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 Dec 2016
Bjørn O Holter
There is a voice of comfort,
a poet of the truth
chords interwoven in every crack,
to lighten and to sooth.
Silken syllables singing
like distant thunders' clouds
to the lonely, humble ones
whose candles soon burn out.

A blessing from a being,
bestowed between the bad
who sat upon his whispered throne;
beaten, black and ironclad.
The boon from a saint of satin tongue
to those humanity fit;
humble thinkers, meek and strong
of kindest hearts and fathers' wit.

There is a voice of comfort,
for all who soon pass on.
When the darkness closes in
to where you thought you belonged.
It will pass you on with dignity,
mirror mentors of the Minoan
"Hineini, Hineini. Here I am,"
sings the ghost of Leonard Cohen
I was quite shattered the day I read Leonard Cohen had passed on, Only recently I'd aquired his latest album, released only weeks before his death. On this album, -as in most of his work, he was the comforting voice who was no less than the perfect friend on the late, dark nights when thoughts wander, grandfather clocks tick and cats purr. I owe him

"You want it darker, we **** the flame"
 Dec 2016
Keith W Fletcher
As if from out of nowhere
Gnarled Twisted fingers
With jagged rusting fingernails
Reached out ... Grabbing me
Dragging me... Back
From going over the precipice

Stopping the headlong tumble
Into that deep dark echoless Abyss
At that critical moment
Of complete systems failure
When the call of the Void
Seems impossible to deny

That falling through the darkness
Would seem as if I could fly
I sensed
The siren song was calling to me
As it had been all along

Just as I let Go ... Leaning in
Relinquishing control
Those wrinkled withered hands
With the Twisted gnarled fingers
And those rusted over fingernails
Pulled me back.... With
Strength  incomprehensible

Freeing a Sinister scream of agony
Pure pain and despair
Ripping out and splitting the air
As it rose up from the depths
Of that deep Darkness... that
Echoless void

Someone had reached out...
... To save me
So I turned to see who... it was
That had pulled me back
Wondering how it is...
... That they knew

There was no one there
Just the last fading remnants
Of a shadow on the wall
So I smile to the Fates
As I gather paper and pen
Making a note for my future
Lest I ever forget and Tumble back in

Then with withered and wrinkled hands
I Hold Steady to the notepad
With rusting fingernail adorned
Twisted and gnarled fingers
I begin
A whole different flight
As I begin to write
 Dec 2016
Austin Barker
There is a person inside
they're always crying
slowing dying in the dark
they never seem to stop falling apart
but that person is you before the world started beatin
late at night you can hear those thoughts whisperin
and you start seeing that knife as a light at the end of the tunnel
then you meet her that one person
who knows how your hurtin
she makes you so happy and everything seems okay
and you take her hand and make a life
until that one night when a man rips it all away
with the stab of a sharp knife in the night
you want to die and because you cant live this life
but before you go you want to make it right in your mind
so you set him on fire right there in the yard as a bold show
then you fall and let it all go
and you smile because you get to see your lover one more time
except this time its forever
just like you promised when you were together that one last time
she said she was your forevermore
and you said that nothing would take you away
you promised that you would never see that day
now you spread your wings and sing with her
she smiles and whispers i missed  you
and you say I love you
remember suicide isn't the answer
but some of the stuff you swear
all for love there's no more care
so spread those wings and fly
through the air
 Dec 2016
destiney dawn
Death, a word we throw around quite atrociously. One minute you're laughing with someone or maybe even yelling. You got upset over something so stupid and now your last words to them are " I hate you"

I just want you to know. I didn't hate you. I loved you a lot. With my whole heart I would have saved you. With every little being I would bring back your hugs. I miss them so much, but most of all I would bring back you.

I would bring back your jokes, all the times you aggravated me and I wanted nothing more than to be away from you.

Now I'm holding on to the moment where I took you for granted. I'm human and we do and think stupid things.

Mine was not loving you the way I should, the way I knew I could. My perception  of your character was a maze for my brain and I blocked you out completely.

Until, your hand went limp and you were colder than the water in Titanic. Not even a second went by before I knew I missed you. I missed you so much. I hope you know I loved you..
 Dec 2016
Ami Shae
the realization comes
my eyes are opened wide
i hear the constant drums
and lose my heart to the impending tide--
the moon pulls me
the sun shuns my heart
no one can really see
that I'm truly falling apart.

i cling to dry ground when i can
but the pull is calling
and slowly the sea takes over the land
as i drift out helplessly
my body afloat
my mind undone; taken by the sea
just let me float away
(no use in saving me)
i won't see another day
now that i'm floating free...
sometimes I wish it could be just like this...floating free. escape from all the torment, the anguish, the pain that surrounds me and so many others.
What the hell am I doing here anyway? How can I live in a country that has elected such a cruel, selfish, narcissistic man as our so called 'leader'? I am beyond depressed every time I think of the impending date of January 20th...
 Dec 2016
Rebel Heart
December has come
And time has passed
Who knew without you
This long I'd last

It's weird to think
You won't be here
For Christmas was our
favorite time of the year

Gingerbread houses
and the Christmas trees
Snowball fights
and the cold, cold breeze...

And you won't be here
to save me from the cold
or to wrap me up tight
at night as we grow old

And you won't be here
to chase me around the room
To steal my chocolate cookies
or to escape on a broom

All the nonsense we did
all the jokes we had
are frozen in place
in the Christmas past

And as I set up this tree
and light it up too
I sit here wondering
what do I do

I always love the Holidays,
but I'm thinking of you.
Of all the smiles we shared
and the songs we knew.

And you should know,
I asked Santa for a gift
But I know I won't get it,
I know, I admit.

I even sent a letter
My wish, I couldn't buy,
I wished and I wished
I still had to try...

Because if there's one thing that I knew,
It's that Christmas
Wouldn't be Christmas
Without You
I always wish for you...
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