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 Jan 2016
I left home to search for an endless road
and I will go wherever it may take me.

Through visible and invisible,
I'll rain new rivers out of many seas,
and sleep deep dreams under the willow trees.

Through sunless mornings and many nightfalls,
I'll wander true places that host lair to thousands of tales,
and all this I'll do while erasing my trail.

Because once I take these many roads of life,
I can't come back home
to be the same that I was when I left.
 Jan 2016
I know you're strong.
A force to be embraced and not confined.
I can't grasp you,
You're too powerful.
But I can lay here with you and enjoy your fury.
I can wait for you to move me...

You are a hurricane
I feel your force and I know that you can cause damage.
I do not question your abilities, but I push your boundaries.
I want to hear you crash on my shore and pour down upon me.
Break me.
Don't hold back.
Show me what your made of.
 Dec 2015
CA Guilfoyle
Blue flowered in the warm sun of winter
pungent fragrance wafts splendorous
smallish leaves, grow deeply green
with a sun-ward slant they lean
hum and sing with bees
reaching ever upward
wild, their fingers untamed
vigorous, they flourish
lushly in the lane
our hands grow green stained
here in a dream field
handfuls of rosemary
we steal
 Dec 2015
What I want
For Christmas is
Just the barest
Of necessities

All my teeth
Not just two
So when I eat
I can chew

A skip and jump
Back in my step
So each morning
I have some pep

A pair of glasses
Which self defrost
A set of keys
Which don’t get lost

All my hair
Put back in place
So I don’t have
That barren space

A pair of shoes
With self tie laces
So I don’t have to
Reach those places

A set of arteries
That don’t plug
A nice cold beer
Which I can chug

To have someone
My brain equip
With that new fangled
Memory chip

So it can tell me
My intent
When I stood up
And why I went

A bunch of prunes
Which are pre dated
To work just when
I’m constipated

A gizmo that will
So to speak
Turn off my wee wee’s
Little leak

So I don’t have
I’ll just be blunt
Those little dribbles
In the front

A cork that fits
My *** hole, please
So hemorrhoids don’t pop out
Whenever I sneeze

A longer arm
That would pass
Behind my back
To wipe my ***

On this I’ll end
My little list
I don’t want Santa
To get ******
Serenity in disguise .. A gaggle of geese gently slice the surface as thick fog plays into mornings hand .  Cattails , Reeds and fallen timber deflect each waves crescendo .. Childhood memories of cane poles and tin cans , river rocks skipped across mirrored waters ...
Copyright December 12 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Daybreak paints her masterpiece , Gods acreage enveloped in frost , coalesced with the voice of Crow and Mourning Doves .. I would cherish a songbirds view of Mother Natures windfall at this very hour .
Copyright December 13 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Dec 2015
Michael L
We are born with a song in our heart.
One unique song, the world needs to hear.
No one else knows the lyrics, only YOU.
Fear begins to silence our song.
Ignore fear, do not be shy, do not ask why ...
*... Just fly!
 Dec 2015
inspired by
Lidi Minuet
and her poem

I found an egg of crystal
it had a little crack
though beautiful as opals
integrity it lacked

I asked the Lord to help me
"whatever should I do?"
He told me to go and plant it
when the day was new

and so I looked for soil
but no soft could be found
so I planted my wee egg
in hard, forbidding

I watered it with tears
for others suffering lack
and after a little while
the ground
began to

a tentative green sprout
pushed up its tender head
it grew up from the rocky ground
I had thought so dead!

I continued watering
I knew naught else to do
and a tulip flower appeared
the lightest
eggshell blue!

I watered then in earnest!
I wanted for to see
that flower strong and healthy
and what it'd bloom to be!

slowly the petals opened
and lo! there fast emerged
a'singing and a'fluttering
a little crystal bird!

out of the light blue flower
the creature dipped and soared
it was then I realized
my hope had been restored!

flying 'round my head
its feathers sent off light
as brilliant as a diamond
shattering the night

it was only then I realized
as the darkness fell apart
the soil was life's hardships
and the
had been my


(C) 12/17/2015
I know every trouble i experience
now is nothing compared
to the joy of God.

I must remember that
J esus
O thers
    Y ourself

In just that order.

repost this piece if you will
I'm proud of it
it has a great message l think
people should read!

 Dec 2015
CA Guilfoyle
Swift, the rain in colors grey
black the daylight whisked away
by steely skies, charcoal smudged
the ashen clouds amid blowing winds
surreal this field, this pelted land
the scream of hurried birds, that scatter
 Dec 2015
Duncan Grant Bell
A light in the dark
A flame from a spark
In the most hopeless place
Even there is Your grace
Even when I was dead
You kept me fed
My sin had me captive
But You were still active
In changing my heart
It was always You from the start
You make me better
You wrote me a letter
Of instruction and love
Sent from above
Despite my thoughts of the day
You're the one that remains the same
Despite the desires within me
You remain my reality
I am so grateful for You
Make my heart brand new
Now within my soul is a fire
Burning brighter and brighter
Forgive me for my inconsistency
And help me be a better me
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