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  Sep 2016 Doug Potter
I won't let this hope shatter
I won't let this life break
You just won't leave me breathe
The shadows of the night
They embrace the darkness you fight

You and I, won't stay long, but
by the end of this song,
your soul will be gone.

Please don't let this be our last goodbye

I don't want this all to be a lie
Memories are lost, what is the cost?
Is there more, left of this rattled core?

I won't let this be.
This is not me.

Where is your heart?
Or has it all fallen apart?
The world has lost its way
The light has long faded away

Lies have been forsaken-but nothing has been taken.
Everything vanished in the veins,
only your battered core still remains.

We all cried, but
the you we knew
has DIED.
This is a song I wrote back on 6/27/09, rewrote 5/16/10 & 5/12/11. I have a musical beat to it too.
The culture call
let standards fall
we'll flag them up as mad.

I always was what I was not and not what I could be
I never saw destruction without that hint of glee,
I'm bad.

to gain respect one must expect
to do things properly,
by the book not
by hook or crook
or so
the tutor said to me.

But I was never meant to be
a guiding star or
a celebrity
not even sure if I was meant to be
but who is?
  Sep 2016 Doug Potter
Jay 1988
The door was open
And from then on I condemned myself
I was lost and I was broken
Inside the store where in the light of day
Pretty women buy new clothes
The lights were out but the locks weren't on even though the sign read closed
I took my chance and lined my pockets with money from the till
And from the window across the pavement watching with tears on her cheeks was stacey, she was still
I raced in the shadows of the bingo halls
Fives flew from my pocket
Landed in a puddle I fell to my knees
Picked one up and then I dropped it

The sirens ran out
They filled the air my blood ran cold this wasn't what I wanted
I used to have a job that paid the bills and filled my rover
Until one winters morning the forman came in and said "sorry guys the work is over"
Then all I had was the clothes on my back and last months money in the bank
Not even enough remained to fill my trusty rovers tank
Things got so bad my wife packed her bags
And headed off down town
Now she dances with the sirens that
Hunt these streets just trying to track me down

In a darkened corner
I lift my blanket over me behind the skip trying to stay warm
Awoken by the screaming and hounds Barking they jumped me like a swarm
I was caught in the glow of the blue lights flashing and hatred in their eyes
They pulled me up and pushed me out onto
the main street and into the sky

And there was stacey
Her long brown hair was still as young as the day we first met
Fifteen years ago I held her in my arms where in the church we were wed
I bowed my head in shame as she asked me to explain
And all I said was

The door was open
And from then on I've condemned myself
I'm lost and I am broken
I'm hungry and confused, it feels like I am over
I used to have a wife, a house I used to have a rover
Until the works shut down and I was left wondering around chasing fivers along the ground
My fingers bleed from scratching he dirt and my skin is cracked and broken
....The door was open
  Sep 2016 Doug Potter
Diána Bósa
It felt better when
I believed: that the cat in
the box still had the

chance. And now the box
is open and I hate to
be aware of the

scientific fact
that the cat is no more; she
did not manage to

survive the cruel
experiment. I hated
for I learned: she was Love.
Doug Potter Sep 2016
You drink sweet coffee early mornings and sweat
pearls down your nape on summer  nights; you
dream of want.

Zinnia’s sit in an amber vase on your kitchen table,
bacon fries in a cast iron skillet;
there is regret.  

I know you, even though
we have never
  Sep 2016 Doug Potter
Poetic T
I am an individual not a duplicate or a copy
of what others wish me to be.

I am an individual
             not a duplicate
or a copy of what others
                   wish me to be, I'm my own self.

I am an
                         individual not a duplicate
or a copy of what others
                                            wish me to be,
                 I'm a repeat of what was said.
  Sep 2016 Doug Potter
I swear with all my heart
Every boy I've ever loved
has wanted me to hurt

He set up a picnic
over the rail road tracks
just to watch the weight
of the train crush
my ribcage

And he laughed when
I asked why he'd do that...
Why he'd pretend that
this was lovely,
all the while knowing
that it would be ******

He laughed
and the butterflies
in my stomach
danced to the beat
of the breath between
his ivory teeth

And then I wonder why
pain is comforting,
And I wonder why
I feel alive
only when I cry

He said,
"This won't hurt a bit"
And then he ripped
my arm from the socket,
As I swooned over the
touch of his hand over mine

I said,
"I don't wanna be in agony"
And he said,
"Then stay the hell away from me"

And I could never decide
Which would cause more injury
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