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 Jan 2017
Alyssa De Marzo
Fists can only clench so tight
And I hold every ounce of pain inside
Never know where I'll be sleeping the next night
Behind my smile depression knows he can hide

My knuckles bleeding out my heart
The pieces shattered all over the floor
Holding on to my broken home
Because I prepared myself to meet the door

My body moved by anger
My heart overwhelmed with fear
Pills never seemed so sweet
I convince myself I belong here

In then out
I plan life to go north
Then it all crumbles toward south

I've been feeling a lot like rain
Falling into love but in love with pain
I feel more than the average human
just enough to go insane.

Well too late because
I'm crazy
I'm ******
I'm gone
I'd say I live my life in silence
But on the contrary I'm a living song
 Jan 2017
Paul Butters
The sea has gone to sleep:
Become a mirror of the sky.
Lapping onto the land
With subtle churnings.

It’s a brightly sunny day,
Uplifting the spirits.
Hardly a hint of breeze
As the tide creeps out.

I slumber in the languidness of *****’s beer.
All angst buried as I settle down to sleep.
That mighty, massive ocean is so still now.
Its monsters have been well and truly put to bed.

Blue sky
With lightly painted clouds upon the horizon.
My porch is warm today
In the golden sun.

Paul Butters
For Jayne Parrish, who posted a beautiful video of Cleethorpes Beach on Facebook this morning.
 Jan 2017
storm siren
Humans are stardust.
Nothing more
Nothing less.
We, being stardust, are also energy.
So we cannot be created
Nor destroyed.
Only reborn, constantly.

And I think there's something
Just lovely about that.

I think the reason some of us like the smell of gasoline,
Or the smell of a charred grill,
Or just things burning,
Is because that's what they say space smells like.
And think those few of us
Who enjoy the smell of gasoline,
Charred grills,
And burning things,
Are those of us who somewhat remember
Being nothing more, and nothing less, than a star.

And I think the only people who can remember being stardust
Are the newest and oldest of souls.
Because they're the ones closest to both
The beginning
And the end.

And, while I know it hurts to remember
Things you cannot fathom,
I think there's something beautiful--
Strangely beautiful.
Obscurely beautiful,
In having lived so many lives
Yet still remembering when you were the very first you.

Humans are stardust.
Nothing more,
Nothing less.
We, being stardust, are also energy.
So we cannot be created
Nor destroyed.
Only reborn, constantly.

And I think there's something
Just lovely about that.
 Jan 2017
Those sweet small words
Warm my blood to ink
Yours are like cold fingertips
Underneath my sheets

Daring maze
That pretty face
Impressions of beauty
Tender gender Grace
Poetically positioned
Upon the vague venue
Of your HP page

Short burst
Of Interrupted trust
Built our walls
As it must

Before you leave
If I could insist
I would beg the words
That describe your kiss
That fills my heart
With silent moans
Sweet lovely creature
Where do you roam
Traveler Tim
You know I wrote this about you
Poetess... (-;
 Jan 2017
Marsha Singh
All the poems I wrote for you
were fond hyperbole; your hands
were not the saving kind and you
tasted nothing like the sea.
This is now.
 Jan 2017
Alyssa De Marzo
Constantly falling
      But always on my face
World keeps turning
      And I'm running in place
Stuck in this hell hole
      But I can help others out?
I end up back where I was
      Just every time, a different rout
Questions unanswered
      Lost state of mind
The untold truths
       The streets beautifully unkind
Sleepless nights dark and cold
      Long days fuelled by caffeine
While the rest of you be moving on
      I'll probably be stuck in 2016
 Jan 2017
Within every heart's winter..
Lies, frozen carcasses of days gone by..
And flowers wither..
You know life's not worth living,
And yet you hold on,
When the Sun gives you the cold shoulder..
 Dec 2016
Alyssa De Marzo
Where do I go when the house don't feel like home
Who do I call when I've pushed away my own
When will I trust the people of this earth
How do I allow myself to learn my own self worth
Why can I answer others questions but never my own
And where do I go when the house don't feel like home
 Dec 2016
As this Sunday afternoon
writes itself into existence...
pine needles ****** fine
crowns of sunlight.
Depths of shadow have
entered into states of
reverence...along a pine
 Dec 2016
James M Vines
When I fight back you call me a *****. When I stand on my own two feet, you say I am a feminist. If I say I am ok, you think I am in denial. If I ask to be treated as an equal, you just politely smile and laugh. Who I am does not define my self worth. What I am capable of is not defined by my gender. I am placed into a box and  overly stereotyped.  I can be both strong and smart and still have emotions. I can be caring and sensitive and still be successful. I am not what you think I should be. I will not be told what I am because I am strong!
 Dec 2016
Blessings should
be counted, as one
would the sun
framed in a window...
blinded with gratitude.
As if what was received
was already given.
 Dec 2016
Alyssa De Marzo
There is no substitute
                 For hard work;
There is no replacement
                 Of time lost;
There is no time for regrets
                 About mistakes made,
                 Or excuses for failure
                 Of responsibility or duty;
There is no explanation for
                 Blind eyes to beautiful things
                 Or love gone unexpressed;
There is no time for excuses

                                                                                 *There is no time
I've lost too many hours
 Dec 2016
Kenny Whiting
So let me tell you about My God,
   one moment you will see;
Why He's the One I serve on earth,
   He means so much to me!

'Twas just a Baby sent to us,
   from Heavenly Father above;
Came here as just a mortal man,
   to teach us 'bout true love!

You see He made His mark on earth,
   and yes, He walked on waves;
I know He broke the Devil's spell,
   freed all who've been enslaved!

At times He made the lame to walk,
   or made the blind to see;
Then showed us all about real love,
   He died for you and me!

Not once a story's e'er been told,
   about a Greater Man;
Who's done the things none else have done,
   just following Master's plan!
Don't ask questions, just follow His lead and see the blessings mount!
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