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 Mar 2017
Anie Rose Tiu
I love you** because you have shown yourself to me.
Would you believe me if I told you that
I love you more now that you have shown me your scars?
I love you.
I love you in a way I have never loved another person my entire life.
It’s that simple.
But you don’t love me.
You never have, and you never will.
 Mar 2017
Rain Sunshine
c r y s t a l s

The tear drops were like crystals
mercilessly building up on her dark
eyelashes. Sniffing bitterly, she dried her
tears and stood in front of the mirror
trembling. She was broken inside and out
all she needed was love, love was the token.
She needed love to care for her neglected
heart as a glove of hope.
 Mar 2017
beth fwoah dream
everything of
me was choir-song

every bolt of
every summer
every drop of
cooling rain,

in spring i
melted like
a hedgerow,
in gold and

in summer i
gathered the sky
to my branches
green with shadows
of longing,

in autumn i trembled
downwards like a
girl unwinding her

and in winter i froze
on the doorstep
all black branch
and cold
rigging on
a barren ship,

everything of me
was choir-song and
i had the most
purple throat,

i was a soft
melody of love
on a strange
moody day.
 Mar 2017
I drink the quickest when I'm alone
Coincidentally that's also when I love the hardest
Wishing you were all here to listen to your hearts and
I still get waves of missing you
when I play songs on the guitar and
nostalgia makes me smile but in the morning my heart will harden
 Mar 2017
i was careless
as more often
i am indecisive
i'm used to say
it was me -
faults of my own

i guess i
made mistakes
more than
i can count
  - often they
knew im guilty
if so i let them
misunderstood me

i see it now
it was me
Raw feeling, i wanted to cry earlier, but can't cry to my own stupidity.
 Mar 2017
Micheal Wolf
I can say with up most confidence, that I knew not what love was, till I knew what love wasn't
 Mar 2017
Gregory Dun Aer
There has been rain clouds
these past few days,
I've been allowed
to love for a long time,
Maybe i should drown
the problems alone,
maybe it's enough,
I have loved enough.
You clouded my trust
And now I know
that I have loved enough.

I hope you find all that you're looking for.
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