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 Jul 2016
John Stevens
As you travel into life's sunset before me,
walk slowly My Love.  
Wait up My Love.
I am not far behind.
Following in the foot steps
you revealed to me
as you My Love
walked in the path to a new day.
Watch for me. For I am coming.
It won't be long now til
we are hand in hand again.
Inspired by 88 year old friend Stan.
He lost his wife June to Alzheimer's
Shall I cover you with gold
and bow down to worship you?
When all you are is temporal?
Shall I prostrate myself before you
and beg you not to leave me?
Although you have betrayed
and devalued me?
Shall I cover you with gold
and bow down to worship you?
For you are an idol to me no longer!
I run to the One who is Faithful and True.
Who loves me far, far more than you.
At last, Lord Jesus,
You have won my heart.
And from Your arms I will never depart.
You alone are the Lover of my Soul.
And when You have tried me.
I shall come forth as gold.  (Job 23:10)
 Jul 2016
Gracie Knoll
Yet I know that the Sovereign LORD  loves me
For did He not give up his breath and die upon a tree?

The cross is not just a place where blood flows
It is a doorway through which the free must go

For every wound that I've received
And every lie that I've believed

I will place at the foot of that cross
And never again shall I be a lamb lost
We must enter through the door that is narrow and give unto the LORD all of our burdens and sorrow.
How I love you,
though you do not see.
Though you close the door
of your heart to me.
I have tried to win you over
with my love.
I have tried to melt your heart
with kindness.
To no avail.
Now I see it's time to
let you go.
Into the hands of God,
I surrender you.
That He may have His way
in your life.
I pray that you will come
to your senses.
To embrace all the good
He has for you.
And how dearly He loves you.
As I do.
But now...
I see I must let you go.
Out into the world
with all its pleasures.
Until one day it is no longer
enough for you.
And you feel empty.
And want to come home.
Home to your Father.
Home to my arms.
I wait.
I hope.
I watch for the day when you
will come up the road.
A changed man.
A humbled man.
A repentant man.
Who will be embraced warmly,
with arms of forgiveness and love.
There is love for the prodigal,
from the Father above.
I surrender you into the hands of God.
And wait.
For you.
To come.
Back home.
even if you never come back home.
I will have learned.
How to truly love you.
To show love.
For the prodigal.
Inspired by Luke 15:11-32, Holy Bible.
 Jun 2016
A Psalmist
What amnesia is this? I can’t remember.
Can someone wake me up, September?
I know what I know, or I think I thought I did.
I see what you’ve shown me and heard what you said.
But is it in one ear and out the other?
Is short term memory loss something I suffer?
I have seen your goodness time and time again,
And that makes perfect sense why I continue to sin.
Wait, what? That doesn’t make any sense!
Yet that’s what continues to happen after repentance.
I taste and see that the Lord is good.
But I don’t see and savor Christ as I should.
I know this must change if I want to draw nearer,
So I’m starting with the man in the mirror.
He’s broken, bad luck for seven years,
Of confusion and chaos about things unclear.
A response to an altar call, where that came from I can’t say,
But did it ever come at all, if he wasn’t altered in any way?
And I’m not talking about the 3 years still at home,
I think that pertains to my 4 years on my own.
I’ve been told so much truth and studied the Word,
But all for naught because I can’t recall what I’ve heard.
I sin because I forget, and I forget because I sin,
A vicious cycle with no apparent end.
I look at myself in the mirror, and want to remember when I go,
But as soon as I leave, he’s just somebody that I used to know.
And I wish it was a fault of the mirror, of why I forget so fast,
That it was the mirror that was broken, or at least made with stained glass
Because the reflection is of someone who’s stained,
Stained with sin and a stain on his face,
Both known by him, while abstaining from grace,
Because it’s this grace that makes him feel like a disgrace,
A misfit who’s been misplaced,
Who’s misused and abused grace.
Because I know I’ve been cleaned from all my mess ups.
But still trying to apply cover-up and make-up.
Trying to cover-up sin so no one can possibly see
And trying to make-up for what I’ve done despite being set free.
I want to forget these, I’ve wanted and I’ve tried,
To remember grace and forget what I’ve applied.
That I’ve applied myself too much and I’ve applied fake-up,
Trying to fake it ‘til I make it, but making myself throw-up,
Throw up my arms and say I can’t take it anymore.
I know I can’t remember a lot but I know I’ve gone through this before.
It’s a familiar feeling, this déjà vu.
It’s a familiar feeling, this déjà vu.

That I am annoyed with my memory destroyed,
That I don’t know how to remember and I forget how to think
And my chain of thoughts has a missing link.
When did I forget how to fight sin? That loving God wasn’t a chore?
Why can’t I remember the joy he’s shown me before?
When did I forget how beautiful He is?
When did I stop saying “He is mine and I am his”?
I don’t know if I want to know, I’m scared to find out
I’m afraid to readdress my old foe of doubt.
I thought he was slain; we had a battle and he lost it.
But I guess that wasn’t the case. He’s just a skeleton in my closet.
And he’s got a bone to pick with me, some business unfinished.
He’s back for round two and this time with a vengeance.
If he wants another go, I’ll try my best
To recall what I know, and pass this history test.
So what was it before, what truth did I heed?
How can I remind myself of what I need?
I don’t know…..i guess I’m history.
I can’t remember how I last had victory.
But just because I didn’t know doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
And that right there was the lie I was trapped in.
Two years ago was more than a matter of salvation,
I was questioning exactly when I had regeneration.
Was it high school? College? Was it still to come?
I knew I had seen change but where was it from?
But someone can know if they’ve been born, even if they don’t know their birthday.
And I can apply that train of thought in a similar way.
I don’t know how to love God like I used to,
But just because I can’t remember doesn’t mean I never knew.
Things aren’t as black and white, not a matter of hot or cold.
There are such things as infernos that start to grow old.
There can be blazes that start to dwindle,
But that just means it’s time to rekindle.
God knows we are prone to forget and drift into embers
But that’s why his word instructs us to remember.
If we could always abide, he wouldn’t give us those commands,
But it’s because we fall down does he tell us to stand.
To stand firm in our faith, fixing our eyes on Jesus
To look in the mirror and think of how He sees us,
How he seized us to clean us,
To redeem us and teach us,
To tell us to remember what he’s done on the cross,
To give us solid faith, and not be a wave that is tossed.
But don’t get me wrong, amnesia can be good because even Jesus forgets
He remembers our sin no more, they’re as far as the east is from the west.
And that’s why I don’t recognize the man in the mirror.
I’m expecting to see someone who’s no longer here.
The old me is dead, a memory from the past.
He was destined to die, never meant to last.
So in this time of personal reflection,
I need to see myself through Christ’s resurrection.
My identity isn’t in all the wrong I have done.
It is a soldier, a servant, and especially a son.
If there’s one thing I want to share that I’ve learned over the years
It’s that sanctification isn’t easy, but I urge you to persevere.
We’re all on a journey, and I say don’t stop believing.
Think of the praise we will be receiving.
“well done my good and faithful servant.”
Hearing that from the one who’s love is perfect.
There will be sin and doubt, persecution and suffering,
But oh the joy that comes from being with our king!
So I encourage you to remember truth and fight the good fight,
And don’t ever forget in the dark what you’ve learned in the light.
 Jun 2016
This month of December is of special significance, since it
brings the present year to a close, and ushers in the coming New
Year, which the spirit of Christmas enfolds! This poem is dedicated
to Catherine Jarvis of Arizona, and all my Poet Friends of this Site.
May the coming New Year 2016 bring peace and prosperity, leaving
old tensions behind! -Raj, New Delhi.

               By Raj Nandy

Out of the wilderness there came a man,
With staring eyes and unkempt hair ;
A leather belt around his waist ,
And clothes made of camel's hair.
He never begged for any money,
Lived in the desert on locust and wild honey !
His voice in the wilderness spoke of the Lord ,
And preached the arrival of the Son of God !

"Repent ye sinners," John had cried, "wash
away all your sins ",
In the flowing waters of River Jordan ,
He summoned all to be baptized by him!
Then out of Galilee there came a Man ,
With gentle looks, both meek and tall;
And looked at him and softly said, -
"Baptize me John"!
John at once realized, it was the Messiah
standing before his sight!
So he asked the Lord to baptize him instead,
But the request of the Lord must be obeyed !
As John baptized Jesus there descended from
the Heavens above, -
The Holy Spirit in the shape of a Dove ,
And alighted on the Lord's head !
Then a voice was heard from the Heavens, -
"This is my beloved son in whom I am well
pleased'', - the voice echoed and said!

Now friends whenever we seek His blessings,
and in His name drink our toast,
Remember that we are thrice blessed always,
By the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost !
                                                 -Raj Nandy
Alone and afraid.
Broken and lost.
She falls on her face
in the dust.
And then she hears His Voice.
Calling to her.
To come and rest.
To come and trust.
She lifts up her eyes from the dust.
She whispers His name, "Jesus."
He comes to her in the dark.
He speaks to her out of a burning bush.
She wrestles with Him each night in the dark...
"I will not let You go until You bless me."
Every anchor has been removed,
that He may be the only One left.
She clings to Him in the dark.
She lets Him hold her in the storm.
Alone and afraid.
Broken and lost.
She journeys through the wilderness.
She stops fighting the wilderness.
She lifts up her face from the dust.
Her eyes behold Him,
and He holds her in His love.
In the wilderness.

He takes hold of her right hand
and says to her: "Fear not."
He journeys with her through her
To the other side.
Where there is a land flowing with milk and honey.
But first,
she must journey through this wilderness.
Until at last.
She has learned.
To trust.
Inspired by a dear friend's writings and encouragement.
 Jun 2016
Sally A Bayan
I see a thin wafer cake, baked flat and fine
round, like a dime,
called the Body of Christ
i think of it as the bread of life

beside it, a cup...with red wine
known as... the Blood of Christ
quenches all thirsts in our earthly life.

one can't be without the other
never bread, without wine
never blood, without the flesh

i have gone this far in my life
i cannot be without both.


Copyright May 29, 2016

Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
 Jun 2016
James M Vines
When we have fallen and can't seem to get back up. Perhaps kneeling is where we need to be. Despite our feelings that we have really messed up, there is still grace for you and me. God does not close his door to those who truly seek him. We are human and many mistakes we will make. We are the ones who deny him and refuse to accept his gifts, of forgiveness and redemption. So when we walk away from God, he weeps for our troubled soul. Though we might be miles away, his grace does not end.
 Jun 2016
Aaron Combs
There was a dream. A dream of a
long road that led to
a rock. Beside the rock was a
snake and the pigeon
were meeting there,
the hummingbird
and crocodile were
resting before the grass,
and darkness was behind

The hills were flat
and the deserts was covered in roses.
The land was filled with animals of
every kind in perfect unity surrounded
by a lights of beauty and wonder filled all
along the rivers and trees, calming the
world with grace and glory and awe.

My mother were there and father,
my friends some which at a time
were my enemies, and my people
gathered waiting for me.
I was home. I was home.

The eternal honey from the rock,
poured upon our feast,
love and light overwhelmed
the atmosphere.

In turn, fear's face was crushed,
tears and pain was a forgotten memory,
illness and disorder was alien, and the colors
of seven thousand rainbows danced in the air.

The surface of music sounded so perfect,
flowers sung around our yards and
rivers of waters between our mansions that we lived in,
and perfect praise was upon our lips.

We were robed in glory and our hearts magnified
the living Lord, our thoughts were pure,
and our bodies were perfectly whole.
My house was filled with glory and perfect love,
perfect love. I was home.

Then I saw fire which echoed
the sound of the world before the room
where the Lord stood, and there was chaos
in the land before where He heard the Earth's cries.

The movement, and passion of the Lord's
tears filled this one room, and brought me
in such distress, what room was this?

I heard people's homes were torn apart by rage and
hatred, men were slaughtered and women
ravaged, echoes of countless babies
tore through the Lord's heart.
The sound of curses stung his eyes,
and rebellion ripped his veins,
we heard the devil's laughter,
and people worshiping evil.
The Lord wept.

I shouted, "Lord what can we do, we must
do something, is there something we can do?"

He said nothing.

And the river of blood in his eyes, filled
with such compassion and heavy warmth,
almost like honey.

He held my hand, and then finally
replied, "I sent my only son to save the world,
for how I love them, so that
no one may fall but have an everlasting life . "

And then suddenly I woke up with
His tears in my eyes.

Filled with perfect love, I arose
from my bed. I ran outside
picked up a rock
headed toward that road.
This is a poem I have kept hidden for sometime, it is my jewel. Now I feel it is time, thank you for comments! :D Hope it's a great joy! :D
 May 2016
James M Vines
When you feel that your past cannot be forgotten and the shame of it brings you down. God does not remember the things that were covered, he only sees the blood. When you stumble and fall and think how can I come back again. If you repent for what you have done, he only sees the blood. When others persecute you and question all you believe, hold fast to his mercy for he only sees the blood. What was past has been washed away, and will be remembered by God no more. For all of your sins are forgiven when you seek his mercy, for he only sees Christ blood.
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