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 Jun 2016
a thousand miles we traveled to see
your jack-hammered giants--we arrived at dusk
just as the torrents began, bathing your
chiseled countenances

we hid in our chariot of modernity
wipers flapping in syncopated time, Bluetooth belching
out words from kin, "have a good time,"
"sorry for the storm..."  

but I wasn't, for lightning struck
a blackjack pine, and four mammoth men
came to life, their sheen now electric, their long
mute voices once again a resounding roar
On our summer travels, we will visit Rushmore--I have a premonition it will rain while we are there
 Jun 2016
I sat down in the grass
With my headphones on
And listened
As the wind awakened from sleep
And rushed to play in the leaves
Turning the trees into
An orchestra of chimes
I heard the early birds
Up with the dawn
Join together in harmonious song
I heard flutters of feathered wings
And the song the cricket sings
Then I realized that during this concert
Of this brand new day
On my iPad I had yet to hit play
 Jun 2016
Denel Kessler
Cormorants face east
to blood-rimmed clouds
holding the morning hostage

they await silver
resonance humming
through weighted bone

wings angled toward
the radiant blindness
of an eternally rising sun.
pretty little bird
flitting around the garden
please don't fly away
there is no other sunshine
on this grey and lonely day
your swiftness and bright colours
they light up my broken heart
that's all that i really need
please stay a little longer
so i can watch, smile and
begin to forget
Dead heads stare from the wall

one can't tell if their glassy eyes
hold the relics of past life
or the sadness of having lost it
to the fires of royal pastime

tiger eyes look pathetically pleading
for re-stitching the stripes on the bones
leopard head growls only in anguish
of his spots being soft spot for target
the open jaws of the croc
can't still swallow the stuck bullet
awed eyes of deer is yet to sense
the muzzle that ruptured its innocence
the jackals, birds, langurs, civets
all frozen in the suddenness of the ***** out.

The hunter's head peeps from a dusty frame
having got his place of pride
among his game.
 Jun 2016
CA Guilfoyle
I have left the desert
to live in forests, under green trees
ruminate, drinking rose petal tea
my sipping cup of salal leaves
always I am watching the beauty
of birds, the wonder of skies
I dream into the disappearing
imagining beyond any ordinary heaven
with wings gathering gentlest winds
soft amid fog and cumulus clouds
coming, going, disappearing
how brief this precious flight.
 Jun 2016
Denel Kessler
I potted your healing purple verbena
comforting scarlet geranium
never will forget you
pink carnation
the roots were dry
so I added new soil
watered them good
they'll survive

your granddaughter
brought them here
along with "Phil"
the ancient philodendron
he's taken up residence
close to her bed
his elephant ears
spread wide and listening

I thought you would  
be pleased to know
she loaded plants
until the car was full
that she did find
a bit of solace
in the garden
you left behind
* Plants and flowers have symbolic meaning in many cultures.  My daughter brought home these plants from her grandmother's house after she passed.

Purple Verbena: *Healing, Happiness, Love*
Scarlet Geranium: *Comfort, Protection*
Pink Carnation: Carnations in general - *a mother's undying love*.  Pink Carnations specifically - *I will never forget you*
Philodendron: called the "loving tree".  "Phil" is an Elephant Ear Philodendron.

Interesting that she picked these from an entire garden, isn't it?
: )
 Jun 2016
This morning
I saw the smallest flower
tucked deep inside
a group of much bigger flowers
it didn't belong there
it wasn't part of the group
it wasn't even the same kind of flower
but you know what?
they were all getting along just fine
maybe there's a lesson to be learned...
I sat at my bench outside,
And a thought dawned upon me.
One I thought would write me some poetry,
So on it I decided to reside.
My face was hit by a cool breeze,
For some reason it put my heart at ease.
The wind moved gently on every inch of me,
My mind felt free,
And my spirit at peace.
Leaves dancing to the rhythm of the wind,
And birds singing songs .
Nature is beautiful,
Its innocence is hopeful,
And its glow tasteful.
 Jun 2016
James M Vines
Whiter than the sage grass seed of the fall field. Sitting in an Evergreen tree. Silent hunter proud and long lived. Keeper of the forest secrets, wise one that pursues the winter hare. Being seen only when it pleases you, you sit and wait in patients until the winds call for you to fly. On wings as silent as the frozen river, you glide down to find your prey. Then back into the misty sky as the specks of snow hide your escape. Always watching and seldom speaking, unless you have wisdom to impart. Oh Snowy Owl, sentinel keeping watch in the cold.
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