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 Mar 2017
phil roberts
Quixotically adorned
In a creaking suit of armour
Stumbling from set back to let down
I am learning to smile enigmatically
As though my thoughts are far away
Which is so often the truth
And my memories are bitter sweet
Because that's what they are

And so.....

Behind this slight disguise
I bumble and fumble through life
Assuming a face of serenity
A face which is not really mine
But one I wear for public view
My creaking suit of armour
Protects my vulnerability
And hides my secret heart

                                    By Phil Roberts
 Mar 2017
Dev A
For those nights when you just want to cry
But the tears refuse to fall
For those days when you just want to leave your bed
But your legs fail to move.

When your mind follows an endless cycle
Of frustration and anxiety
Resulting in a downward spiral of depression
Into an abyss of darkness and self hatred

The only thought being your desire for the emotions to just stop;
The wanting to exist without the feelings;

The feelings of failure;
Constant self condemnation;
Endless frustration;
Unbounded worthlessness;
Inexhaustible mental agony.

When there's a war in your mind
As you battle against yourself
Day after day
Week after week
Constant, never ending fighting.
 Mar 2017
Jack Jenkins
I don't know how to keep going on
I can't open up to anybody
They can get into some rooms
but I lock up parts of me
Isolated and dusty
I'm an island sinking into the depths
Of my sin, of my despair

I used to have a lot of friends
Now so very few are left
I hurt most of them right in the heart
I never intended to harm them
Haha, look at all the I's I have in this poem
Just so self-centered...

I never meant you any harm
Family matters the most to me
Then why do I take you for granted?

I'm sorry, I'm saying I'm sorry a lot lately
The weight of what I've lost is crushing me
Irony of something you don't have killing you
Hey, that's just how I'm going to die...
Not really sure what direction I'm supposed to be going with this. I'm just hurting. Hating myself. Feeling totally alone because I don't know how to have friends anymore...
 Mar 2017
She loved him so hard she broke his balance
Stumbling through a maze of attraction, affection, and desire
Trying to find footing on familiar ground
he beat her back through his own pain
too far to torture with answered dreams
too close to ignore into normalcy

She loved him so hard he feared he'd shatter in her arms
Seeking safety in benign semblance of emotion
In a reality devoid of enamored souls
unyeilding acceptance proves unforgettable
Deemed undeserved in dreams of promises broken
Ignited by impure thoughts
Requited in guilt, martyred for the comfort
of a truth that never existed

She loved him so hard he was afraid to love her
 Mar 2017
Silence Screamz
Dad, where did you go?
One more talk on the park bench
I long to see you
 Mar 2017
Silence Screamz
Why do you have to take my only need?
Do I have to bleed down the river
for you to not see?
My corridors are filled with pain covered walls
and shock induced traumas.
Drowned emotions in cast iron tubs,
rust through my life
at the bottom of the ocean
I know not but temptation and contemplation,
it only bounces around inside
like a drug store explosion.

We start to walk down the
mirrored lined hallways the wrong way
I mean our eyes glare off
each other the wrong way.
I mean, "what in the **** am I trying to say?
You just don't get it, do you?
I mean, it goes right through you,
I think I may have a rusty
***** loose or maybe you do.

Your agony runs through my veins,
conversing memories, explaining nurseries and
even a midnight summer's *******.
So let me explain this to you,
in layman's terms,
the ****** broke a long
time ago..
but you seemed to have missed
your period and the point.
I know I am not only one,
I know about all the others.
I mean.
You bounced around those guy's  mattresses
like you are on some gymnastic's trampoline.
Then come home late at night
like a ninja, like I wouldn't even see.

I am not a blind man walking around with a stick,
the true sinister gaze you gave me
is like sinister maze inside my brain.
But I solved this 300 piece puzzle
that you left on the nook
and I didn't even have to open the book.
I think it is time
to close this unbridged chapter in my life
with no unadulterated bookmarks
and bounce around to the end
where I know the words
which will make me a whole lot happier
and much more content
The final chapter
 Mar 2017
Who can be classified as a Troll
Is there a criteria that lets us know
If we were a Troll ourselves
Would that affect our mental health

Under the bridge of a poetic mind
Surely the Troll will strike in due time

To show us our ways
Have somehow gone south
Straight out of lines
They'll run their big mouths

And so here I'll simply define
A Troll is a person who crosses the line
A questionable comment without a like
Are you trying to be irritably polite
Sorry someone needed to say it!
Traveler Tim

I would love to hear your thoughts on Trolls
We can all learn something
My mind is not closed!
 Mar 2017
the day came rude
all still the same as the night but bright
crust awaitin to get knocked off
the stain of the dark
jumped in the shower brushed me  teef
and still had that lingering smell
you get in your *** when you just think of you
that bad feeling that you get when you
just dont want to get up and face anything
but you do
no dial or crest or eyewash can knock it off
you go through the motions
promise never more
until you get home that night
and after two beers
or a hit a pill
a shot a  ***** a snoot
you forget all that
and go right back
to last night
**** on
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