There's no one who will hurt me in this parking lot
The world is a rushing vertigo of color and sound
I can't quite seem to grasp the anxiety that's so familiar to me
Or even stand up without the distinct feeling of falling down.
Music sends a vibrato tingle through the left hemisphere of my brain
Smells light up the right like a Las Vegas light show
Taste is unnoticed, I'm ravenous, the food is gone before I realize it
Behind my too-heavy eyes is an impossibly beautiful glow.
In this moment I know the world like I know my own mind
I feel my skull expanding, stretching out my consciousness
I can feel the rush of eternity caressing my skin lovingly
I feel my chest depressing, suffocating, and ushering me to death.
Someone is talking; I can't understand the words, can't remember
Nothing matters, right here, right now; everyone rushes too fast
The timbres shiver and crawl up my spine and the meaning is lost
Busybodies, busy lives, busy people, I can't keep track, too relaxed.
I am floating just above the horizon; lonely and satisfied
I am blood-warm and deathly cold, both immortal and finite
My tongue ties and twists itself before I can invite anyone to fly
And rests uselessly under my feet as I sink and soar into the sun's light.