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 Apr 2019
Hadrian Veska
To speak is to order
To bring out of chaos
The form that should be
To bring structure
Out of the smoke of unconsciousness
This order is speech
The very Word we know called truth
It cannot be destroyed
Only hidden and feared
For it has always been
In the very beginning was the Word
The Word was with God
And the Word was God
There is one Word
As there is one truth
For they are the same
The Man Christ Jesus
The very Son of God
 Apr 2019
Hadrian Veska
At last we may rest
Beneath a blood red sun
The battle over
The day thus done
I pray it sets soon
Never to rise
And never remembered
Save in the eyes
Of the dead that lay here
In heaps and scores
Let us forever forget
Our ways of war
 Apr 2019
Death lives within these walls.
It seeped up through the attic rafters,
Settled down in the furthest recesses,
And it waited for me.

I know you, Death.
We become more familiar with each passing day.
You are the movement in my peripheral in an empty room;
The whisper in my ear originating from nowhere;
The hair on my arms and neck standing, unprovoked;
The unease slowly building within me.

The cat knows you, too.
I see her watching you as you move throughout the house,
Never turning her back to you.
She is protecting me.
Even when you call her name, she will not leave my side.
She arches her back in warning when you get too close -
Is she warning you to stay away?
Or warning me that you are approaching?

I sense you are getting stronger, Death.
I feel you when you slink up beside me and linger there -
But yesterday you touched me.
It froze me to my soul, and to the spot where I was standing.
Unable to move.
Unable to breathe.
Gripped by a terror I've never known before,
But understand I will know again.

My light is slowly fading into your darkness
And I feel helpless to stop it.
What do you want from me, Death?
And how far will you go to get it?
 Mar 2019
never date a poet because they’ll
expose your lies with the stroke
of a pen and leave you to bleed out
your sorrows.
Your compassion tends
the wounds of the
 Mar 2019
I must apologies
I have a tendency to project
It happens when I read
  A poem of abuse or neglect...
Bad things happen
Good people go bad
That was my reality
  The only one I had...
So hold on tight
To your poetry
and to your soul
You're similar
  To the way I was
Years ago...

I'm just projecting an old role!
Traveler Tim
 Mar 2019
Hadrian Veska
If in your dreams
I may intrude
To sit and watch
To think and brood

Pondering the pieces
I place together
Of your idle wonder
In coming weather

Your forlorn wishes
Your paths not tread
The love and wisdom
In your heart and head

And if I may
Indeed I might
I'll sail those seas
And from them take flight

To stand with you
Before that storm
The one I left
The heavens for
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