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 May 2015
Sonya Ki Tomlinson
Immersed in God ecstasy
and orange robes
the true bhakta’s thoughts
are always on God, for God
and of God
armed with pure love
the slings and arrows
of maya, good, bad and outrageous fortune
are averted
God and His beloved
whirl across the bhakti path
dancing with Rumi, Kabir,  St. Francis  Meera Bai
and all the beautiful bhaktas
for eternity
 May 2015
mike dm
Dark cloud form
Grin smirk
Emptied room is my heart

Scars like stars
House of mar

One moonbeam
Allowed in
Dust mote
dance that
Melo-d dance
Bleed yer heart plz plzzz

Fist open up
White knuckles *******
******* fate

Saw what's seen
Be what's been

Death will not die
But I am
dead and dying
Don't you see?

Silver lines bleed
Bright no more
Inky garb gab blah blah
Abstract claptrap
Trapped trapped



A tree in the wind
Or your lips parting
To receive mine
Salty hot winds
Us in each other

But complications
Complicate everything
Meaning slips
Slivers slick
 May 2015
Prepare for cocktails
Blue versus green ink
******* tape sits so carefully in the corner
My eyes so heavy but unwilling to slumber.
Sleeping such a chore, but once my eyes are so closed
The light from my windows egg me on.
As I heard myself whimper and coo your name
As though searching, looking for you
Through a walkie talkie
Or a paper cup connected through string
But I knew at the end,
I would never hear your

Kitty cat slumbers on 3 suitcases
As I recall how you didn't want to hear my mind
My philosophy
"Have you played out all the scenarios in your mind?"
It never goes the way I fantasize.

Perhaps you won't show up
With your scraggly beard and worn down clothes
A hobo clown, the damsels and I would jest
A silver screen starlet
I imagine us arm in arm
Neck to neck
Tied and tangled
Because neither of us can seem to forget.

Those blue depths I would plummet into
With a short blonde bob
I would cry and cry when your skin
Left mine
I would cry and cry
When I felt neglected by you
Night by night.

But there is something different in the air
Something different in the sea
Something so ******* different in me

"We love each other"
I can almost hear myself say
Lingerie mirroring my face
But just because we love each other
That doesn't make us right for each other
I would so famously,

I wonder if your knock, kn-kn--kno-knock-knock
Will pound a few times on my door
Like you use to before
When we would laugh and laugh
We never grew bored.

Cat nip and our own fantastical fumes
I was your crack for a while, you still exclaim
I hope I leave you with withdrawal

But I digress
The cat on all those suitcases--
She soon will belong to another
The suitcases--They will be stacked and packed
Rolling on carpeted floors
A fedora on my head
And new opening doors.

The Goodbye Dinner
You would look at me with that coy
Icicle heart fire grin
As I remember all the times I tried to erase
That face from my mind.

I don't try anymore
I don't fight anymore
I don't erase anymore
I just live.

Maybe this is dumb
Maybe this is the stupidest thing I've ever done
Maybe we are ******* so dumb
"But we love each oth--"
I start to hear myself say, in my day dream
Of us on a roof top
Unable to escape

And then I remember,
I go my own way.
 May 2015
I'm a naughty bad *****
Covered in lacy laughter and fingertips
I hate laying on the operating table.

I'd rather rub my face against a violin
As it whimpered and crooned
All the times I rode on the tour guide bus
Wished for dreams to come true.

But clouds and pixie dust
I consume and cough them up
As liquids run down my limbs
Longing whiteness

I can't wait for an email
A commercial, a cash register
To go bing bang ****
I haven't been able to make myself write
In so long.

I don't know if its because whistles of self loathing
Secure and secretly
Wrong number, this has gotta be the wrong number
I'm not sure what I want
I'm not sure who you are
I just want to ink my tongue.

Summer in the concrete jungle
Everyone claims "OH! I LOVE CHICAGO!"
Dollar signs and fleeting moments pass by me
Numb to it all, weight on my back
Soak it up
No man to really call my name
No, not right now.

A coffee shop, it all started in.
Green eyes, leaves, get that paper
Skin so ******.
So ******.
 Mar 2015
it hasn't hit me (yet) that all that is left
is myself, and the pictures we hung up, but never really were as happy as we smiled in them.
i am standing by the fence, acting a fool to get kittens to come near me just so i can hold them. hold something other than myself. i have reached pure loneliness
 Mar 2015
The bed is only half empty,
it is not half full.
as i clutch the wrinkled bed sheets
beneath my tiny balled up fists.
Black mascara staining my tears
that run down cold cheeks,
cold from not having been touched by your lips
cold from waking up
only to find you gone.
This was written a while back, but I hardly had any minor changes. It's funny how nothing really ever happens and your imagination becomes so delusional that we're able to transfer it onto paper where as it becomes amazing works of art!
 Mar 2015
He wants to say I love you,
but leaves it to goodnight.
because love means falling,
and she's afraid of heights.  

He wants to say I love you,
but doesn't want to lose her in morning light.
breaking her heart,
once again leaves it to goodnight.

She wants to say I love you,
but she thinks he won't love her.
When he texts goodnight,
he leaves her with a blur

She wants to say I love you,
but without a doubt
it's coming to an ending
friendship will be over now.

She types goodnight sweet-dreams,
and puts her phone down.
It lights again,
she sighs with a frown.

She reads the message,
well you know what happened,
As she read the message, her toes started tappin'
from her eyes to a heart,
the relationship got its start.
the text said "I love you, Beautiful."
 Mar 2015
Jonny Angel
One more time
I'd like
to see you.
it really wouldn't matter.
You buried
your heart
he seared your soul
so many years ago.

And now,
you float
in darkness,
devouring others
with your rejection.

Hold me...


...once again

I love
the pain
of my broken heart.
My twisted mind finds it fun
to study the trends and correlations
between what I post publicly
and my number of followers.

For any who fancies themselves a fan of my madness:
I love you. Thank you.
For any who does not:
I love you. Thank you.

So there. ;)
Nowadays, my number of followers tends to rest around 400.
I feel pretty good about that.
I most sincerely thank you all!
 Feb 2015
Hold on a little longer.

Your veins need a pinch of time + a few more starry nights to become a little more impervious.

Oh, you are still fragile, but the kind of soft and all raw edges.

A bruise of a reminder that you have waltzed on broken fractures & bones of wishes hollowed out too soon.

And you are still here,

blood burnt out into alchemy.

You are quite like magic.

*We all are.
Just in case you didn't know.
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
If you think that                                                                                                       One individual , two individuals ,or                                                                        Or even a million of individuals love you  , then                                                                    You are completely mistaken                                                                                  Simply because you need                                                                                        The whole world to love you in truth ...                                                                  If the whole world loves you in truth ,then                                                             That is called true love anytime ....                                                                                ___________________­_
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