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 Jul 2020
Monsters don’t exist
Still, we are very afraid
Because we made them
Monsters. A concept so often used to represent anything dislikable to society, which we are afraid of. Yet literal monsters don’t exist.
 Aug 2019
jeffrey conyers
So-called Christians, easy to notice.
Speaking out against this to create conflict.
While professing they adhered to God message.

And many of times they the biggest racists.

Some lead by evil church leaders.
Far off of scriptures vision for all of us.
They see color instead of love.

Yes, the spreading to the world a bad message.
But these the so-called Christians that around us.
So we pray.
Yes, we must for the so-called Christians.
 Jul 2017
Musfiq us shaleheen
I'm not anywhere
Build an emptiness
Not in somewhere else
When really i think
I'm not anywhere
@Musfiq us shaleheen
 May 2016
PJ Poesy
Nothing makes sense anymore
And unnerving of universe agrees
It just said to me, “Stop, give up, adore
Oh do I implore, you to freeze”

Causeways to galactic fracturing
Gnats swarming my eyes for tears
Saving their own life-risked spattering
Been tattering away for years

Finding winced **** gall to ingest
An antidote regarded too unreliable
Shooting up clouds with rocket tests
Only in jest, sounding viable

Criminal patterns keep moving
Through time, history, and now stars
All you can do, to keep on grooving
No snoozing will get you this far

Continued survival has cause
Find it, but with no outer influence
For you have been given no flaws
Find awe in your own existence

A crack in the sky has formed
Rain down solid answers to actuality
Hence, life and why we were born
Unworn from concepts of reality
 Apr 2016
Amber S
i've known the boys like him, the boys
with the gentle eyelashes and the
lip petals and spikes.
he touches my hair, twirls it in his fingers.
i am always nothing more to them.

i want to be earthquakes and avalanches,
yet i fold, becoming the beers in their guts, the ash
on their tongues.
but the way his tongue finds my pelvic bones,
how his calluses kiss my bruises.
his scent echoes inside my pillows,
denial like ***** bordering my throat thick.

the boys want my skin, to flay and wear it.
i am a prize, shiny and golden,
and he is licking my insides, my blood and guts.
like wine,
on his mouth, dripping down his chest.

i see how he stares at others,
calculating and timing,
but in the end i am the one, bent over, the one he says he loves.
(to ****).
and i wonder if this will always be this.
nights tasting like cider and ***,
knees scabbed and bleeding and scabbed and

he never touches me outside the bedroom, his
fingers glued to the bike handles.
i want to cut him open and see what's really inside.
 Aug 2015
Nessa dieR
How it hurts feeling an emptiness in my soul
Deep in my heart; a deep painful hole
knowing how much I need you; yet
knowing what lies between us:
A barrier I'll never cross;
A barrier of love.
How much we used to have
and now there's  nothing at all.
 Jul 2015
Mike Hauser
after all is said and done
after years of too much fun
i'll look back on all of this and i will see

that I spent way too much time
working this assembly line
in the wonder of where and why it's gotten me

no where nearer to life's bliss
when all i have to show is this
the misery of my own lonely company

with the only relationship i have
being the time clock i'm meeting with
and it's only a matter of time till it's done with me

so i'll just keep slapping on the parts
like a one eared artist who's lost his heart
and wonder when i look back if this is the only bliss i'll ever see
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