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 Dec 2016
I think you forgot, one tiny little picture,
I have the power to hold the elixir.
I have the power to be me, for me.
To just be the person I want to be.
Step back, look, at what you've done.
You are the only one, that's left with the gun.
The gun with bullets, that pierce the soul,
with ice cold words, with which you stole.
You stole the happiness, of what we had left,
Leaving everyone with nothing but color bereft.
If black and white is all you see,
then I guess you've never seen the real me.
or the real others, for that matter of fact,
because to you, we are nothing, but abstract.
The rainbow stretches far beyond your eyes,
You'll never make us meet our demise.
Let us be, who we want to be,
Let us see, who we want to see.
I am gay, woe is me,
*I can be, who I want to be.
 Dec 2016
Mark Tilford
Your family they will know your embrace
That there is lots of love, than just a trace
Pray, that you will know God's grace
That heaven will one day be your home place
Pray, that you will never be deceived
That you will live free
Pray, that all your dreams come true
Your never blue
Pray, you will achieve all that you pursue
That all your difficulties you will make it through
Pray, that you never have to grieve
That you will always believe
Pray, your eyes never fill with tears
That you never know fear
Pray, you have good health for years
That any evil disappears
Pray, you are never alone
That love is all you have known
Pray, that you will always be at your best
That you are blessed
Pray, that you are never down and out
That you live free of doubt
Pray, that you never loose your way
That you trust in whatever comes your way
Pray, that you never loose your will to fight
For what is right
Pray, that you will always be wise
That you will not fall for all the lies
Pray, that you will always here I love you
That you are due
Pray, that you find the passage way to
A prayer for you and all
Merry Christmas everyone
 Dec 2016
Jay 1988
Holding hands together, three years old
in your hands on a winters night I find my warmth in the cold
We grew up on the same street, a few doors away;
we were almost the same in age you know but for a single day
They say we were made to be forever, even when we were young
sitting on the hole filled carpet playing little games, just childish fun
And when your tiny mouth smiled, I smiled too,
and when you used to laugh a lot, I laughed back at you
On the summer days at 7 years old, we’d build houses in the trees
And the folk from down the street would watch from their windows and whisper have you seen him with Louise ?
I held out my hand to pull you up, when you’re dress caught a nail and you became all stuck
You told me I’m your hero, I’ll could save the world,
But you were my princess in a castle, you’re a damsel girl
And I can rescue you from all the nails in the wood, my god, our friendship was so beautifully good
but I knew and you knew too…..
And when my parents divorced back in 83
you walked the 2 door walk to hold my tears and in your tiny arms you cradled me
You whispered life is strange and these things happen, it throws you a bad deal now and again
But I’ll always be here to pick you up, and boy there’s no shame in crying
In the school halls there were others, but that’s when I really knew
that in my heart you were the only one , in my heart there’s only room for you!
Together in class together we would sit, you in your pretty blue dress
I still hold my breath, my eyes smile at you and I’m longing to confess
and from the corner of my eye just now and again
I’d watch as you roll the tip across your lips of your blue inked pen
How I wish my tongue could roll across your rose red lips,
daydreaming of how I caught you in my arms on that day you slipped
still wondering just how you feel

And every so often you look at me Louise, with a smile so soft and sweet
I long to be five years old again rolling the red ball down the evening street
I see how the other boys in this school
Look at you the same way I do
And I get awful scared, that you’ll run off with one of them
then my soul will never be the same
In the backseat of your parents car, when we were 9 years old
Forever friends together we’ll stay, the promises you made and told
Now we’re 18  and known each other for so long
Are these thoughts of you really that wrong
Because I’ve loved you forever and wrote you cryptic love songs
Waiting for you to decode them
Do you remember many years ago at the Independence Day party?
My dreams came true as I drove you in my car, Louise you went there with me
your tiny dress wrapping up your perfect skin
I wished for only one second, the war with my feelings I could win
The others dance around us in the room, my heart was taken, my love was doomed
And when I held you, like a baby i trembled
Are we dancing ……………. are we moving,  
I looked into your eyes my friend I told you, love would always win
The last time I kissed you, was at my party way back when we were ten
We could be the same person, we know each other so well
We’re just so fitting together that much you can tell
And our lips touched in that room beneath the pale blue moon
And our song on the speakers was playing

We found the tree house we built when we were seven
It’s the spot I saved for a little piece of heaven
we did those things that young lovers do in the place our tiny hands created
So the tree house we made when we were young
Became the place I was laying when my faith begun
And the journey we both took to get to this place
Were the concrete foundations to keep us safe
But I’ll never forget that July night, when in my arms you rested so i held you tight
And below the leaves of the house in the trees,
I kissed your lips my sweet Louise
 Dec 2016
Alyssa Underwood
O morning sky of endless blue
Tinged with purply-pinky hue
You tell me of His mercies new
Whose heart pursues my own

O geese in wingèd winter's flight
Your honking cries arouse delight
And lift my gaze to seek thy sight
As wooing from His hand

O softest breeze which skims my face
And stirs with such mysterious grace
My soul to reach for Love’s embrace
You brush me with His kiss

O snowflakes falling to the ground
You pierce my heart without a sound
To crave a purity only found
Beneath a bloodied cross

O setting sun in half-light glowing
Waning day’s last glorious blush showing
You paint with fire my spirit’s own knowing—
This life is fading fast

O stars of midnight’s blackest sky
Paraded forth, you pull my eye
Toward One Who speaks this ceaseless cry:
“I’m coming back for you.”

O creeping fog to dawn’s light clinging
You whisper, Love’s veiled message bringing,
With haunting echoes faintly singing,
“Lose all of you in Him.”

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world."  ~ Psalm 19:1-4a

 Dec 2016
Austin Bauer
I love the peaceful,
undisturbed snow
that lays upon
my frozen lawn.
I love the way
the icicle water
drips upon
the ground.
I'm thankful for
my landlord who
came to plow the snow.
I savor the silence
resting in the trees,
and the sound of sirens
in the city below.
I'm learning how
to love the season
in which I once felt
I'm teaching myself
to enjoy
all the things
that I once hated.  
I hope this year
I can find
joy within the freezing,
and feel the warmth
of God above,
and love of
life so pleasing.
 Dec 2016
Alyssa De Marzo
I always admired Snowflakes
It started when I was five
They have the ability to portray
me better than any human alive
Not only were they unique,
No two of the same kind
The way they danced in freedom
Depleted my sea of thought and mind
I watch them violently falling
But... they fell with grace
They collect on every possible surface
Or melt on my warm face
Each flake built to self destruct
Much like every DeMarzo alive
Each of us too human
But it was how we survived
 Dec 2016
James M Vines
Twirling around in your embrace beneath a glistening sky. Lights from a thousand galaxies shine down with ancient light as we bask in the glow of love. Wrapped up in each others arms, we forget our cares as we move to the music that is in our hearts. Enjoined as one soul, we are knit together. Our fate joined until eternities end. I look into your eyes and see the reflection of a single star that twinkles just for our love and I simply melt into your gaze as we are dancing under the stars in a celebration of our love.
magic is breathing
pulsing in and out
from the watery roots
of your strangler-fig banyan
to the prickly pears that burst
diagonal white-heat lightning
an ancient courting ritual
between steamy stems
and thirsty cacti spines
primal liquid shoots
from within all life
like broken shards of ice
the falling stars came crashing
a billion or so years ago
a billion hungry seeds
 Dec 2016
Ronell Warren Alman
Persistence is the key
Hang in there and do your thing
Let no one discourage you
Think of the joy that you would bring
It is all up to you
Success is out there
Just reach out and grab it
Lift your chin up and rise above fear
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