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 May 2017
Lora Lee
that drawing in
                 of breath
                         a minty
   of starlit senses
How they curl
       like the opposite
               of smoke
over the very
     of my
           earthen throat
                         crackle of
       autumnal breezes          
whooshing through
like a beacon
And in that
right before
deep freeze
my molecules
   rise and fall
       in the rhythm
            of snowflakes
each one a
unique entity
   dusting the
            solid soil
                with loamy richness
                    and simultaneous
              feather impressions    
           of relief
like silk draped
I am cooled
Like sweet
        river water
  I flow
       rocked by
the slow
churn of
growing freedom
             that alights my pores
arises in tender
     through the
          looming forests
           of my skin
              penetrates the
                  unseen journey of
                     my night
                 as demulcent
          and persistent
as the balmy petals  
of a

lifting the veil of
     and tossing it,
into the
(Finally :)
 May 2017
When I was young,
honey was my favourite treat.
I would do anything for a taste of that liquid gold.
Good or bad,
ugly or clean,
your way or mine,
I’d do it.
At the time my mother laughed,
she thought I was sweet.
Just like my favourite honey treat.
times change and people change,
childish was my new name.
 May 2017
Druzzayne Rika
Tomorrow , there's plan ,
Tomorrow, there'll be the end ,
Wait till tomorrow,
it will always follow
                           today .
 May 2017
she's a corrosive story
Hidden within a mirror
Never to be heard again

As I gulp down my favorite cheap *****
I wondered  with amazement at my ignorance
And the vicious adage that crippled me
love is blind

You were a ruthless callous soul
and still
remnants of your cold heart still linger in my thoughts
loving you was devastating
 May 2017
Harley Hucof
I won't let you get me down
For years i've been crawling on the ground

I tried your ways, but this road is blocked
I'll never give up again, i'll never drop

I've seen the light and i know what to do
It won't be easy but this is my due

I have a purpose and a way
For with every word i write and say
I watch my scars fade away.

Words Of Harfouchism
That is the last part of the sequel The noose and The blade. Have faith and never give up
 May 2017
Mohd Arshad
Forgetting promise is torturing...
 May 2017
Stan Patty
The first hummingbird,
The usual melee forestalled.
Long sips of nectar.
Others will come frequently,
Overcrowding the feeder.
 May 2017
Stan Patty
Relentless Spring rains
Turn the garden into pools,
Soaking tender plants
Overflowing the gutters
And weighing down the bamboo.
 May 2017
Ryan Holden
My mind begins to whisper and speak,
Bizarre stories, grotesque honesty,
"It's only true love you ever seek"
Tearing myself apart constantly.

When illusions always perceive me,
My mind stays forever incomplete,
If small details were so plain to see,
Intercepting your cold hearted feet.
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