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 Sep 2021
the first law of thermodynamics states that:
energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only altered

the dictionary defines death as
the cessation of life

this is contradictory
as all life is equivalent to energy
life cannot be destroyed,
only altered

and so,
"death" is just the transfer of your energy
to microorganisms who feed on your body
who then continue the cycle
dispersing your energy across the universe

so why be afraid of it?

death as you know it
does not exist
you are afraid of nothing
why be afraid of anything?

why be afraid to talk to your crush?
to talk to the person on the bus?
to give to someone all your trust?
to accept former actions as unjust?

you live
you learn
you transfer your energy
and the cycle continues for all eternity

you are the culmination of trillions of years of work
and the producer of infinite more
step down from your fears
let the story unfold
say hi to a stranger today
 Sep 2021
Sarita Aditya Verma
There are reasons to smile
In gratitude for all the good times
Wrapped away in a warm blanket
Of summertime

Sweet sunshine of nostalgia streams
Through the growing years of memories
Unpacked and dusted through masks
The antiques got a golden makeover
Polished and restored to their prime

Ash from the sacred fire rose
Sandalwood incense lit close
Fragrance of the past lingers
On the sunlit doors

Blending the old and new within
Hopes renewed and happiness felt
Laughter echoed through the corridors
Lighting up the eyes of old and wise
 Sep 2021
You were the fire,
A beautiful, glowing light,
And I was the oxygen.

You said,
You could not function without me,
But all that meant was,
You were using me,
Consuming me,
To glow forever brighter.
- Nought
 Sep 2021
Each night as I'm stuck in bed
My eyes our sewed opened
So I could relive all my sins
I lay each one out on bulletin board
In my mind
Connecting each one to one another
With simple red yarn
Im trying to pinpoint
the exact moment
My life became filled with
secret regrets
Its suffocating me
I want to speak up
To tell some other living soul about
All the bumps and bruises
That is my life
That is me
But i cant
So I lay with my dry eyes
Unable to blink
Regret is tortuous
 Sep 2021
you warned me so gracefully that you might be unpredictable and reckless
but that only made me want you more
you didn't know yet that I fed off destruction and chaos
like a starved vulture
maybe it was you who should've been warned
 Sep 2021
Justin S Wampler
The only thing that gets caught
in a single strand of web
is fluttering sunlight.

Banded together though...
Quite the prize,
full of flies.
 Aug 2021
Francie Lynch
The older man seemed confused.
I slowed, turned in my drive.
I was just returning from the airport.
He fell on the road too,
And got a nasty **** to his left knee.
Later, I learned he had onset of the dreaded D.
This morning, I flew a plane,
Then slipped right back into humanity
From the mirth of azure skies.
Tip of the cap to McGee's "High Flight." Wonderful poem.

I think my writing is becoming more like texting. :0
 Aug 2021
i’m still heartbroken,
lost without the person i turned to when my world was upside down.
but you proved that you stopped caring,
just like everyone else before you.
i know i am difficult,
a mess that’s so broken you kept getting cut on the pieces.
you promised me you would be there through thick and thin,
but now here i am becoming a narcissist writing about the pain you’ve caused.
 Jul 2021
All is fair in love and war
Was full of it

Because how can something that burns so quickly and leaves charred corpses in it's wake be fair
How can something that uproots the lives of many while leaving the lives of those adjacent fine
It is wholly unfair fall victim merely for being in the wrong place or time

Battlefields consume souls
No matter their varied geography
The path is always the same
Destruction can not be avoided nor cheated
Like Sister Death, both lie in wait
Lurking and prowling to devour the unfortunate ones
Praying for fairness that doesn't exist
 Apr 2021
Poetic T
but always give everything.
 Apr 2021
Francie Lynch
When setbacks happen,
I get on with life.
If I didn't make the cut,
I moved on;
Sometimes continuing along the same path,
With renewed determination;
Or, find a road less travelled.

                                       I crossed the parquet tiles,
                                       Before a thousand eyes;
                                       She gave a polite rejection,
                                       Her friend took great exception,
                                       Before taking my hand in her's

There were numerous interviews,
When we two weren't the right fit.
I would move on,
Finally finding my hand and your glove were one.
There are no options, but to move on.

Then we got on.

Then she got on.

Then I got on...

Get on with your life

No problem.
Now, if I can only get along
With my life.
tip of the cap to Frost.
Never liked the phrase, "Get on with your life."
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