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 Sep 2014
Orked Saerah
You and I,
We started off as a stranger,
Like a perfect destiny.
That moment,
You are dazzling under the sun,
You are like a star,
Which shine bright on me.
This rhyme is for you,
From my heart to you.
 Sep 2014
Victoria Queen
I watch the flowers wilt,
the vibrancy of the trees dull and
I'm empty.

I feel the chill that comes with the wind,
the earth become hollow and cold and
I'm searching.

I see the daylight fade hastily,
the sky dissolve to gray and
I'm reaching.

You are my endless summer,
my forever found in flushed cheeks and freckled shoulders and
I will love you until we burn out with the sun.
 Sep 2014
The last man alive
raised his gun
and emptied it
into the sun
as it sank
out of sight
left alone
in the night
he couldn't decide
what he'd won.
what will we do when
there is nothing left to ****
and nothing left to die for?
 Sep 2014
The Messiah Complex
I often feel alone
even though I 'm reminded
that I have family
that loves me

but sometimes

Family is just a mirror that
chooses to reflect every bad decision
you've ever made in your life
while hiding behind the glass

Sometimes, conversations are held
on one way streets, where sin only comes
in black and white, and the ones that love you
hold gavels between clenched fists

Sometimes, love looks like scorn
and hugs feel a lot like straight jackets that
leave bruises in the shape of hearts
and I-told-you-sos

So I'm alone, and a sinner
*tell me something I didn't already know.
 Sep 2014
Joshua Haines
Mother, Father
I am six foot one and I can see over the trees
I can **** mountains and bury my bones in the soil
I am six foot one and I am just tall enough to see the truth
I can look over others but I can't look over myself
My shoulders bend like a bow, waiting to break
And I can feel it all. I can feel it all.

And to you,
May your temporary smile be a golden forever
And your heart existent with or without hope
Let your brain open doors your hands cannot touch
And your chest not collapse when the smoke is too much
To live and to love with you is the grandest adventure
And to cut myself on your edges, bleeds into itself
And to live in your heart, is the biggest place I've ever found
And to kiss you until my hands break and there is no sound

And to all of us,
We're a dark piece of trash
Ribs are a cage and holographic souls sing
Disenchanted by the human experience
We're pretentious and objectify everything

And to all of us,
We're all light, we're all eyes wondering wide
And we all shine bright, some of us cannot hide
May your hands slant, slowly slinging
towards the bells that are slowly ringing
and may you strike a chord in all of us.
May your existence be a temporary forever.
 Sep 2014
and they dont listen
all they do is hear
you are
they stay
in and out
back and forth
you will sink and rise and each time crouched a little lower
till you crawl upon the floor
not unlike in your dreams
they are not nightmares
that word you save for your gruesome battles
with yourself
 Sep 2014
Edward Coles
I still care.
Sitting behind the net curtain,
I burn incense to cover the smell
of cigarettes and watch the street
fill up each morning. I may have grown
old and fat and short of sight, but you know
I remained as half a person with a childhood mind.

The bodies come.
Mass graves as far as the eye
can see, and yet still I think of you
and how you patterned your hairstyle
to the changing of your moods. I wonder
how you are looking today, how you are feeling.
Though I am finding grey in my whiskers, I still care.

I paint now.
Nothing special, just irises
from the neighbours garden.
I grew tired of writing  once I found
that there was nothing to show for it.
I am too lazy to tend to a garden that
creeps up around me, I have given up on

trying to out-run the world.
I still care. Somewhere beyond
cynicism and charcoal, I still care.
 Sep 2014
Bruised Orange
she wrings the morning
from her paint soaked dress, dreaming
dragonflies hover
becoming sunlight dancing
vast, her fields of flowers bloom
Adapting a previous piece (of the same name) to fit the tanka form.  Experimenting with something new.
 Sep 2014
You've rattled my cage
You'd better get out of the way
You've woken up the beast in me.

Sleeping soundly
for so many years,
the vultures
sat by
its side
figuring after that last breath
no other is going to be sighed.

I had paid the mason
made promises to the poet
they were working on its headstone
writing out its epitaph
all in very serious tones.

your vacuum eyes saw too close
your breath crept on to mine
your words spun fantasies
your hands shook me awake.

The beast's eyes popped open
this is where *** and love
love and ***
become confused
the beast
can't say
he can't see
doesn't remember what was written
on his epitaph.

"Don't feed or tease
or rattle the cage
better to let him sleep
that way,
that way
will remain the same. "
 Sep 2014
Michael Amery
Yours was once the voice I yearned to hear,
The face I looked for when I woke
And my favourite reason for smiling.

An addict to my phone only for checking to see if you messaged.

You don't message anymore.

How did to become reality that I no longer share every moment of my meaningless day with you?

Who speaks with you now?
Who fills your free time with mindless chatter coupled with the loving whispers of the devoted?

I don't.

I am left to wonder where we went wrong;
If love is not enough then what,
My dear,
Is the ******* point?

I can see my pain mirrored in the wet tears that fall from your shocked eyes.

Neither saw this coming,
But it was my 'strength' that ruptured the fissures of our personal issues.
Cracks allow the sun to shine through?
No; cracks are what love falls into,
Lost child in the well too deep for cries for help to be heard.

Leaving me a shell, empty of hope,
You, filled with regrets
And us just another tragic tale of love gone wrong,
But I am not Romeo and you are not Juliet
Thus we must live with our sweet parting.
 Sep 2014
**** them *******
before they **** me.


r ~ 9/18/14
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