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Grazilla Paulac Feb 2016
Is it weird that first time meeting him, I see myself growing old with him?
Is it weird that I wanna be the sandwich he's eating right now?
Is it weird that I can't think straight when he's smirking?
Is it weird that his smell before shower is my favorite scent in the world?
Is it weird that I'm still having a crush on him even after a bad haircut?
Is weird that he can change my mood from ***** to puppy?
Is weird that laying on his chest is better than on my bed?
Is it weird that even after life, I would still choose him?
Is it weird that I'm writing a poem about him?
  Feb 2016 Grazilla Paulac
Star Gazer
Between the nights,
with dimming lights,
I finally knew,
I wasn't afraid to be with you.

You weren't going to turn into the monsters,
that tear at my heart in the night,
You had the care that a heart couldn't foster,
and I somehow knew it at first sight.

You weren't ever going to be Freddy Krueger,
You'd run yourself over with a Kluger,
Than see me in any sort of nightmare,
That is your type of care.

You won't transform into Dracula,
Because with your warm words,
I felt completely spectacular,
and you made sure they were heard.
Grazilla Paulac Feb 2016
He's the man of my dreams
His eyes glitters seeing me
His pleasant words tickle my ears
His smile amazes my 18 year old self
His lips against my neck intoxicates my whole body

He's the man behind my poems
His eyes are lonely looking at me
His hurtful words stabbing my heart
His frown aches my bones
His last kiss brought tears and never ending rain of my life

He'll always be the my almost forever.
  Feb 2016 Grazilla Paulac
For too long I’ve kept to the shadows.
I lost all hope of  finding love long ago.
I’m covered in scars and bruises
from daily encounters with “him”.
How can I be who I was before?
I am unable to experience euphoria,
but instead only pain and terror.
“His” words run through my mind over and over again.
Princess, Beautiful, My love.
The agony is destroying who I am
and now that he’s gone, I don’t know what to do
except to repeat the words I love you
to the one person I thought cared about me.
The lies and hurt I’ve been through
can never be healed with kisses or hugs.
I need to know if you love me or not
because I’ve loved someone before, and all he wanted was more, and more.♥
Grazilla Paulac Feb 2016
Don't give your heart to a broken girl
You'll have to see all her flaws and madness
You'll see nothing but all her tears
You'll hear nothing but silence
She'll waste all your time without talking
Loving her will not be worth it.
Grazilla Paulac Feb 2016
I've been silent for hours
I don't wanna talk to anyone
Talking to them would be useless
Talking to them means I have to care
But I'm done caring.
Grazilla Paulac Jan 2016
A lump in my throat
I can't speak
I wanna scream
But only a silent scream
from inside

It's everlasting pain
that I only feel
I can't figure out
All I could do is cry

My world is black and grey
Never white or red.
I'm smiling but
inside i'm sinking
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