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 Apr 2017
Lora Lee
       just like that
I am falling
unfolding in your eyes
layers of shadows unraveling
in polar-laced
              spirals of hunger
deep freeze melting upon tongue
an icy build-up
thawed in seconds
for my very cells burn
          beneath your gaze
as you take in the fullness
                 of my presence
     despite the smoky,
glass-paned haze
My presence-
     suffused with
          the darkness of silk-
          I want it to graze your skin
the most gentle feather
  stroking emotion
       coaxing out the
          firestones in you
           spinning them into    
a frenzied lava-slaked ocean
     and then those unexplained,
flurried lattice flakes
that somehow soothe and cool
within this inferno
of just-missed proximity

My essence
             is cast like a net
over you
as we dive into
         the volumes
as I pull the
heated visions out of your mind
             feel your heart's closest
  most tiny reverberations
           little beats barely heard
yet in some unlikely way
pump blood into mine
Undo me
as my wet blue pools
dissolve into yours
my trussed-up implosions
flowing out in air-spun tempest
Unwrap my defenses
          a soldered-up dam breaking
                 a glass tubular bell
                   hairline fracture quaking
Strip me bare
no need to even touch me
for the vapors of
your voice
remove the layers
of debris
like the steam of earth
irons out
the blackened quilt of sky
to reveal
the altar
           of our
 Apr 2017
with carnivorous eyes without a center
he's secretly moulding the void from behind
too many interrupted gestures
he's afraid we're going to laugh at his naked ****
he has sensitive dreams and nervous fingertips
such is the pain not kidding that he starts misspelling
his name
passionate like a colt, like a murderous silence
he doesn't mind he is a fragment
waiting to be taken somewhere
to an unknown love
 Apr 2017
Dark n Beautiful
The sound that broke the silence
around us..
and there we were making love
while I compose a poem of passion
using your strokes as my guide
capturing the moment of my creativity

I am consumed with guilt:
By not having an ******
Therefore as you know my poem is undone ...
I need that 70 ways to please my lover
 Mar 2017
Basking in postcoital bliss, talking between the sheets
catching our breath, giggling with laughter treats

Laying in the afterglow, tangled in the sheets
sweating cooling skin, and completing greater feats

Blissful in post euphoria, feeling quite appeased
finding comfort in warm arms, putting me at ease

Still sighing, touching, tasting, nuzzled in content
reveling in the splendor, our minds and bodies, spent

Let me drink, this moment in, before we turn to clocks,
wishing only to start again, as seconds ticking  mocks.

Snuggling together, eyes and hands so locked
wishing for ourselves, more hours, on the clock
Great minds .... He brought me there.
 Mar 2017
You see, I know what's real and not
To some degree
I know you're lovely,
crazy beautiful,
Honey in the sun

I have eyes
I know I'm weird
I argue with my daughter over which toys are hers and mine
To play with

Ive tasted "store honey"
And "wild honey"

Wild Honey

I wish to drip You
On my dry tongue

Steal you,
from the bees

Keep your golden self
In my glass jar


Wild honey
And a dream.....
 Mar 2017
Renée Brookes
3.05.17  /  8:00AM

No more. No more. Please, I'll stop.
Please.. Please.

He says to me after.

After, dragging me
from the living room floor into the bedroom.
After, lifting me up
throwing me down to the bed.
After, pinning me down,
my arms above my head.
After, spitting threats into my face.
After, muffling my cries,
slapping me until I stop.
After, I don't stop.
After, I cry harder into hyperventilation.
After, my breaths become shorter and shorter
making me light headed.
After, he realizes what that means.

After, he begins crying too.

No more, please. I'll do whatever you want.
Please.. don't leave, *
 Feb 2017
Ma Cherie
You can bite me hard
I will pet you back.

Ma Cherie © 2017
Inspired by my kitty LOL
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