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 May 2015
Awesome Annie
He always comes back,
reeking of regret and apology,
Hands unsteady and shaking.

Soft knocks on my door,
I always pause for four,
bracing myself as I answer.

He looks the same,
carmel skin and strong jawed,
Silence forgotten in embrace,
yet intimacy is stale.

Flooding with tainted memories,
He pours out tears I can't catch,
broken promises I can't mend,
wishes I can't grant.

This is the last time..
please he breathes into my hair,
pleading for refuge.
I know he is seeking sanctuary,
but he's already left me in ruin.

He always comes back,
for that desecrated relic of a heart,
that he won't leave behind.
 May 2015
Awesome Annie
I struck a match and held it close, setting it all a blaze. Watching it on bended knee, observing through the haze.

When all this is finally over, I'm hoping that I can cry. Been waiting to escape for so long, that I can't remember why.

Smoke fills lungs to steal my breath, choked I can not breathe. I know that I am absolute, to love is to deceive.

I see it all in ruin now, as fire erupts in euphoric waves. Every dream I ever had, now lay in empty graves.

Wild it burns with furry, warming my pretty face. Smoldering all the hope I had left, leaving me cursed to this lonely place.
 May 2015
Awesome Annie
She must be my purest truth, a trickery of light. The part of me that has to stand, screaming silence into the night.

I prefer my silhouette, as my reflection is a disguise. Something waiting to spill out, darkness shaded through my eyes.

She walks with me and whispers doubt, this extension of my being. Never having to pay much mind, to the heartache I keep leaving.

Keeping all my secrets, she mimic's every move I make. Struggling with my sanity, and how my minds about to break.

I am light while she is dark, this Shadow next to me. Merging with my identity, becoming this contradiction that you see.
 May 2015
Mike Essig
It takes courage to live in a world
that doesn't love you.
But it takes a warrior's heart
to love it anyhow.

For all who have so graciously liked this poem, "Cante Tinza" is Lakota Sioux and means "warrior's heart."
 May 2015
IvyB Xx
I didn't know I could feel this way, particularly for you.
Its like you knew what you were doing when I fell for you.
Then when I finally owned up to it you hid back and consumed yourself in the darkness, blending in with the crowd.
Now I latch onto anything to free my thoughts from you.
Yet no one can help for they cant see,
That the only one that can cure me is yourself, but that wont do much since you're the reason for my tears.
Ivy Botticelli
 May 2015
IvyB Xx
"Falling for you was the most adventurous thing I have ever done.
Going against all of my beliefs and traditions, I dived right in.
I decided I would be the one that would search and accept your flaws along with your beauty but I wouldn't dare tell you that they look exactly the same to me.
My words can do no justice to the gracefulness of your movement or captivating sound that is your voice.
The detail of your eyes cannot be expressed as the beauty of them runs too deep and the velvet touch of your fingertips to precious too tell.
You're not my first love and you may not be my last but one thing I am certain of is I am falling for you"
Ivy Botticelli
 May 2015
trickle down my throat
like *
bloodied water.
As the day dies sun to west slants
my hands water the few potted plants
an evening dawns in melancholic hush
pesters my mood the cawing corvus!

The nose in the air polished jackdaw
can’t fathom why men break nature’s law
wipe out forests root out the green
then on the roof try to grow seedling!

Why at all shrink the men so smart
stretches of wood to build habitat
all the clever brains profound and wise
destroy wastelands to madly urbanize!

The corvus his eyes speak of dark scare
frightened beak caws how is unfair
denuding of trees in insane haste
leaving scarce space to build him a nest!
 May 2015
It's far beyond perception
Or even resolve
Enticed by redemption
Their parasitical call

We draw less conclusions
Blind in duress
The bloodshed solution
Another day in the west...
The majority of Americans follow their mindset and not their hearts.
 May 2015
Tyler Durden
I fell behind because I was too busy pushing you forward.
 May 2015
that pain ****** me
  off strikes me right in my face
I so want your ellipsis
  all around my tangents
the fighting gets
   into my veins
makes me
       brave drunk want
to approach the touching
   manifold in a vector
you may not realize
infinitely close to
   crossing the line of the
curve becoming a secant
  chord ripping through geometry.
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