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 Feb 2015 Deenah
Hunter of Jewel
As I sit here
looking back
farther i go
from you

Mile by mile
city by city
car by car
i pass

its hard not to notice
ever so slowly it grows
though i continue on
from you

hour by hour
field by field
song by song
i go through

Its hard to breath
grown large by now
painful it has become to be away
from you
Writing this made me think of all the soldiers, away from their husbands and wives. or Boyfriend/Girlfriends. I was a mere couple hundred miles from mine compared to the tens of thousands of miles they are away from theirs. My heart goes out to them.
 Feb 2015 Deenah
 Feb 2015 Deenah
Not all weddings are
about big white fluffy
dresses nor diamonds
and gold.
Weddings aren't about
you and him sharing a king
sized bed. It's about spilling
out what your heart feels
when unplanned.
Sharing your heartbeats
together till the very end* ~
 Feb 2015 Deenah
jorge padre
Wouldn't it be nice.
If we died side by side.
Holding hands,
Your head next to mine.
Our ribs crushed together,
From a truck that hit us on the side.

Wouldn't it be nice
If they cremated us side by side
In the funeral pyre we built
With the heat of our own love.
Burning in a pit,
'Til we're charred and black inside.

Wouldn't it be nice
If they threw our ashes to the sea
Off a cliff,
Floating to the breeze.
Without a care,
Just like you and me.

Wouldn't it be nice,
If our souls drifted together.
Towards oblivion,
Hand-in-hand we'll leap.
Let's gravitate from this world,
Alone at last, just you and me.
I love you
             The way
       the sun
          the moon

Never together

       At a distance

              Always and
 Feb 2015 Deenah
Amitav Radiance
Every poem is precious
Words carry the
Deepest emotions
Of our heart
Experiences, soul stirring
Makes one restless
Until those feelings are
Expressed on blank paper
Absorbing the impact
Of those strong emotions
Poet holding the pen
Feeling the ink’s undercurrent
Every moment
Getting drawn in by the force
To let the words out
Thus, poetry is birthed
Much turmoil and passion
Encapsulates every poetry
Finally, we see the order of words
In the form of poetry
And the soul of poetry
Sketched with conviction
Spreading the relevant message
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