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 Jan 2017
Pagan Paul
Once a little boy woke up scared,
crying and calling for his mother.
Once an adult man woke up scared,
crying and calling for his lover.

For the boy there is no answer,
his mother is just never there.
For the man there is no answer,
his lover being just thin air.

You see the little boy is now a man,
who only ever wanted to be loved.
The adult man was the little boy,
who only ever needs to be loved.

So put your arms around the child,
show him love and teach him joy.
And put your arms around the man,
remember, he really is just a little boy.

© Pagan Paul (28/01/17)
 Jan 2017
traces of being
Wondering through
the complex mazes
of the wind,
trying to feel beyond
what I cannot see;

trying to see beyond
   what I can feel ―

The echoes of the breeze
invigorate the stillness

The weight
of a world heavy
expands like the traces
of life lived
packed deeply beneath
jagged fingernails

Lost in the wilderness
of my soul,
a feral wind
abides silently
as I wonder alone
from end to end

...  side   to   side
through a portal
shapeless as the wind

Blinded by a collective
bioluminescent light
rooted deeply within,
intimately touching
crystalline fountains
as the deepest pools
of innate blackness unfold
in the wake

I reverently touch
the inward rhythm
where a heart strong
     runs alone …

feeling its
pulsing cadence
    quake and thunder
    in reach …

Rivulets thrumming across
the burgeoning blossom
of soothing netherworld seas

Washing away
all the memories made
like the shapeless waves of wind
moving the stillness

wild is the wind ... 1. 27. 2017
the answer is blowin’ in the wind
 Jan 2017
Ju Clear
Good mood music is what's needed 
With lots of hope on the side
Mad dog mybe a peaceful chap
Reflected on wars that have been fort
Mad dog might fight for peace with verbal exchange

Good mood music is what's needed
With lots of hope on the side
Trumpy too may have changed his spots
Don't believe the hype might be his fight
Fairness equality trumps mantra

Good mood music is what's needed
With lots of hope on the side
Billions might be invested in health care for all
Trillions donated to shelter all 
Minions with millions feeding the poor

Good mood music is what's needed
With lots of hope on the side
Trumpy likes our planet green
Investing in alternative  technology 
Changing the climate for the better

Good mood music with  lashings of hope
and maybe fingers crossed 
Trumpy and his crew 
Rule fair making America great again
Reflecting hoping for the best
 Jan 2017
Do not wait for me.
As troubling as it may seem
I babble on
breaking brooks
in my stone laden

Do not stop
or slow a step behind.
Please proceed.
I hope you find
the peace of mind
that eludes me.

Do not carry me
when I fall.
For I am far to broken
and each shard
of my being
is a dangerous thing
made of
silver and sterling
nighttime daydreams.

Do not worry,
I was in no hurry.
While you rushed into
the death you thought you knew
I stayed behind
to enjoy this time of mine.

Do not look back.
Fear finds its own facts
and sadly I lack
that spark which knows eternity.
Unfortunately, there is only me
here in the moment
on my mud rock
that pirouettes space.

Do not stop.
Go on and rush to death
because heaven or hell
awaits your final breath.
I don’t mind
keeping my heaven and hell here.
Whilst you wither and disappear
I’ll enjoy the crystal clear
running water,
the clean skies,
the beautiful animals
that you cannot take with you
when you die.

Do not worry one bit.
I got this.
Just go on my dear
I’ll rest right here
because this is such
a sweet and wonderful
but one time only life.
 Jan 2017
Two streets away
I imagine myself walking
Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes

Waking up with the world
As its beauty is still pale
Not yet mixed with the car exhausts

Two streets away
Is the silver wavy water
As it tries to imitate the sky

Bike wheels floating above the roads
Runners racing the sun
Music spilling from that one headphone.

Two streets away
I imagine my blouse fighting the morning breeze
The benches filled with the flowers' happy tears

The streets hinting of awakening,
As the shy face of the peeking sun
Warms the hidden chilliness 

Simplicity is the key
Without man's rough hands
Everything is just being itself

***** feet,
Asleep on yesterday's damage
Not yet awake to indulge in more*

● ● ●
September 2014
 Jan 2017
I like to go down random paths in the woods..
And by that I mean not taking the true path at all.
Avoiding the trail all together..
It was then I found this old red house..
Forgotten and empty..
But I saw a light on in the back window.
So I decided to look in..

What I saw was a very strange figure at the center of a bedroom..
She wore strange clothes and there was a beautiful ambient vibration sound coming from the strange objects that where all around the room..
They were all glowing the same color as well as a stick she was holding.. She then seem to draw a doorway made of light at the center of the room..  There was then a flash of light as 3 more figures stepped out of the light dressed nearly the same.  They retrived all of the glowing objects and went back into the door of light.   She then put down a circular object on the floor and finally passed through the door of light.  I quickly ran into the house and into the bedroom.. The light door was still open.  So I ran through!!!!!
On the otherside is...
 Jan 2017
phil roberts
Quixotically adorned
In a creaking suit of armour
Stumbling from set back to let down
I am learning to smile enigmatically
As though my thoughts are far away
Which is so often the truth
And my memories are bitter sweet
Because that's what they are

And so.....

Behind this slight disguise
I bumble and fumble through life
Assuming a face of serenity
A face which is not really mine
But one I wear for public view
My creaking suit of armour
Protects my vulnerability
And hides my secret heart

                                    By Phil Roberts
 Jan 2017
Nico Reznick
There are no right answers.
The sky rejects the birds, turns them
over to gravity,
embedding them in the concrete and dirt.
The grit refuses to become a pearl,
just as the wound refuses to heal
and the flesh eats itself.
The market sees a sudden spike in
sales of Champagne and cyanide.
Coordinated efforts seek and fail
to curtail the rising tide of violence
in the nation's dreaming.
You realise that this crude, barbaric language
that you can't understand
is your own.
Beauty glitches and pixelates.
Frightened, furtive confessions of love
are unheard over proud, visceral
proclamations of hate.
Tongues divorce mouths.
Every now and then, a voice
inside your head says,
The measures of sanity become
more quantifiable and
totally arbitrary.
The horizon
a noose.

It doesn't matter if this is wrong.
There are no right answers.
Spoken Word Video:
 Jan 2017
Rochelle R
I look up to the moon
Smile a hello
Ask how you're doing
Just to let you know
Here we aren't together
But I never let you go
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