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David Hall Jan 2015
perfect simplicity
so seldom does visit me
that when it’s in the vicinity
I bask in divinity

I live for a line
the curve of her spine
her curves are divine
with a bottle of wine

the touch of her lips
the swing of her hips
savor the sips
of a total eclipse
David Hall Jan 2015
there’s no life in a photograph
no real spark in a camera flash
real life is found in 3D space
right in front of your down turned face

real friends don’t live in an online book
and care about more than what quizzes you took
real support is hugs and real words we say
you can’t just click someone to a brighter day

real love exists on god’s green earth
but it can’t be found with a google search
there is life to be lived in the real sunshine
because life isn't lived if it’s lived online
David Hall Oct 2014
I love you
sometimes that’s hard to hear
when life gets tough
the road gets rough
and your heart is full of fear

I love you
might even be hard to believe
after we've had our fights
turned out the lights
and just slept without reprieve

I love you
can sometimes lose all meaning
when it’s said a million times
after a million crimes
it starts to sound demeaning

I love you
I pray to god, you know I mean it
no matter time or space
forever you have a place
in my heart, please know I mean it
David Hall Oct 2014
i’m tired of tattered metaphors
we are all just mongrels made of meat
a flowery soliloquy
only makes old hat smell sweet

there is nothing new under the sun
or so the story goes
a rolling stone does not gather moss
but a poet reaps the words he sows

creativity escapes even me
in a quite unsightly manner
what started out on an epic route
has ended with a stammer
I have been having trouble writing lately, so I just tried to throw some words at the page and see if I could make it flow.
David Hall Oct 2014
a cool october breeze
goes rustling through the leaves
as the mid october sun
sets along the mid atlantic seas

its seems like only yesterday
spring was gently on the rise
the air filled with anticipation
for summers sweet surprise

as june faded into july
facing endless summer reaches
dreams of angelic faces
moonlit midnight summer beaches

like many a dream
to good to be true
the magic of summer faded
with skies steely gray instead of blue

a cool october breeze
goes rustling thru the leaves
as the mid october sun
sets along the mid atlantic seas

memories of spring rain and summer sun
softly fade as snowflakes fly
saddened eyes whisper “see you later”
cause we can never say goodbye
David Hall Oct 2014
let me live forever
or let me die today
the wait is killing me

eternity will end
or perhaps begin again
all roads meet in Italy

a travesty of time
the majesty of rhyme
death is life’s soliloquy
David Hall Sep 2014
my soul wanders when I sleep
where it wills to venture forth
mostly it tells my waking mind not

some nights on a rare occasion
the faintest flickering of a memory
will hold fast till morning sings

some would say it’s just a dream
but what dreams are alive as this
so vivid are these vague remembering’s

just this morning my soul watched the sun
rise over the most beautiful valley
my mortal life has ever seen

the first rays of newborn light
chasing the shadows fast across
valley fields of summer green

my soul has passed the gates of heaven
and walked it’s quiet gardened paths

my soul has peered into the future
and has revisited my past

every so often my soul will stop
to watch the warm summer wind
rustle a single maple leaf

the peace that I remember
from those midnight summer stops
leads my waking mind to weep

darkness draws it’s curtains once again
as I recount what little I recall
and record my pondering

my soul stirs within this mortal shell
anxious to once again be off
on it’s  midnight wandering
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