I'm just
I'm just
I'm just

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