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2.1k · Aug 2016
The Lambent Universe
Deepti S P Aug 2016
Spectacular view of the stars and their constellation,
Conveying astral messages to the mankind.
Astounding vision of the moon amidst darkness,
Giving a ray of hope for those who are in the dark,
Telling them to spread the light of wisdom,
Personify the beauty of the universe.
1.6k · Jul 2015
Gateway To Success
Deepti S P Jul 2015
Goal is a dream,
Strive for your goal.
Follow your dreams,
Realize your potential.
Seize every opportunity,
In most difficult times.
When faced with impending failures,
Do not loose hope.
Mobilize your thoughts,
Overcome fear.
Keep a positive mindset,
Shun all negatives.
Dreams map the future,
The road to success.
1.2k · May 2020
A hankering for sweets
Deepti S P May 2020
Seemingly out of nowhere,
I have experienced an incessant yearning for sweets.
When I see mouth-watering sweets gracing my table,
An intense temptation grow inside me,
My desire goes on elevating;
Making it hard to satiate my selective hunger.
It's always an overwhelming feeling,
triggering a happy spot in my brain.
For all those who have a craving for sweets.Most of us have a temptation for sweets.
1.2k · Jul 2015
Plunge into darkness
Deepti S P Jul 2015
The alluring darkness,
Brimming with  stars & moonlit,
Beholds the night.
Sky gazing and star gazing brings  joy, peace and calmness and connects to another world.
694 · May 2020
My guiding star
Deepti S P May 2020
When I look into the sky,
Amidst the dark clouds,
Amongst a bed of stars,
There appears before me,
A star which shines the brightest, drawing my attention.
No other star could outshine,
The sparkling beauty of my star.
I could hear, my guiding star, whispering to me:
"Oh my child, I am by your side, night and day,
Holding your hands, in every walk of your life,
So, enjoy your life to the fullest;
I am always there for you,
I am always there for you".
Its really a pleasure feeling when you look at the sky.You feel like you are connected to another world.You get completely lost in the beauty of the stars in the sky.Some stars shine more brightly than others.I always had the feeling that the brightest star is whispering something to me whenever I look into the sky.
591 · Jul 2015
Deepti S P Jul 2015
Tiny droplets eluding from the sky,
Making a rhythmic proliferation ,
Drooping in perfect harmony,
Mesmerized by her ravishing beauty,
Always succumbed to her charm,
Nurturing  life on the earth,
Embracing the whole of nature.
It's always a pleasure to see the  droplets falling from  the sky. Feel the rain, sense the petrichor and enjoy psithurism.
572 · Jul 2015
Live life happily
Deepti S P Jul 2015
Keep your cool and always be happy
Only your smile can hide the deepest sorrows
Laugh a lot,stay strong and focused
Follow your heart and live your passion
Enjoy  life to the fullest
For there is only one life.
There is only one life for all of us. So enjoy your life to the  fullest. Live in the present and do not overthink about any situation that has happened in the past or going to happen in the future. Do not sacrifice your life for others. Live your life and love your life.
513 · Aug 2016
Voice of intuition
Deepti S P Aug 2016
Sixth sense,
a magical phenomena,
a super natural phenomena,
a gift bestowed upon some people,
by the Supreme Lord.

Each and everyone has got sixth sense;
Only those who are spiritually connected to God,
Experience the direct perception of truth.
Only those who believe in God and follow his footsteps,
Are blessed with this conscious reasoning.

I am a person who always believe in my inner conscience.
I can sense it if something worse is going to happen.

My gut feeling ;
helps me to take accurate and integrative decisions,
helps me to judge a person correctly,
What his inner thoughts are and
What he pretends to be outside.
helps me to handle negative and stressful situations.

Intuition is something;
which connects your conscious mind with your sub- conscious mind.
which connects you with a greater knowledge.
which improves physical, mental and emotional health.
Always believe in your intuition . Your gut feeling is signalling you something which you won't be able to understand in the beginning.Do always look for clues given by our God.
308 · May 2020
My love for baked beans
Deepti S P May 2020
Sweet and savoury,
Smothered in rich tomato sauce,
Adding a pinch of spices like cumin, pepper and garam masala ;
Brings in a great combination of flavour and aroma,
Making baked beans smell so wonderful.
Healthy and super delicious,
Utterly addictive and irresistible,
Quick and easy breakfast,
Love to have it with Dejeunette Viennoise and Croissant along with a bite of cutlet,
One of my favourite morning delights on the dining table.
I love exploring cuisines from across the globe. I am a foodie with epicurean taste buds. Baked beans is one of my favourite.
246 · May 2020
Deepti S P May 2020
Pitter-patter, Petrichor
Lightning, Peals of thunder, Gusty winds
A feeling of freshness
Feel the rain
188 · May 2020
Protected Souls
Deepti S P May 2020
Those having faith in God,
Those praying with utmost sincerity,
Get blessings and love to face hardships without losing hope.
173 · May 2020
Deepti S P May 2020
A sacred bird and a psychopomp,
Mysterious and ominous,
Known for their sparking intelligence,
Connecting us with the world of spirits.

Flying in pairs and doing rolls and somersaults in the air,
Flying upside down and dropping objects and catching them in mid air,
A magnificent view of the birds,having fun in the sky.

Building their mansion on the trees,
Collecting twigs, bark strips and leaves,
And precisely placing them to make a receptacle.
Awesome to see the loving pairs making a settlement.

Protecting their nests by keeping an eye on potential dangers,
Attacking predators by flying at them and lunging with their large bills.
Feeding their young ones and demonstrating devotion to their families,
Is something worth watching.
It's amazing to observe very fine details of Raven like the noises they make, the sounds they produce,performing wing-tucked dives and their super natural intelligence.
163 · May 2020
A paradox
Deepti S P May 2020
People with phantasm,
Castigating and nitpicking over tiny details,
Not judging the verity of the status quo,
Are those who don't see the truth.
We have to come across judgmental  and opinionated people in our lives.They actually don't see a situation through our eyes.They easily jump to conclusions without evaluating the truthfulness of the situation.Perception differs for every individual.Real people are least affected by it because they don't have an image to maintain.

— The End —