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I'm happy for others
I want to heal them
But can I get an Amen
I'm praying tonight
 Mar 2019
Chelsea Rae
"I am not the person I see reflecting
Back at me
In the mirror of their eyes,"
I whisper to myself...

I am not how they see me.

I am only
How I see myself.
Don't let anyone's opinion, or potential opinion of you, change you.
Be you fully
No matter the consequences.
 Mar 2019
Jack Jenkins
Settled for this setting
but wanted more
all I got
was war war war

The "righteous" stoning
breaking every bone
all their poison
sown and grown and I groan

This building  was to be holy
but this place is lonely
wholly unholy

Am I at any point better
to call the church a fetter?
silent judgments
& this severed letter
//On religion//
 Mar 2019
Chelsea Rae
I feel like a little kid trying to catch a rolling ball but my toes keep tapping against it every time I get close at all.

Instead I'm tripping and stumbling after my own heart.
Scraped knees and loose laces.
Ignoring all the laughing faces.

Somewhere along my way,
A boy looked up and noticed
All the disarray.
He thought it was cute
So he comes my way.

My heart came to a stop
Hugged up against the side of his shoe.
He picked it up, smiled, and said,
"I think this belongs to you."
Hello love.
 Mar 2019
Hadrian Veska
Oh, what do they know
Those that walk
And down there go
To travel paths
That shadows know
Parades to flow
In and down
Processions of death
With golden crowns
Two by two
They walk in rows
No man by himself
Is brought down low
It just goes to show
It's a coordinated effort
Between the devil and
Our fallen hearts
That without God's hand
We would be torn apart
And slowly drift
Unknowingly so
Down that path
To where they go
Thus follow shades
And to them become
Having denied the path
Of the Chosen One
 Mar 2019
Chelsea Rae
Do they know how hard it is to roar as a lion
When you feel like the mouse?

Do they know how hard it is to leave the nest
When this has been you're only home?

Do they know how hard it is to
Spread your wings and fly
When the ground is all you've ever known?

Do they know?

When they watch you day after day
They should know,
Shouldn't they?
How strong we are now that we mustered up enough courage
To jump
And soar.

Do you know
How brave
You really are?
 Mar 2019
Hadrian Veska
We are not one but we are many
Aspects and facets
Entwined to create a perceived whole
But our perception is limited
And we are unaware
That we are not alone
Even within our own minds
Other such beings are permitted
If only for a time to speak into our ears
A voice we think our own
To speak the greatest of lies
We have even been told
That true freedom is choice
When in reality where is only once choice
We are truly free to make
To align our will with God's
Or to choose not to
Any other perceived choice
Comes from a voice that is not your own
Listen carefully and you can tell
You know they are there
A multitude in your head
Those impure spirits
That hope to lead us astray
With the illusion of freedom
The freedom to bind oneself
To the depths in hell
 Mar 2019
Chelsea Rae
I hope I get to see the fear in your eyes ignite in wildfire.

The terror you turned down to a low burning flame as you locked in the chains.

I hope you hide away when you watch me break link by link, and drop the things that have weighed on me.

The princess you shut away in the dungeon, so afraid she'd take your kingdom.

I hope you watch me take back all that was mine.
My birth right.

You will fall from so high
And you'll watch as I rise.

I will no longer bow and obey.
I am the queen and you're about to learn the tale of
The slave.
I was just told how weird I was then I bought some crystals
I can't wait for my new wand
 Mar 2019
Hadrian Veska
Away and hidden
So fearful are we of our creator
That we deny His very existence

Further down and away
We delve to prove He cannot be
That we are all that is
And that we alone control all fate

Inward and outward we grow aware
The cosmos fills our minds
On every perceivable scale

In our great effort to undo our creator
We find Him both in heaven and on earth
In the pure order of creation we see Him
Witness Him and despair

As they did in that ancient garden
Hiding in their nakedness so many ages ago
Witness Him and despair

For His wrath is close at hand
 Mar 2019
Chelsea Rae
I love the warmth coming off his palms as they run themselves up my back.

Like hot stones that have sat out all day.

Passion heated like when the sun is at it's peak.

With a love just as bright.

Warm, hot love that I will continue to bask in.

I will sunbathe

Until I melt completely
Ahhh sweet mushy warmth.
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