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 Jul 2016
Denel Kessler
on the verge of wilderness
imminent silence*

the sun stroking
peaks aglow
the thundering falls
mist-kissed rain
the solitude
so rarely reached
too often breached

stillness loosen
untamed words
in the native tongue
before thoughts
became yours

to the wild
bear these
cryptic symbols
scrawled on
my halved heart
tokens of longing
for the lost
 Jul 2016
Rainey Birthwright
I loved you so
White as the swan
In purest snow

O white love
I will hover high
Let me sail above

I loved you true
Real as sky, oak on hill
Dancing in blue

O white love
Sing me eternal
In healing flame

I lost my one self
In the narrow straights
Sea depths, outer shelfs

O white love
I remember our face
Prideful without name

I wanted to wake
But was drowned in dream
A daymare you would nae break
 Jul 2016
Dark n Beautiful
I am not ready  to face this man
Who broke my heart into squares?
I am not ready as yet to look him full in his lying eyes
And asked him why did he made my eyes overflow
I am not ready to asked him if he remembers
  the birth of our child, the signal from the moon,
the last Friday night of fish and chips,
I Wailing and speaking in tongues,
being strip down to my waist
I was encourage by him to be strong
But instead I held on to his left hand for strength and support..

That trauma was only for a very short period,
My broken hearts will never heal,
My soul long for answers,
However, to reshape my heart again take courage, but to

* Forgive, sounds good
Forget, I’m not sure I could
They say time heals everything
But I’m still waiting…

Just before he said “How are you Are you okay?
To slam the door in the viper face once again is a step to healing.
 Jul 2016
Tim Emminger
I was out walking when it started to rain
I thought about running but continued walking just the same
I started laughing when I looked down at the ground
The raindrops bouncing off the pavement,
looked like little frogs jumping around
I'm easily amused

shadows of a dark world
the stars are cut out of paper
their blues unwinding the skies.


night drifts and drifts
its luminous notes
driven against a burning


clouds scurry and break
shiver along like silvery rivers
fold origami corners onto
the breeze.


tragic stage of a darkening world
i dream of flowers, i dream
of the sea.


your love sings out
and i am happy once more
bathed in dark rapture.

branches of black night
the rain taps on the roof
everything is unguarded
a bird breaking open the sky like
a dark tear.


our love, rooted to
the earth, scattering
bright oceans
tender as a star.


dance of love
limbs wild and joyful
lull of a kiss.


ocean breaking, each wave,
flowing back to its watery song,
flooding and flowing,
flooding and flowing.
 Jul 2016
Little Bear
you loved me like rain
forever falling

you cherished me
like the sun
as you watched me flourish
and then bloom
under your tender care

upon the gentle breeze
was your whispered devotion

and in that season
was a bountiful harvest
for where our love grew
will be forever autumn
 Jun 2016
Jude kyrie
Heaven wrote me a poem
In summers sun glow
The earth recited the words
In the sunlight below

The shout of the thunder
The kiss of sweet rain
The soft breeze in  my hair
To ease all of life's pain

The birds chirping  rhythm
The winds soft lament
The sounds of forrest
The songs of a life well spent.
 Jun 2016
Valsa George
Where encased is the secret of bliss
Is it encoded in any talisman abstruse?
Does it linger unseen on the face of angelic babes
Who with smiles and laughter create such heavenly vibes?

Can it be in the eyes of charming belles
Who hold the world under their mesmerizing spells?
Or is it in the heroic deeds of valiant men
Who on the face of death, undaunted remain?

Can we behold it in the brilliance of the rising sun
Or in the serene calm of the misty twilight dawn?
Does bliss hover on the banks of streaming brooks
Or on the heights of snow clad mountain peaks

Can it be with fair Venus- Queen of Love
Or in the arrows speeding from amorous Cupid’s bow
Does it glisten in the silvery beams of the shining moon
Or in the setting sun’s embers of amber and maroon

Can it be somewhere in heavens so high
Beneath the fluffy clouds quietly gliding neigh
Can sweet Paradise be the seat of  bliss
Where seraphs sing, angels dance and nothing is amiss

Nay, it surely resides not in worlds beyond
But here on Earth, in the union of hearts with love abound.
From time immemorial, man has been on an eternal quest…. a treasure hunt… a relentless journey to find happiness or bliss!  He found it so elusive….and thought it to be something dwelling outside himself, something like a mysterious charm enclosed in a talisman! He sought happiness in the smile of an innocent babe, the beauty of a woman, the sweetness of a flower, the sights and scenes of Nature like the rising sun, a colorful sunset, the moon  behind the veil of clouds….etc… etc. Some saw it in power, money or material comforts.   But do these things give us enduring happiness? Of course to some extent they can make us happy. Unfortunately our happiness stays only for fleeting moments and that too varies widely depending on our mental state..! Some think that happiness is with Venus, Queen of love or in  the amorous life led by those struck by the arrows of Cupid!  

Like a musk deer which looks around to locate the source of scent without knowing that it comes from somewhere close to its own genitals, we search for happiness or bliss in so many external factors . Bliss has to be understood in a wider connotation than mere happiness… It is perhaps a cumulative and purer form of all happiness…a state of unalloyed bliss. Though it is a rare possibility to attain it here, still we can reach a ‘near state of bliss’! It is not something that lies outside the frontiers of our immediate environs. It is within reachable distance, here on Earth itself. True bliss lies in the union of hearts in love!
 Jun 2016
Denel Kessler
I love you
like an eternally expanding universe
seen with the clarity
of a thousand Hubble telescopes
your swirling galaxies
artful nebula
tranquil skies
your solid core

I love you
in molten tongues
calling from the void
two nuclear souls
every atom undone
fused together
to make one

I love you
until the thread is cut
my free-falling light
so high on your atmosphere
reshaped by your gravity
a meteorite wish
sweet ashes
to your dust
*In Teutonic mythology, the soul is a star attached to the ceiling of the sky with a thread spun at birth by Fate, represented as an old crone.  Fate cuts the thread at the end of a life and the soul falls, becoming a shooting star.
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