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 Apr 2015
Dustin Matthews
Our lips taste of wine

Her naked body pressed mine

© All Rights Reserved
Dustin Matthews
 Apr 2015
b for short
I have lost my place
between your warmth and your chill.
I think I'll stay lost.
© Bitsy Sanders, April 2015
 Apr 2015
Sydney Ann
Once there was a midnight city
Where trouble never lurked
Moonlight swam throughout the streets
And I let it take me home

I who live amongst the shadows
In your deepest inner dreams
I who am a nameless figure
Who speaks with silent screams

A magical moonlit midnight city
Immune to plagues like pain and pity
My homeland I do hold dear
The secret place I'll never fear
 Apr 2015
Two strange jump but collided in the same way
Months and years of for keeps
The memory of having each other
Seem like everything will be okay.

Intertwined destinies in the paths of ecstasy where regrets and tragedies have no place indefinitely
Tears in pairs in joy and sorrow
fears impaired in fogs of hollow despairs as loved is shared in the friendship declared

Crazy, silly, happy and all extreme feelings
Stepping together in the sane destined path from the universe
Oath of having each other's back
And their galaxies explode into a beautiful disaster
So here's another collab with Jamie King. It's really fun to have collabs. It's difficult but tha magic is two ideas cooperate with another then it results a very nice poem.
 Apr 2015
Victoria Queen
Bring me your pain;
the hollow aching of your tired heart and the scars that run deep down to your bones.

Bring me your sorrow;
the loneliness that anchors you,
the hopelessness that has built its way into your core.

Bring me your suffering;
the silent storm that crushes you,
the infinite emptiness that consumes you.

Bring me your brokenness,
the sharp and scattered pieces of your dismantled self.

Come to me in fragments,
and let me love you whole again.
 Apr 2015
Tears streaked down her face like lemon drops
Her freckles akin to constellations
Glistens as they sparkled like diamonds
Even in her worst state she looks ethereal
Believing in her onus of relegated contempt. She knew she was right
But she couldnt move on.
Remembering yesterdays will only be grim.

She can never forget his sudden demise
How she wished she was swimming on whims.
Her conscience reminded her this was the best,
"The past will never be rewritten,
Fate is condemned
And it will never be changed
It will never be forgotten"

But she forgot she's still breathing
Her life endlessly bounded
To her heart's profound.
She's the master of her own
She can't change fate's surprise
But she can bring it to demise
She finally broke free like a lark
From speckles of lips that only tweets
But never succor in sustenance's bleak

She ran and flew
As high as the skies mimics the ocean's bare.
As darkness lurked forever hidden
She's finally free to go anywhere

To seek what enacts happiness
To solve jigsaws of desired puzzles
To breathe this life like forever has a last
To love and be loved again
*To live the way she wants to live
Something that just popped in my head.
I miss doing solo writes. so here I am.:)
You can't change the past.
But you are the master your own fate.
 Apr 2015
Timothy Brown
Hold on.
I have to clean this up.
I don't want your soles to get cut up by my lack of ambidexterity.
I'm right-handed but I thought I'd try this out with my left
And I'm not as deft with it, especially in the moment, but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway.

It's my fault... I don't know how to juggle.

I'm usually good with rotation but
between the dilation of my eyes and the inflation of my ego,
the sensation of being flippant left me in a painted tuxedo

And it's raining...It's been raining.

I'm not complaining but the paint
is running and bleeding; An apotheosis of Leonid Afremov
needing emotional content to prove I exist.

*I don't mean to be like this. I don't want to be like this.
I feel like it is missing an ending. All suggestions will be considered.
 Apr 2015
Mohd Arshad
If my dreams were full of wings,
I would sit in their cockpit,
And soar up and high in the day
And when the whole heaven is lit!

I would never stop flying
For life is ecstasy and errorproof,
And no arrow of failure *****,
And not below is the roof
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