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 Sep 2021
Francie Lynch
Shoes of all colours and sizes
Shuffle by my N-A Middle Class House.
We are temperate, they walk in all seasons,
Down here, between the Great Lakes.
These S-Westerners look haggard;
Even the young...
All waiting... waiting for the veil to lift.
Smiles are cracking, making new lines
Like road maps to happiness.
And yet, it's worse
In Talibexas, Loseiana and Floridistan,
Where there are fewer paths.
25% of new Covid cases are with children.
A couple of ******* States in America. I feel for those in the ******* states that want to do the right thing, but the ******* ******* that live there won't allow it till they have a few thousand more deaths of children.
 Sep 2021
All blood is precious
Blasphemy to spill
But some when it's let loose
Has a delicious, intoxicating feel
I used to think you were just rude,
but I guess you're a ****** too.
 Sep 2021
Francie Lynch
A new third world ******* emerged.
South of the U.S.
North of Mexico.
On the Gulf Coast.
Flag: Cantor, Black; Field, Black
Bird: Raptor
Flower: Fly Trap
Motto: Your Body Is the Body Politic.
 Sep 2021
who would know
   burns so sweet
      stings like salt
         reach so deep
            head tipped back
        twisted little girl
who would know
   fingers curled tight
      red stains faded
         nails deeply embedded
            tooth shredded tongue
        broken little girl
who would know
    who would know
        do you know
Get out of my head
Get out of my head
Get out of my head

I hate that I'm even considering it. I hate that I want this. I hate that I love this. I should really have just killed George.
 Sep 2021
Torn flesh haunts my nightmares and daydreams

My sanity slips away on crimson puddles that stain my thoughts

Numbness I used to fight with pain has morphed into a nauseating depth I want to fill with a scarlet flood to drown out the feeling
I feel so broken I want to **** myself.
 Sep 2021
w h y ' s
h a v i n g
o      n      e
a  d  d  i  c  t  i  o  n
l   e   f   t
s e e m
h   a   r   d   e   r
t h a n
h  a  v  i  n  g
s   e   v   e   r   a   l
 Sep 2021
You burned me  
We smelled like Mary and Jane
I laughed hard
Dug my nails in deep
As I writhed in pain  

I was too quiet
But I screamed too loud  
You didn't care
We were like fvcking kings    
Living in a cloud

You tied me up  
So I could stay resting in bed
Lied to me
Betrayed by a kiss too is how  
Jesus ended up dead
How do I stop being a fvcking *****
 Aug 2021
In pink she skips through the grass
She laughs at the butterflies
She basks in the warm sunshine

In white she soars through the sky
She jumps with the summer sun
She runs with the winter winds

In black she walks through the dark
She cries with the midnight moon
She screams at the stars above

In red she rests in our hearts
She sits among the flowers
She stands among the mourning

If only you could see us
Together again for you
All of us in black and red

If only we could show you
How many people love you
All the lives you’ve touched and changed

If only I could call you
Tell you how much I miss you
Tell you how much I love you

You didn’t have to leave us
You didn’t have to do it
You didn’t have to give up

I’m begging you to come back
I’m begging you to stay here
I’m begging you to live

I’m sorry for all the pain
I’m sorry for all the loss
You deserved to have better

Living was hard, I know it was
I’m so proud of you for trying
I can’t wait to see you again

“Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better? But because I knew you, I’ve been changed for good.” -For Good, Wicked
Last month a friend of mine took her life. She was 19. I can’t begin to describe the pain of it. I miss her more every day. Hug your friends. You never know when you might lose them.
 Aug 2021
            ­    In
Pretty girls get listened to
No matter what they say
The beacon of their beauty
Draws all eyes and ears their way.

It makes no difference what they say
It doesn’t have to make much sense
It only needs to be said to you
And it tears down your male defense.

Pretty girls can change your mind
No matter what your morals.
They make you do some things you hate
Without too many angry quarrels.

Plain girls, on the other hand,
Have a tougher row to ***
Attention passes over them.
They disappear like snow

They may put forth some  brilliant thoughts
Or words that sing with beauty
They may be models of success
As they go about their duty.

But no one really hears their voice
Or sees what lies within them.
They live their life in second place
As it’s the prettiest girls who win
I remember the mileage I got from my looks when I was younger.
 Aug 2021
I hate it when I don't get to be the cat.
 Aug 2021
You wouldnt like me when I'm drunk
Or perhaps you'd like me too much

Push pins sting
As they slide into my skin
But after long enough
They go numb
Can hardly notice the blood anymore
Fourth skins are shed
Leaving a raw innocence in it's place
Uninhibited by restraints
Such as logic
Or forethought
Blinders on too tight
Choking out anything that would be
Scandalous in daylight
A deafening scream
That's part siren song
Vice grip fingers
Holding on for too long
The Devil's wife has come to dance
Please walk away
Or I promise we'll both hate me sober
You always wanted me to get drunk...
But then got angry when I went home with your friends
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