Your smile
never ceases to shine even when
ominous weather clouds
hover above us relentlessly.
Your presence
Is always warm and comforting,
And never do I feel so safe, so protected than
When I am in your arms.
And everyday,
Every single day,
your love for me
makes me whole.
And then I wake up.
And the cold, hard truth
hits me.
I can only dream of you now.
I can only wish
On all my stars
to have you again.
Because the stars
Have hidden themselves away
And your arms
No longer wrap themselves
Around me.
Because your smile
Still shines as brightly,
but it’s no longer for me.
And I know
that when you see me,
all you see
Is this girl who left you
in pieces.
I want to pick up
All the fragments of
you I left behind
make you whole again.
To make me whole again.
If only you would let me…