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 Jun 2019
Jack Jenkins
You should believe in love, girl
One day it's going to find you
Love will say your name
and you're going to fall

It's going to be okay

When it's real and unmoving
At your side when you're low
Love will say your name
and girl, you're going to fall

It's okay
//On her//
If I could talk with her again, I'd want to give her hope.
 Jun 2019
Jack Jenkins
All I write are empty pages filled with words
Trying to let out demons I locked in
To convey that I'm not okay
I'm broken inside
Nothing helps
I'm alone
I'm dying
Nothing helps
I can't stop the pain anymore
Peace is just the time between waves of pain
Everything that is good that steps into my life
Gets taken away from me
Pushed out the door
So I'm sorry
I'm sorry
For being alone
For dying
For drowning
In thoughts not my own
I'm broken
Please leave me alone
You don't want to see me like this
You don't
Please go
//On life//

It's been a hard three years. I've lost everything I care for. So I apologize for not wanting to be alive anymore.
 May 2019
This very day I was snatched from the edge,
My toes were just teetering over the ledge,
My mind is as clear as a brand new fish bowl,
Yet I made preparations to cease with this toll.

A mixture of chemicals, low mood and fear,
Made me think I no longer want to be here,
While I love all who know me, doesn't prevent,
Stop the world, let me off, I'm done paying rent.

But a voice on the line tricked me into defeat,
Using guilt tactics, promises, lies and deceit,
So I'm back to the lull of survival mode now,
For a while at least, step off the ledge, silly cow...

(C) 2019
I crashed and burned today, with the clear and present intention to take my own life..
But I reached out and asked someone to talk me round..
And I did what I always do.... I write it away for now
My heart stills hurts
I can pretend all I want
But it still
 May 2019
Down at
the High School,
there is a ghastly beast;
His name is known as Janitor,
a Wolf disguised as a Sheep.
He preys on all the girls,
trying to gain their trust;
To have them for his friends,
was to him a total must.
But one day he approached me,
his words were sticky as glue;
Oh the things he wanted done,
I'd never, ever do.
I reported him to the Principal,
some other girls did too;
He was locked up in a cell,
with his new roomate named Lou.
I've been sitting
My fears
My shadows
My insecurities
My projections
My demons
My anxiety
My feelings of shame
My thoughts of guilt and blame
My worries
My mortality
My unworthy causality
My judgement
My vulnerability
My mistrust

And here we sit
Upon the carpet
 May 2019
Jack Jenkins
There is a fear resting on this brain
Fear of obsolescence too young
Use used up too early
Spidering across my mind's eye
It is
To be old at a young age
In body & mind
The mirror shows your youth but
Cannot discover the years within
Everyone says "You're so young you have your whole life ahead of you!"
(It's such an oxymoron, your whole life is only ever behind you... If people cared to think they would learn this)

y o u n g
Is it just a number?
Do I have to bury friends and family before I'm considered old?
Where is the invisible threshold that I must have passed when I was a child? Or a teen?
I haven't pocketed my third decade but my

I long to die but I'm scared to die so I just want to die so I stop thinking about death all the time. People will get over me.
If I'm (un)lucky my words won't be remembered
Most words are memories we want to forget
Yet we write them down
To the deep parts of our souls
Etch them in our marble foundations
Hoping out dreams will show them some nights
But I want to forget it all

I'm old ******
If you don't believe me ask my friends
If you don't believe them ask the dead
If you don't believe them stop reading
Because you were never listening in the first place
Just waiting for your turn to talk
To say I'm nonsensical
To eNcOuRaGe mE to lOoK fOrWaRd
When forward doesn't exist yet
By the time it does it's just more minutes
Stacked on my back
Days stacked on my back
Months stacked
Years stacked
Until you call me old
and I tell you I've been here the whole time

(You just chose not to believe)
//On life//
Tired of people and life.
Life and people are tired.
 May 2019
Sarita Aditya Verma
Here comes the day
With coloured hands and faces
To the music we sway

Touch not with intentions perverse
Its Holy
The festival of colours

Gear up with your water guns and sprinklers
Filled with organic colours
No chemicals please
Look for revellers dressed in all white
Drench them all in the hues of the rainbow bright

Munch on the Gujia, a sweet treat
Time for a rain dance to the desi beats

It's time to cheer
Spring is right here

Happy Holi
 May 2019
Edmund black

Magic happens

You And Me ;)
 May 2019
Jack Jenkins
friends that i've lost
i remember you in my heart
your graves stand tall and polished

   that you wouldn't leave
   that what we had meant something

i hate every time you go
without even a goodbye
it hurts more and more inside

   don't mean much anymore
   are an untold lie

someone take this damaged soul
i have no need for it anymore
just let me die under this moon
//On friends//
 May 2019
A struggle
In the disturbance
Of my role
A hormone
Pumping through my soul
Please free me
Let my weary heart beat
Open up my mind
Let me flow my ink!
Traveler Tim
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